Commit d12543f9 by LJM


parent ae61d0c0
Showing with 10 additions and 10 deletions
......@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@
* 修改子箱数量
alterTallyTagBySubBoxQty() {
if (Number(this.sub_box_qty) <= 1) {
if (Number(this.sub_box_qty) < 1) {
title: '请输入大于1的整数',
title: '请输入大于0的整数',
icon: 'none',
duration: 2000
// const API_BASE = '';
// const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
// const API_BASE_OSS_HK = ''; //oss系统 HK
// const API_BASE_WMS = ''; //WMS系统
const API_BASE = '';
const API_BASE_OSS = ''; //oss系统
const API_BASE_OSS_HK = ''; //oss系统 HK
const API_BASE_WMS = ''; //WMS系统
const API_BASE = '';
const API_BASE_OSS = '';
const API_BASE_OSS_HK = ''; //oss系统 HK
const API_BASE_WMS = ''; //WMS系统
// const API_BASE = '';
// const API_BASE_OSS = '';
// const API_BASE_OSS_HK = ''; //oss系统 HK
// const API_BASE_WMS = ''; //WMS系统
const API = {
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