<?php namespace Hhxsv5\LaravelS\Swoole\Traits; use Hhxsv5\LaravelS\Swoole\Timer\CronJob; use Swoole\Http\Server; use Swoole\Process; trait TimerTrait { public function addTimerProcess(Server $swoole, array $config, array $laravelConfig) { if (empty($config['enable']) || empty($config['jobs'])) { return; } $startTimer = function (Process $process) use ($swoole, $config, $laravelConfig) { $pidfile = dirname($swoole->setting['pid_file']) . '/laravels-timer-process.pid'; file_put_contents($pidfile, $process->pid); $this->setProcessTitle(sprintf('%s laravels: timer process', $config['process_prefix'])); $this->initLaravel($laravelConfig, $swoole); $timerIds = []; foreach ($config['jobs'] as $jobClass) { if (is_array($jobClass) && isset($jobClass[0])) { $job = new $jobClass[0](isset($jobClass[1]) ? $jobClass[1] : []); } else { $job = new $jobClass(); } if (!($job instanceof CronJob)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( '%s must extend the abstract class %s', get_class($job), CronJob::class ) ); } if (empty($job->interval())) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The interval of %s cannot be empty', get_class($job))); } $runProcess = function () use ($job) { $runCallback = function () use ($job) { $this->callWithCatchException(function () use ($job) { $job->run(); }); }; class_exists('Swoole\Coroutine') ? go($runCallback) : $runCallback(); }; $timerId = swoole_timer_tick($job->interval(), $runProcess); $timerIds[] = $timerId; $job->setTimerId($timerId); if ($job->isImmediate()) { swoole_timer_after(1, $runProcess); } } Process::signal(SIGUSR1, function ($signo) use ($config, $timerIds, $process) { foreach ($timerIds as $timerId) { swoole_timer_clear($timerId); } swoole_timer_after($config['max_wait_time'] * 1000, function () use ($process) { $process->exit(0); }); }); }; $timerProcess = new Process($startTimer, false, false); if ($swoole->addProcess($timerProcess)) { return $timerProcess; } } }