Commit 581d7da5 by lichenggang


parent e75b7476
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ PROB_FIELDS = ["序号", "名称", "规格", "mpn", "用量(pcs)", "用量", "pc
"需求数量", "售价", "封装", "封装规格", '型号', '参数', '数量', '品牌', '型号', '类型', "quantity", "qty", "buy qty",
"buy quantity", "需求用量","manufacturer制造商", "manufacturer", "description"
"参考品牌", "品牌", "item", "厂商编码", "品牌/厂商", "参考料号", "参考供应商", "top面", "bottom面", "designator", "remark", "元器件",
"标号", "需求型号"]
PROB_FIELDS_1 = ['*' + i for i in PROB_FIELDS]
# 标准名和代名词的映射
li_category = ["类别", "分类", "名称", "类别名称", "类型"]
li_param = ["参数", "规格", "描述", "值", "description"]
li_gn = ["型号", "参考料号", "料号", "mpn", "厂商编码", "元器件"]
li_gn = ["型号", "参考料号", "料号", "mpn", "厂商编码", "元器件", "需求型号"]
li_num = ["数量", "用量(pcs)", "用量", "pcs", "quantity", "qty", "buy qty", "buy quantity", "需求用量"]
li_brand = ["品牌", "品牌/厂商", "参考品牌", "参考供应商", "厂商", "参考供应商", "参考厂商", "manufacturer制造商", "manufacturer"]
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