Commit dc1d138c by Joneq


parent 9b0ada11
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class SystemNoticeLogic
}else if ($data['type'] == 'system_preach'){
$modelObj = (new SystemUpdateModel());
$modelObj = (new SystemPreachModel());
$sendInfo = $modelObj->where('smph_id',$data['id'])->first();
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ class SystemNoticeLogic
}else if ($data['type'] == 'system_bulletin'){
$modelObj = (new SystemUpdateModel());
$modelObj = (new SystemBulletinModel());
$sendInfo = $modelObj->where('smbn_id',$data['id'])->first();
......@@ -222,13 +222,11 @@ class SystemNoticeLogic
if ($data['type'] == 'system_update'){
}else if ($data['type'] == 'system_preach'){
}else if ($data['type'] == 'system_bulletin'){
throw new \Exception('暂无该种类型');
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ layui.use(['jquery','element', 'layer', 'form','table','laypage','laydate','laye
{field: 'product_user', title: '产品负责人',align:'center',width:150},
{field: 'code_user', title: '技术负责人',align:'center',width:180},
{field: 'test_user', title: '测试负责人',align:'center',width:180},
{field: 'preach_count', title: '公告发送次数',align:'center',width:180},
{field: 'bulletin_count', title: '公告发送次数',align:'center',width:180},
{field: 'email_count', title: '邮件发送次数',align:'center',width:180},
{field: 'active', toolbar: '#active', title: '操作',align:'center',width:150, fixed:'right'}
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