Commit 071e2cc7 by LJM


parent 6d11b013
......@@ -40,6 +40,13 @@
font-size: 24rpx;
color: #197adb;
.icon-jinggao2 {
position: relative;
font-size: 30rpx;
color: #c6c7cc;
margin-right: 30rpx;
z-index: 22;
.tab {
height: 106rpx;
......@@ -70,13 +77,13 @@
.list {
height: calc(100% - 420rpx);
height: calc(100% - 346rpx);
.scroll-Y {
height: 100%;
.num {
position: absolute;
left: 24rpx;
top: 39rpx;
top: 30rpx;
width: 40rpx;
height: 28rpx;
border-radius: 4rpx;
......@@ -131,6 +138,9 @@
&.pb100 {
padding-bottom: 100rpx;
.fix-btn {
position: fixed;
"name": "wms",
"name": "供应链",
"appid": "__UNI__81E2D4D",
"description": "供应链面单系统",
"versionName": "1.0.0",
......@@ -43,7 +43,39 @@
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"sdkConfigs": {},
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"hdpi": "unpackage/res/icons/72x72.png",
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"appstore": "unpackage/res/icons/1024x1024.png",
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"app": "unpackage/res/icons/76x76.png",
"app@2x": "unpackage/res/icons/152x152.png",
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"notification@2x": "unpackage/res/icons/40x40.png",
"proapp@2x": "unpackage/res/icons/167x167.png",
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"settings@2x": "unpackage/res/icons/58x58.png",
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"spotlight@2x": "unpackage/res/icons/80x80.png"
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"app@2x": "unpackage/res/icons/120x120.png",
"app@3x": "unpackage/res/icons/180x180.png",
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"notification@3x": "unpackage/res/icons/60x60.png",
"settings@2x": "unpackage/res/icons/58x58.png",
"settings@3x": "unpackage/res/icons/87x87.png",
"spotlight@2x": "unpackage/res/icons/80x80.png",
"spotlight@3x": "unpackage/res/icons/120x120.png"
/* 快应用特有相关 */
<view class="abnormalTally">
<view class="input-box row bothSide verCenter" style="margin-bottom: 16rpx;">
<input class="uni-input" placeholder="请取箱号" disabled placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="box_sn" focus />
<template v-if="box_sn">
<view class="btn1 row rowCenter verCenter" @click="print()">打印箱号</view>
<view class="btn row rowCenter verCenter" @click="canel()">取消装箱</view>
<template v-else>
<view class="btn row rowCenter verCenter" @click="getBoxSn()">取箱号</view>
<input class="uni-input" placeholder="请取箱号" :focus="is_focus_1" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="box_sn" @input="handleInput($event,1)" />
<view class="row verCenter">
<text class="iconfont icon-jinggao2" @click="clearInput(1)" v-if="box_sn"></text>
<template v-if="box_sn">
<view class="btn1 row rowCenter verCenter" @click="print()" style="margin-right: 8rpx;">打印箱号</view>
<view class="btn row rowCenter verCenter" @click="canel()">取消装箱</view>
<template v-else>
<view class="btn row rowCenter verCenter" @click="getBoxSn()">取箱号</view>
<view class="input-box row bothSide verCenter">
<input class="uni-input" placeholder="请输入或扫描异常批次" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="abnormal_batch" @input="handleInput($event)" />
<view class="btn1 row rowCenter verCenter" @click="confirm()">确 认</view>
<input class="uni-input" placeholder="请输入或扫描异常批次" :focus="is_focus_2" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="abnormal_batch" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<view class="row verCenter">
<text class="iconfont icon-jinggao2" @click="clearInput(2)" v-if="abnormal_batch"></text>
<view class="btn1 row rowCenter verCenter" @click="confirm()">确 认</view>
<view class="tab row verCenter">
<view class="box" v-for="(item,index) in arr" :key="index" :class="{curr:curr==index}" @click="tab(index)">
......@@ -23,15 +29,19 @@
<template v-else-if="index == 3">({{have_close_box_num}})</template>
<view class="list" v-if="list.length > 0">
<view class="list" v-if="list.length > 0" :class="{pb100:curr==3}">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="scroll-Y">
<view class="box" v-for="(item,index) in list" :key="index">
<view class="text row bothSide verCenter">
<view class="text row bothSide">
<text class="num row rowCenter verCenter">{{index+1}}</text>
<!-- 左侧 -->
<view class="bar" style="width: 60%;">
<view class="t1 mb16">{{item.abnormal_batch}}</view>
<view class="row verCenter mb16">
<text class="t2">入仓号:</text>
<text class="t3">{{item.erp_order_sn}}</text>
<view class="row verCenter mb16">
<text class="t2">型号:</text>
<text class="t3">{{item.goods_type}}</text>
......@@ -41,7 +51,13 @@
<!-- 右侧 -->
<view class="bar" style="width: 40%;">
<view class="bar" style="width: 40%;margin-top: 30rpx;">
<template v-if="curr == 3">
<view class="row verCenter mb16">
<text class="t2">箱号:</text>
<text class="t3">{{item.box_sn}}</text>
<view class="row verCenter mb16">
<text class="t2">数量:</text>
<text class="t3">{{item.tally_num}}</text>
......@@ -109,6 +125,8 @@
return {
email: uni.getStorageSync('email') || '', //操作人邮箱
curr: 0,
is_focus_1: true, //获取焦点动态化
is_focus_2: false,
arr: ['全部未装箱', '美产', '商检', '已装箱'],
num: '', //异常数量总数
usa_num: 0,
......@@ -128,12 +146,14 @@
* 监听输入框
* @param {Object} event
handleInput: debounce(function(event) {
var inputValue =;
if (inputValue) {
if (inputValue.includes('\n')) {
handleInput: debounce(function(event, type) {
var value =;
if (type == 1) {
if (value) {
} else if (type == 2) {
}, 500),
......@@ -151,16 +171,27 @@
* 获取箱号
* @param {Object} box_sn 传值就表示验证入仓号是否正确
getBoxSn() {
this.request(API.getBoxSn, 'POST', {}, true).then(res => {
getBoxSn(box_sn) {
this.request(API.getBoxSn, 'POST', { box_sn: box_sn }, true).then(res => {
if (res.err_code === 0) {
this.box_sn =;
this.wsty_id =;
} else {
title: res.err_msg,
icon: 'none'
title: '',
content: res.err_msg,
showCancel: false,
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) {
this.box_sn = '';
this.wsty_id = '';
} else if (res.cancel) {
......@@ -196,13 +227,16 @@
* 异常型号装箱
submitAbnormalBox(type, wstydl_id) {
if (!this.box_sn) {
title: '',
content: '请先取箱号!并将打印的箱号贴于外箱上',
showCancel: false
return false;
if (type == 1) {
if (!this.box_sn) {
title: '',
content: '请先取箱号!并将打印的箱号贴于外箱上',
showCancel: false
return false;
this.request(API.submitAbnormalBox, 'POST', { type: type, wstydl_id: wstydl_id, wsty_id: this.wsty_id }, true).then(res => {
if (res.err_code === 0) {
......@@ -309,7 +343,26 @@
canel() {
this.box_sn = '';
this.wsty_id = '';
* 清空数据
clearInput(type) {
if (type == 1) {
this.box_sn = '';
this.is_focus_1 = false;
setTimeout(() => {
this.is_focus_1 = true;
}, 200);
} else if (type == 2) {
this.abnormal_batch = '';
this.is_focus_2 = false;
setTimeout(() => {
this.is_focus_2 = true;
}, 200);
......@@ -50,18 +50,14 @@
handleInput: debounce(function(event) {
var inputValue =;
if (inputValue) {
if (inputValue.includes('\n')) {
// 如果包含回车符,则移除回车符
const keyword = inputValue.replace(/\n/g, '');
// 执行添加操作
// 清空输入框
this.keyword = '';
// 再次获取焦点
// 执行添加操作
// 清空输入框
this.keyword = '';
// 再次获取焦点
}, 500),
}, 800),
* 添加
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<view class="column-box row bothSide verCenter">
<view class="input-box row verCenter">
<input class="uni-input" :focus="is_focus_2" :disabled="tallyData.detail && tallyData.detail.length > 0 && step == 1 && erp_order_sn !=''" :class="{ 'disabled': tallyData.detail && tallyData.detail.length > 0 && step == 1 && erp_order_sn !='' }" placeholder="输入或扫描入仓号" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="erp_order_sn" />
<input class="uni-input" :focus="is_focus_2" :disabled="form.length > 0 && step == 1 && erp_order_sn !=''" :class="{ 'disabled': form.length > 0 && step == 1 && erp_order_sn !='' }" placeholder="输入或扫描入仓号" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="erp_order_sn" />
<view class="action-bar row verCenter">
<text class="iconfont icon-jinggao2" @click="clearInput(2)" v-if="erp_order_sn"></text>
......@@ -31,30 +31,25 @@
<view class="column-box row bothSide verCenter" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
<view class="row verCenter">
<view class="select-box">
<picker @change="bindPickerChange" :value="index" :range="item">
<view class="wrap row verCenter bothSide">
<view class="uni-input">{{ item[index] }}</view>
<text class="iconfont icon-sanjiaoxing1 uni-arrow"></text>
<view class="input-box row verCenter">
<!-- 其他 -->
<template v-if="index == 0">
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="-1" :focus="is_focus_3" placeholder="输入或扫描" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="goods_type" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<!-- digikey等供应商-->
<template v-else>
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="-1" :focus="is_focus_3" :confirm-type="'none'" :hold-keyboard="false" placeholder="输入或扫描" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="keyword" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<view class="column-box row verCenter" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
<view class="select-box">
<picker @change="bindPickerChange" :value="index" :range="item">
<view class="wrap row verCenter bothSide">
<view class="uni-input">{{ item[index] }}</view>
<text class="iconfont icon-sanjiaoxing1 uni-arrow"></text>
<view class="action-bar row verCenter">
<view class="input-box row verCenter" style="width: calc(100% - 129rpx);">
<!-- 其他 -->
<template v-if="index == 0">
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="-1" :focus="is_focus_3" placeholder="输入或扫描" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" style="width: 100%;" v-model="goods_type" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<!-- digikey等供应商-->
<template v-else>
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="-1" :focus="is_focus_3" :confirm-type="'none'" :hold-keyboard="false" placeholder="输入或扫描" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" style="width: 100%;" v-model="keyword" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<text class="iconfont icon-jinggao2" @click="clearInput(3)" v-if="goods_type || keyword"></text>
<view class="btn1 row rowCenter verCenter" @click="identifyQrCodeNumAndSn()">扫 描</view>
<!-- 箱子基础信息 -->
......@@ -176,7 +171,14 @@
<view class="delete row rowCenter verCenter" @click="deletePic(index,i)"><text class="iconfont icon-shanchu"></text></view>
<view class="default row rowCenter verCenter" @click="chooseImageChange(index)" v-if="image_list[index].length < 4"><text class="iconfont icon-xingzhuangjiehe"></text></view>
<!-- 完全理货 -->
<template v-if="item.tally_status == 3">
<view class="default row rowCenter verCenter" v-if="image_list[index].length < 4"><text class="iconfont icon-xingzhuangjiehe"></text></view>
<!-- 1未理货2部分理货 -->
<template v-else>
<view class="default row rowCenter verCenter" @click="chooseImageChange(index)" v-if="image_list[index].length < 4"><text class="iconfont icon-xingzhuangjiehe"></text></view>
<template v-if="item.tally_status == 3">
<view class="btn row rowCenter verCenter disabled" @click="cancelTallyDetail(index)">取消理货</view>
......@@ -241,8 +243,8 @@
return {
email: uni.getStorageSync('email') || '', //操作人邮箱
is_focus_1: true, //获取焦点动态化
is_focus_2: false, //获取焦点动态化
is_focus_3: false, //获取焦点动态化
is_focus_2: false,
is_focus_3: false,
title: '',
step: 0,
keyword: '',
......@@ -326,7 +328,7 @@
* @param {Object} type 1箱号监听 2型号监听 3输入国家监听
handleInput: debounce(function(event, type) {
var value =;
var value =;
if (type == 1) {
if (value) {
......@@ -628,6 +630,7 @@
if (res.confirm) {
this.box_sn = '';
this.wsty_id = '';
} else if (res.cancel) {
......@@ -919,6 +922,7 @@
this.erp_order_sn = '';
this.form = [];
}, 2000);
} else {
......@@ -936,6 +940,7 @@
this.tallyData = [];
this.erp_order_sn = '';
this.form = [];
* 打印箱号
......@@ -12,30 +12,25 @@
<view class="column-box row bothSide verCenter">
<view class="row verCenter">
<view class="select-box">
<picker @change="bindPickerChange" :value="index" :range="item">
<view class="wrap row verCenter bothSide">
<view class="uni-input">{{ item[index] }}</view>
<text class="iconfont icon-sanjiaoxing1 uni-arrow"></text>
<view class="input-box row verCenter">
<!-- 全量 -->
<template v-if="index == 0">
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="-1" :focus="is_focus_2" placeholder="输入或扫描" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="all_search" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<!-- digikey等供应商-->
<template v-else>
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="-1" :focus="is_focus_2" :confirm-type="'none'" :hold-keyboard="false" placeholder="输入或扫描" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" v-model="keyword" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<view class="column-box row verCenter">
<view class="select-box">
<picker @change="bindPickerChange" :value="index" :range="item">
<view class="wrap row verCenter bothSide">
<view class="uni-input">{{ item[index] }}</view>
<text class="iconfont icon-sanjiaoxing1 uni-arrow"></text>
<view class="action-bar row verCenter">
<text class="iconfont icon-jinggao2" @click="clearInput(2)" v-if="all_search || keyword"></text>
<view class="btn1 row rowCenter verCenter" @click="identifyQrCodeNumAndSn()">扫 描</view>
<view class="input-box row verCenter" style="width: calc(100% - 129rpx);">
<!-- 全量 -->
<template v-if="index == 0">
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="-1" :focus="is_focus_2" placeholder="输入或扫描" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" style="width: 100%;" v-model="all_search" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<!-- digikey等供应商-->
<template v-else>
<input class="uni-input" maxlength="-1" :focus="is_focus_2" :confirm-type="'none'" :hold-keyboard="false" placeholder="输入或扫描" placeholder-style="color:#000;font-weight: bold;" style="width: 100%;" v-model="keyword" @input="handleInput($event,2)" />
<text class="iconfont icon-jinggao2" @click="clearInput(2)" v-if="all_search || keyword" style="margin-right: 0;"></text>
<!-- 列表 -->
......@@ -138,7 +133,14 @@
<view class="delete row rowCenter verCenter" @click="deletePic(index,i)"><text class="iconfont icon-shanchu"></text></view>
<view class="default row rowCenter verCenter" @click="chooseImageChange(index)" v-if="image_list[index].length < 4"><text class="iconfont icon-xingzhuangjiehe"></text></view>
<!-- 完全理货 -->
<template v-if="item.tally_status == 3">
<view class="default row rowCenter verCenter" v-if="image_list[index].length < 4"><text class="iconfont icon-xingzhuangjiehe"></text></view>
<!-- 1未理货2部分理货 -->
<template v-else>
<view class="default row rowCenter verCenter" @click="chooseImageChange(index)" v-if="image_list[index].length < 4"><text class="iconfont icon-xingzhuangjiehe"></text></view>
<template v-if="item.tally_status == 3">
<view class="btn row rowCenter verCenter disabled" @click="cancelTallyDetail(index)">取消理货</view>
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