Commit a1a9ca22 by lichenggang


parent 9fa03841
import re, requests
from lxml import etree
from utils.mysqlopera import MySqlOperator
from mysqlopera import MySqlOperator
operator = MySqlOperator('chip1stop')
headers = {
import re, requests
from lxml import etree
from utils.mysqlopera import MySqlOperator
from mysqlopera import MySqlOperator
operator = MySqlOperator('chip1stop')
headers = {
'GP BJT[18,938]',
'RF BJT[103]',
'ATM UNI[1]',
'ISDN ST U接口[4]',
'Lithium Ion Capacitor[1]',
'无保险丝断路器 [2]',
'电涌放电器 [1,603]',
'AC inlet线束[2,288]',
'电动工具・用品 附件[13]',
'系统模块 - SOM[8]',
import re
for i in strli:
# print(b)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ from multiprocessing import Pool
import redis, os, traceback
from selenium.webdriver import DesiredCapabilities
from chip1stop.config import get_redis_conf, ENV
from chip1stop.mylogger import Mylogger
from chip1stop.rabbit_conn import producer
from config import get_redis_conf, ENV
from mylogger import Mylogger
from rabbit_conn import producer
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import pymysql
def get_env():
if sys.platform in ('darwin', 'win32'):
return 'test'
return 'produce'
ENV = get_env()
'test': '',
'produce': ''
UP_SET = {
'test': ('ichunt', 'ichunt'),
'produce': ('bigdata', 'bdYm2yy2mmyzlmlly')
def get_mysql_conf(db):
host = HOST_SET[ENV]
up = UP_SET[ENV]
conf = {
'host': host,
'port': 3306,
'user': up[0],
'password': up[1],
'db': db,
'charset': 'utf8'
return conf
class MySqlOperator(object):
def __init__(self, db_key_name):
config = get_mysql_conf(db_key_name)
self.db = pymysql.connect(**config)
def re_connect(self):
except Exception:
def get_ts():
return int(time.time())
def get_hot_kw(self, kid, condition):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT id, keyword FROM lie_keywords_hot WHERE search_count {} AND id > %s ORDER BY id LIMIT 1000". \
cursor.execute(sql, kid)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def check_kw_exist(self, kw):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM lie_keywords_hot WHERE keyword=%s LIMIT 1'
cursor.execute(sql, kw)
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result
def update_kw_count(self, kw):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_keywords_hot SET search_count=search_count + 1 WHERE keyword=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, kw)
def insert_kw(self, kw):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_keywords_hot(keyword, search_count) VALUES (%s, 1)
cursor.execute(sql, kw)
def get_no_bin(self, gid):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """SELECT DISTINCT(productId), id FROM lie_szlc_order_goods WHERE id >%s AND brand_id=0 ORDER BY id
LIMIT 100"""
cursor.execute(sql, gid)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_no_pm(self):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT productId FROM lie_szlc_order_goods WHERE productModel = '' GROUP BY productId"
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_gn_by_gid(self, gid):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT goods_name FROM szlc.lie_goods WHERE product_id=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, gid)
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result
def update_pm(self, pm, pid):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_szlc_order_goods SET productModel=%s WHERE productId=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, (pm, pid))
def get_no_bin_count(self):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """SELECT count(DISTINCT(productId)) FROM lie_szlc_order_goods WHERE brand_id=0"""
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def update_bin(self, data):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_szlc_order_goods SET brand_id=%s, brand_name=%s WHERE productId=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, data)
# szlc
def get_order_goods_id(self, iid):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(productId), id FROM lie_szlc_order_goods WHERE id >%s ORDER BY id LIMIT 100"
cursor.execute(sql, iid)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_bid_by_pid(self, pid):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor = self.db.cursor()
sql = "SELECT brand_id FROM szlc.lie_goods WHERE product_id = %s"
cursor.execute(sql, pid)
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result
def get_bn_by_bid(self, bid):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor = self.db.cursor()
sql = "SELECT brand_name FROM szlc.lie_brand WHERE brand_id = %s"
cursor.execute(sql, bid)
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result
def check_goods_exist(self, goods_id):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor = self.db.cursor()
sql = "SELECT 1 FROM szlc.lie_goods WHERE product_id = %s"
cursor.execute(sql, goods_id)
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result
def get_order_info_by_order_id(self, oid):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
# cursor = self.db.cursor()
sql = "SELECT 1 FROM lie_szlc_order_info WHERE orderID=%s LIMIT 1"
cursor.execute(sql, oid)
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result
def check_stock_exist(self, sid):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM lie_szlc_stock_info WHERE stockId=%s LIMIT 1'
cursor.execute(sql, sid)
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result
def insert_lcsz_stock(self, data):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_szlc_stock_info(stockId, date, productName, productType, productId, encapsulationModel,
providerMode, ctime) VALUES (%(stockId)s, %(date)s, %(productName)s,%(productType)s,
%(productId)s, %(encapsulationModel)s, %(providerMode)s, %(ctime)s)
cursor.execute(sql, data)
def update_lcsz_order_list(self, data):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_szlc_order_info SET paymentStatus=%s, orderStatus=%s, mtime=%s WHERE orderID=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, data)
# cursor.close()
def insert_lcsz_order_list(self, data):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_szlc_order_info(orderID, clientName, clientID, orderTS, totalPrice, paymentStatus,
orderStatus, ctime, mtime) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
# ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE paymentStatus=VALUES (paymentStatus), orderStatus=VALUES (orderStatus),
# mtime=VALUES (mtime)
cursor.execute(sql, data)
# finally:
# cursor.close()
def insert_lcsz_order_details(self, data):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_szlc_order_goods(productId, orderID, productName, productType, encapsulationModel,
productModel, splitNumber, productPrice, minBatchPrice, ctime, brand_id, brand_name) VALUES
(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
cursor.executemany(sql, data)
# cursor.close()
def update_img_by_goods_name(self, img, goods_name):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
UPDATE lie_goods_merge SET goods_img=%s WHERE goods_name=%s
cursor.execute(sql, (img, goods_name))
def get_total_page(self):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT count(goods_id) AS co FROM lie_goods"
result = cursor.fetchone()
if not result[0]:
total_pages = result[0] // 100
if total_pages % 100 != 0:
total_pages += 1
return total_pages
def get_first_goods_id(self):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT goods_id FROM lie_goods ORDER BY goods_id LIMIT 1"
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result[0]
def get_total(self):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT count(goods_id) FROM lie_goods"
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result[0]
def get_goods_info_arrow(self, goods_id):
with self.db.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
# sql = "SELECT cat_id, url,ext_fields FROM lie_category WHERE islast=1 LIMIT %s, 100" % start
sql = """
SELECT a.goods_id, a.goods_name, a.goods_sn, a.site_url, a.provider_name, a.pdf_url, b.url referer FROM
lie_goods AS a
INNER JOIN lie_category AS b ON a.cat_id = b.cat_id WHERE a.goods_id > %s ORDER BY a.goods_id
LIMIT 100"""
cursor.execute(sql, goods_id)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_goods_info_rs(self, goods_id):
with self.db.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
sql = """
SELECT cat_id, goods_id, goods_name, goods_sn, site_url,
provider_name,goods_desc FROM lie_goods
WHERE goods_id > %s ORDER BY goods_id ASC
LIMIT 200"""
cursor.execute(sql, goods_id)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_goods_info_master(self, goods_id):
with self.db.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
sql = """
SELECT goods_id, goods_name, goods_sn, site_url, provider_name
FROM lie_goods
WHERE goods_id > %s ORDER BY goods_id ASC
LIMIT 50"""
cursor.execute(sql, goods_id)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_goods_info_verical(self, goods_id):
with self.db.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
sql = """SELECT goods_id, goods_name, goods_sn, pdf_url, goods_brief,
provider_name FROM lie_goods WHERE goods_id >%s ORDER BY goods_id LIMIT 100"""
cursor.execute(sql, goods_id)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
# common
def get_cate_count(self):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT count(*) as co FROM lie_category WHERE parent_id !=0"
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result[0]
def get_cate_by_page(self, page):
start = str((page - 1) * 100)
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id, url FROM lie_category WHERE parent_id != 0 LIMIT %s, 100" % start
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_cate_by_page_avnet(self, page):
start = str((page - 1) * 100)
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id, url,ext_fields FROM lie_category WHERE islast=1 LIMIT %s, 100" % start
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_cate_by_page_arrow(self, page):
start = str((page - 1) * 100)
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id, url, cat_name FROM lie_category where islast=1 AND is_show=1 LIMIT %s, 100" % start
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_cate_verical(self):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id, url FROM lie_category WHERE islast=1"
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_cate_allied(self):
with self.db.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id, url, cat_name FROM lie_category WHERE islast=1 AND is_show=1"
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_cate_master(self):
with self.db.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id, url, page_count FROM lie_category WHERE islast=1 AND is_show=1"
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def get_cate_powell(self):
with self.db.cursor(cursor=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id, url FROM lie_category WHERE islast=1 AND is_show=1"
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def update_cate_status(self, cat_id):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
UPDATE lie_category SET is_show = 0 WHERE cat_id = %s
cursor.execute(sql, cat_id)
def get_cat_id_by_name(self, name):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id FROM lie_category WHERE cat_name=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, name)
result = cursor.fetchone()
result = result[0] if result else None
return result
def insert_cate(self, cate):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_category(cat_name, keywords, parent_id, url, islast, level, ext_fields) VALUES (%s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
cursor.execute(sql, cate)
def insert_cate_2(self, cate):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_category(cat_name, keywords, parent_id, url, islast, level, ext_fields) VALUES (%s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
cursor.execute(sql, cate)
def insert_cate_3(self, cate):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_category(cat_name, keywords, parent_id, url, islast, level, supplier_id) VALUES (%s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)
cursor.execute(sql, cate)
def update_cate(self, cate_name, page):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
UPDATE lie_category SET page_count = %s WHERE cat_name = %s
cursor.execute(sql, (page, cate_name))
def get_parent_id(self, name):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT cat_id FROM lie_category WHERE cat_name = %s"
cursor.execute(sql, name)
result = cursor.fetchone()
result = result[0] if result else None
return result
def get_goods_id_by_goods_sn(self, gs):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT goods_id FROM lie_goods WHERE goods_sn=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, gs)
result = cursor.fetchone()
result = result[0] if result else None
return result
def get_brand_id_by_brand_name(self, bn):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT brand_id FROM lie_brand WHERE brand_name=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, (bn,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
result = result[0] if result else 0
return result
def add_goods(self, goods):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
goods['add_time'] = self.get_ts()
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_goods(cat_id, goods_sn, goods_name, goods_name_style, provider_name, brand_id,
goods_number, min_buynum, goods_brief, goods_desc, goods_thumb, goods_img, site_url, pdf_url,
add_time) VALUES
(%(cat_id)s, %(goods_sn)s, %(goods_name)s, %(goods_name_style)s, %(provider_name)s, %(brand_id)s,
%(goods_number)s, %(min_buynum)s, %(goods_brief)s, %(goods_desc)s, %(goods_thumb)s, %(goods_img)s,
%(site_url)s, %(pdf_url)s, %(add_time)s)
cursor.execute(sql, goods)
def add_goods_company(self, goods):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
goods['add_time'] = self.get_ts()
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_goods(cat_id, goods_sn, goods_name, goods_name_style, provider_name, brand_id,
goods_number, min_buynum, goods_brief, goods_desc, goods_thumb, goods_img, site_url, pdf_url,
add_time, supplier_id, canal) VALUES
(%(cat_id)s, %(goods_sn)s, %(goods_name)s, %(goods_name_style)s, %(provider_name)s, %(brand_id)s,
%(goods_number)s, %(min_buynum)s, %(goods_brief)s, %(goods_desc)s, %(goods_thumb)s, %(goods_img)s,
%(site_url)s, %(pdf_url)s, %(add_time)s, %(supplier_id)s, %(canal)s)
cursor.execute(sql, goods)
def add_brand(self, brand):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_brand(brand_name, site_url, brand_desc) VALUES (%(brand_name)s, %(site_url)s,
cursor.execute(sql, brand)
def check_price_exist(self, goods_id):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
n = str(goods_id)[-1]
sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM lie_goods_price_{} WHERE goods_id=%s".format(n)
cursor.execute(sql, goods_id)
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result[0]
def add_price(self, prices):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
n = str(prices['goods_id'])[-1]
sql = "INSERT INTO lie_goods_price_{0}(goods_id, price) VALUES (%(goods_id)s, %(price)s)".format(n)
cursor.execute(sql, prices)
def get_attr_id_by_name(self, cate_attr): # (id, name)
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "SELECT attr_id FROM lie_category_attr WHERE cat_id=%s AND attr_name=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, cate_attr)
result = cursor.fetchone()
result = result[0] if result else None
return result
def add_cate_attr(self, cate_attr):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "INSERT INTO lie_category_attr(cat_id, attr_name) VALUES (%s, %s)"
cursor.execute(sql, cate_attr)
def get_ext_id_by_goods_id_attr_name(self, gi, an):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
n = str(gi)[-1]
sql = "SELECT ext_id FROM lie_goods_attr_fields{0} WHERE goods_id=%s AND attr_name=%s".format(n)
cursor.execute(sql, (gi, an))
result = cursor.fetchone()
result = result[0] if result else None
return result
def add_attr(self, ext_data):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
n = str(ext_data['goods_id'])[-1]
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_goods_attr_fields{0}(goods_id, cat_id, attr_id, attr_name, attr_value)VALUES
(%(goods_id)s, %(cat_id)s, %(attr_id)s, %(attr_name)s, %(attr_value)s)""".format(n)
cursor.execute(sql, ext_data)
def get_not_img(self, platform, goods_id):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """SELECT id, goods_name FROM lie_goods_merge WHERE goods_img = '' AND supplier_name = %s AND id
> %s ORDER BY id LIMIT 500
cursor.execute(sql, (platform, goods_id))
result = cursor.fetchall()
return result
def update_brand(self, gid, brand):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_goods SET provider_name=%s WHERE goods_id=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, (brand, gid))
def update_brands(self, gid, brand, brand_id):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_goods SET provider_name=%s, brand_id=%s WHERE goods_id=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, (brand, brand_id, gid))
def update_status(self, gid, is_delete=1):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_goods SET is_delete=%s WHERE goods_id=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, (is_delete, gid))
def update_cost(self, gid, cost):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_goods SET has_cost=%s WHERE goods_id=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, (cost, gid))
# pc
def insert_pc(self, data):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = """
INSERT INTO lie_price_relations(goods_id, goods_name, goods_sn, provider_name, add_time, prices,
prices_ori, avg_disparity_usd, avg_disparity_rmb, platform, compare) VALUES
(%(goods_id)s, %(goods_name)s, %(goods_sn)s, %(provider_name)s, %(batch_time)s, %(prices)s,
%(prices_ori)s, %(avg_disparity_usd)s, %(avg_disparity_rmb)s, %(pn)s, %(cp)s)
cursor.execute(sql, data)
# element
def update_url(self, gid, url):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "UPDATE lie_goods SET site_url=%s WHERE goods_id=%s"
cursor.execute(sql, (url, gid))
# truncate
def truncate_cate(self):
with self.db.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "TRUNCATE lie_category"
if __name__ == '__main__':
# pass
d = MySqlOperator('szlc')
# print(d.get_ext_id_by_goods_id_attr_name(18000500790, 'Product Category'))
# data = (('SO180219037', '蔡**', '19**62A', 1519055525, '2018-02-19 23:52:05', 100, '已付3', '好好', '待取货3', 1519055525,
# 2519055525),
# ('SO180219035', '蔡**', '19**62A', 1519055525, '2018-02-19 23:52:05', 100, '衣付3', '好好', '待取货3', 1519055525,
# 2519055525))
# d.insert_lcsz_order_list(data)
# data1 = (
# ('SO180219034_3', 'SO180219037', '91383', '4.7nH ±0.3nH 编带', '高频电感', '0402', 500, 0.019, 0.0118, 1519055525),
# ('SO180219034_4', 'SO180219037', '91383', '4.7nH ±0.3nH 编带', '高频电感', '0402', 500, 0.019, 0.0118, 1519055525),
# )
# d.insert_lcsz_order_details(data1)
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import json
import pika
from chip1stop.config import get_mq_conf
from config import get_mq_conf
class Base:
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