Commit 89eccf1d by lichenggang


parent 15cf07b0
Showing with 2 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ func GetCurrentPath() string {
return strings.Replace(dir, "\\", "/", -1)
func InitConfig() {
flag.StringVar(&Directory, "dir", "/data/inotify_logs", "监听目录")
Directory = "E:\\test_logs" // directory of the log
flag.StringVar(&Directory, "d", "/data/inotify_logs", "监听目录")
flag.StringVar(&Port, "port", "9997", "监听端口")
Directory = "E:\\test_logs" // directory of the log
logenv := os.Getenv("GOLOGENV")
if logenv == "TEST" {
Directory = "/data/soft/bigdatav3.0/test_rsync_log"
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