<?php /* * This file is part of Psy Shell. * * (c) 2012-2018 Justin Hileman * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Psy\Test\TabCompletion; use Psy\Command\ListCommand; use Psy\Command\ShowCommand; use Psy\Configuration; use Psy\Context; use Psy\ContextAware; use Psy\TabCompletion\Matcher; class AutoCompleterTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { /** * @param string $line * @param array $mustContain * @param array $mustNotContain * @dataProvider classesInput */ public function testClassesCompletion($line, $mustContain, $mustNotContain) { $context = new Context(); $commands = [ new ShowCommand(), new ListCommand(), ]; $matchers = [ new Matcher\VariablesMatcher(), new Matcher\ClassNamesMatcher(), new Matcher\ConstantsMatcher(), new Matcher\FunctionsMatcher(), new Matcher\ObjectMethodsMatcher(), new Matcher\ObjectAttributesMatcher(), new Matcher\KeywordsMatcher(), new Matcher\ClassAttributesMatcher(), new Matcher\ClassMethodsMatcher(), new Matcher\CommandsMatcher($commands), ]; $config = new Configuration(); $tabCompletion = $config->getAutoCompleter(); foreach ($matchers as $matcher) { if ($matcher instanceof ContextAware) { $matcher->setContext($context); } $tabCompletion->addMatcher($matcher); } $context->setAll(['foo' => 12, 'bar' => new \DOMDocument()]); $code = $tabCompletion->processCallback('', 0, [ 'line_buffer' => $line, 'point' => 0, 'end' => \strlen($line), ]); foreach ($mustContain as $mc) { $this->assertContains($mc, $code); } foreach ($mustNotContain as $mnc) { $this->assertNotContains($mnc, $code); } } /** * TODO * ==== * draft, open to modifications * - [ ] if the variable is an array, return the square bracket for completion * - [ ] if the variable is a constructor or method, reflect to complete as a function call * - [ ] if the preceding token is a variable, call operators or keywords compatible for completion * - [X] a command always should be the second token after php_open_tag * - [X] keywords are never consecutive * - [X] namespacing completion should work just fine * - [X] after a new keyword, should always be a class constructor, never a function call or keyword, constant, * or variable that does not contain a existing class name. * - [X] on a namespaced constructor the completion must show the classes related, not constants. * * @return array */ public function classesInput() { return [ // input, must had, must not had ['T_OPE', ['T_OPEN_TAG'], []], ['st', ['stdClass'], []], ['stdCla', ['stdClass'], []], ['new s', ['stdClass'], []], [ 'new ', ['stdClass', 'Psy\\Context', 'Psy\\Configuration'], ['require', 'array_search', 'T_OPEN_TAG', '$foo'], ], ['new Psy\\C', ['Context'], ['CASE_LOWER']], ['\s', ['stdClass'], []], ['array_', ['array_search', 'array_map', 'array_merge'], []], ['$bar->', ['load'], []], ['$b', ['bar'], []], ['6 + $b', ['bar'], []], ['$f', ['foo'], []], ['l', ['ls'], []], ['ls ', [], ['ls']], ['sho', ['show'], []], ['12 + clone $', ['foo'], []], // array( // '$foo ', // array('+', 'clone'), // array('$foo', 'DOMDocument', 'array_map') // ), requires a operator matcher? ['$', ['foo', 'bar'], ['require', 'array_search', 'T_OPEN_TAG', 'Psy']], [ 'Psy\\', ['Context', 'TabCompletion\\Matcher\\AbstractMatcher'], ['require', 'array_search'], ], [ 'Psy\Test\TabCompletion\StaticSample::CO', ['StaticSample::CONSTANT_VALUE'], [], ], [ 'Psy\Test\TabCompletion\StaticSample::', ['StaticSample::$staticVariable'], [], ], [ 'Psy\Test\TabCompletion\StaticSample::', ['StaticSample::staticFunction'], [], ], ]; } }