<?php /* * This file is part of PharIo\Version. * * (c) Arne Blankerts <arne@blankerts.de>, Sebastian Heuer <sebastian@phpeople.de>, Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PharIo\Version; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; /** * @covers \PharIo\Version\Version */ class VersionTest extends TestCase { /** * @dataProvider versionProvider * * @param string $versionString * @param string $expectedMajor * @param string $expectedMinor * @param string $expectedPatch * @param string $expectedPreReleaseValue * @param int $expectedReleaseCount */ public function testParsesVersionNumbers($versionString, $expectedMajor, $expectedMinor, $expectedPatch, $expectedPreReleaseValue = '', $expectedReleaseCount = 0) { $version = new Version($versionString); $this->assertSame($expectedMajor, $version->getMajor()->getValue()); $this->assertSame($expectedMinor, $version->getMinor()->getValue()); $this->assertSame($expectedPatch, $version->getPatch()->getValue()); if ($expectedPreReleaseValue !== '') { $this->assertSame($expectedPreReleaseValue, $version->getPreReleaseSuffix()->getValue()); } if ($expectedReleaseCount !== 0) { $this->assertSame($expectedReleaseCount, $version->getPreReleaseSuffix()->getNumber()); } $this->assertSame($versionString, $version->getVersionString()); } public function versionProvider() { return [ ['0.0.1', '0', '0', '1'], ['0.1.2', '0', '1', '2'], ['1.0.0-alpha', '1', '0', '0', 'alpha'], ['3.4.12-dev3', '3', '4', '12', 'dev', 3], ]; } /** * @dataProvider versionGreaterThanProvider * * @param Version $versionA * @param Version $versionB * @param bool $expectedResult */ public function testIsGreaterThan(Version $versionA, Version $versionB, $expectedResult) { $this->assertSame($expectedResult, $versionA->isGreaterThan($versionB)); } /** * @return array */ public function versionGreaterThanProvider() { return [ [new Version('1.0.0'), new Version('1.0.1'), false], [new Version('1.0.1'), new Version('1.0.0'), true], [new Version('1.1.0'), new Version('1.0.1'), true], [new Version('1.1.0'), new Version('2.0.1'), false], [new Version('1.1.0'), new Version('1.1.0'), false], [new Version('2.5.8'), new Version('1.6.8'), true], [new Version('2.5.8'), new Version('2.6.8'), false], [new Version('2.5.8'), new Version('3.1.2'), false], ]; } /** * @dataProvider invalidVersionStringProvider * * @param string $versionString */ public function testThrowsExceptionIfVersionStringDoesNotFollowSemVer($versionString) { $this->expectException(InvalidVersionException::class); new Version($versionString); } /** * @return array */ public function invalidVersionStringProvider() { return [ ['foo'], ['0.0.1-dev+ABC', '0', '0', '1', 'dev', 'ABC'], ['1.0.0-x.7.z.92', '1', '0', '0', 'x.7.z.92'] ]; } }