 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: ICHUNT
 * Date: 2019-06-20
 * Time: 17:55

return [
    'cn' => [
        103001 => '非法操作',
        103002 => 'Hprose请求失败',
        103003 => '登录失败',

        // oss 错误码
        103200 => '上传成功',
        103201 => '参数缺失,请检查传递的参数',
        103202 => '内部免验证不通过',
        103203 => '上传文件数量超出限制',
        103204 => '暂不支持此文件类型上传',
        103205 => '请求方法不被允许',
        103206 => '文件过大,最大限制为2M,请重新上传',
        103207 => '文件过大,最大限制为20M,请重新上传',
        103208 => '文件过大,最大限制为50M,请重新上传',
        103209 => '文件过大,最大限制为30M,请重新上传',
        103210 => '没匹配到文件类型',
        103211 => '上传失败,请重新上传',

    'us' => [
        103001 => 'Illegal operation',
        103002 => 'Hprose request failed, please check it',
    	103003 => 'Login failed',

    	// oss 错误码
    	103200 => 'Upload success',
        103201 => 'Parameter missing, please check the passed parameters',
        103202 => 'Internal certification-free fails',
        103203 => 'The number of uploaded files exceeds the limit',
        103204 => 'This file type upload is not supported for the time being',
        103205 => 'Request method is not allowed',
        103206 => 'The File is too large, the maximum limit is 2M, please re-upload',
        103207 => 'The File is too large, the maximum limit is 20M, please re-upload',
        103208 => 'The File is too large, the maximum limit is 50M, please re-upload',
        103209 => 'The File is too large, the maximum limit is 30M, please re-upload',
        103210 => 'Not matched to file type',
        103211 => 'Upload failed, please try again',
