Commit afadd21c by mushishixian


parent 3c05f0a9
Showing with 33 additions and 7 deletions
......@@ -165,10 +165,34 @@ func getUpdateGoodsData(bomId int, bomItems []model.BomItem, deliveryType, sort
index := configs.ESSetting.GoodsIndexName
var ziyingGoodsMapList []GoodsMap
if deliveryType == 1 {
index = index + ",zhuanmai,liexin_ziying"
ziyingGoodsMapList, err = search("liexin_ziying", bomId, bomItems, deliveryType, sort, client, rawSearch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
index = index + ",zhuanmai"
bomItems = removeZiyingMatchBomItem(ziyingGoodsMapList, bomItems)
lianyingGoodsMapList, _ := search(index, bomId, bomItems, deliveryType, sort, client, rawSearch)
goodsMapList = append(ziyingGoodsMapList, lianyingGoodsMapList...)
func removeZiyingMatchBomItem(ziyingGoodsMapList []GoodsMap, bomItems []model.BomItem) (result []model.BomItem) {
for _, bomItem := range bomItems {
if !checkInGoodsMap(bomItem, ziyingGoodsMapList) {
result = append(result, bomItem)
func search(index string, bomId int, bomItems []model.BomItem, deliveryType, sort int, client *es.Client, rawSearch bool) (goodsMapList []GoodsMap, err error) {
search := client.MultiSearch().Index(index)
for _, bom := range bomItems {
......@@ -180,7 +204,7 @@ func getUpdateGoodsData(bomId int, bomItems []model.BomItem, deliveryType, sort
searchRequest := getSearchParams(bom.GoodsName, bom.BrandName, sort, bom.Number, rawSearch)
searchRequest := getSearchParams(index, bom.GoodsName, bom.BrandName, sort, bom.Number, rawSearch)
res, err := search.Do(context.Background())
......@@ -220,9 +244,9 @@ func getUpdateGoodsData(bomId int, bomItems []model.BomItem, deliveryType, sort
func getSearchParams(goodsName, brandName string, sort, number int, flag bool) (searchRequest *es.SearchRequest) {
func getSearchParams(index, goodsName, brandName string, sort, number int, flag bool) (searchRequest *es.SearchRequest) {
query := getTermQuery(goodsName, brandName, number, flag)
source := es.NewSearchSource().IndexBoost("liexin_ziying", 2).Query(query)
source := es.NewSearchSource().Query(query)
if sort == 1 {
source.Sort("sort", false)
source.Sort("stock", false)
......@@ -230,7 +254,9 @@ func getSearchParams(goodsName, brandName string, sort, number int, flag bool) (
if sort == 2 {
source.Sort("single_price_sort", false)
if index != "liexin_ziying" {
source.Sort("single_price_sort", false)
source.Sort("single_price", true)
} else if sort == 3 {
......@@ -264,7 +290,7 @@ func getTermQuery(goodsName, brandName string, number int, flag bool) (query *es
field := "auto_goods_name"
query = query.Must(es.NewTermQuery(field, goodsName))
query = query.Filter(es.NewTermQuery("status", 1))
//query = query.Filter(es.NewTermQuery("status", 1))
//query = query.Filter(es.NewRangeQuery("single_price").Gt(0))
//src, err := query.Source()
//if err != nil {
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