Commit 4f843677 by LJM


parent e12942db
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"delay" : 0
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"Bluetooth": {}
"modules" : {
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"Barcode" : {},
"Bluetooth" : {}
/* 应用发布信息 */
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"android" : {
"permissions" : [
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"<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS\"/>",
"<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission.VIBRATE\"/>",
......@@ -45,86 +45,86 @@
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"dSYMs" : false
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"nvueLaunchMode" : ""
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"quickapp": {},
"quickapp" : {},
/* 小程序特有相关 */
"mp-weixin": {
"appid": "wx060bcd34e30d0db2",
"setting": {
"urlCheck": false,
"postcss": true,
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"mp-weixin" : {
"appid" : "wx060bcd34e30d0db2",
"setting" : {
"urlCheck" : false,
"postcss" : true,
"es6" : false,
"minified" : true
"usingComponents": true
"usingComponents" : true
"mp-alipay": {
"usingComponents": true
"mp-alipay" : {
"usingComponents" : true
"mp-baidu": {
"usingComponents": true
"mp-baidu" : {
"usingComponents" : true
"mp-toutiao": {
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"mp-toutiao" : {
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"uniStatistics": {
"enable": false
"uniStatistics" : {
"enable" : false
"vueVersion": "2",
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"fallbackLocale": "zh-Hans",
"softinput": {
"fallbackLocale" : "zh-Hans",
"softinput" : {
"navBar": "auto", //可选,字符串类型,iOS平台软键盘上导航条的显示模式,可取值auto、none
"auxiliary": true, //可选,Boolean类型,是否开启辅助输入功能
"mode": "adjustPan" //可选,字符串类型,弹出系统软键盘模式,可取值adjustResize、adjustPan
"navBar" : "auto", //可选,字符串类型,iOS平台软键盘上导航条的显示模式,可取值auto、none
"auxiliary" : true, //可选,Boolean类型,是否开启辅助输入功能
"mode" : "adjustPan" //可选,字符串类型,弹出系统软键盘模式,可取值adjustResize、adjustPan
"locale": "zh-Hans"
\ No newline at end of file
"locale" : "zh-Hans"
......@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
hasMoreData: true, //是否分页加载
is_watch: false, //是否看货
isRequestSent: false,
isStopRequest: false,
searchParams: {
mobile_wait_tally_all_search: '', //全量搜索
stock_in_with_stock_in_items_inhouse: '', //入仓单号
......@@ -529,6 +530,7 @@
* @param {Object} code_type 供应商类型(DigiKey,Rochester,TME,Chip1stop,Mouser)
identifyQrCodeNumAndSn(code_str, code_type) {
var self = this;
var device = uni.getDeviceInfo();
if (!this.isRequestSent) {
......@@ -536,10 +538,24 @@
this.request(API.identifyQrCodeNumAndSn, 'POST', { data: code_str, type: code_type, device: device.deviceModel }, true).then(res => {
this.isRequestSent = false; // 请求完成后重置标志
if (res.code === 0) {
if ( {
this.searchParams.code_type =;
this.searchParams.goods_name =; //赋值检索出来的型号
this.resetChange(); //清空数据
setTimeout(() => {
this.getData((data) => {
//TME 特殊处理
if (code_type == 'TME') {
//条件:后台搜索不到数据,则拿model2字段继续请求 只请求一次
if (data.length == 0 && && !this.isStopRequest) {
this.isStopRequest = true;
this.searchParams.goods_name =;
self.getData(); //识别二维码的数量和型号
}, 0)
} else {
......@@ -610,7 +626,7 @@
* 获取列表数据 支持分页
getData() {
getData(callback) {
this.request(API.waitTallyReceiveList, 'POST', { page:, limit: this.limit, ...this.searchParams }, false).then(res => {
if (res.code === 0) {
if ( > 0) {
......@@ -620,6 +636,7 @@
} else {
this.hasMoreData = false;
typeof callback == 'function' && callback(;
} else {
title: res.msg,
const API_BASE_USER = ''; //用户系统
const API_BASE_PUR = ''; //采购系统
const API_BASE = ''; //WMS系统
const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
// const API_BASE_USER = ''; //用户系统
// const API_BASE_PUR = ''; //采购系统
// const API_BASE = ''; //WMS系统
// const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
// const API_BASE_USER = ''; //用户系统
// const API_BASE_PUR = ''; //采购系统
// const API_BASE = ''; //WMS系统
// const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
const API_BASE_USER = ''; //用户系统
const API_BASE_PUR = ''; //采购系统
const API_BASE = ''; //WMS系统
const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
const API = {
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