Commit 3032c9b1 by hcy001


parent 4f665965
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package logic
import (
......@@ -94,14 +95,17 @@ func UpdateBomItem(bomId, bomItemId int) (err error) {
bomItems = GetStandardAttrs(bomItems)
var goodsMapList []GoodsMap
itemsStatus := 0
itemsStatus := 2
goodsMapList, err = getUpdateGoodsData(bomId, bomItems, where.DeliveryType, where.Sort, client, true,false)
if len(goodsMapList) == 0 {
goodsMapList, err = getUpdateGoodsData(bomId, bomItems, where.DeliveryType, where.Sort, client, false,true)
itemsStatus = 5; //替代物料匹配
if len(goodsMapList) == 0 {
goodsMapList, err = getUpdateGoodsData(bomId, bomItems, where.DeliveryType, where.Sort, client, false,false)
if len(goodsMapList) != 0 {
itemsStatus = 6; //模糊匹配
......@@ -61,15 +61,11 @@ func BatchSaveMatchings(bomId int, matchingList []model.BomItemMatching,status .
is_select := 1;
if len(status) > 0 { //todo 增加类型: 5 替代型号匹配 6 模糊匹配
itemStatus = status[0]
if itemStatus == 4 || itemStatus == 6 {
if itemStatus == 4 || itemStatus == 5 || itemStatus == 6 {
is_select = 0
if match.Status == 5 && match.Status == 6 { //当bom状态是
itemStatus = match.Status;
//查询需求数量 跟 当前库存比较
var bomInfo model.BomItem
model.Db.Table("lie_bom_item_"+ tableEnd).Where("bom_item_id = ?", matching.BomItemID).First(&bomInfo)
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