Commit 2bd34044 by 杨树贤


parent dfefeafa
......@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@
{field: 'last_update_name', title: '最新修改人', align: 'center', width: 110},
field: 'channel_username', title: '采购员', align: 'center', width: 130, templet: function (data) {
if (data.resign_channel_username) {
......@@ -184,7 +185,6 @@
{field: 'purchase_username', title: '渠道开发员', align: 'center', width: 110},
{field: 'last_update_name', title: '最新修改人', align: 'center', width: 110},
{field: 'yunxin_channel_username', title: '线上采购员', align: 'center', width: 110},
{field: 'has_sku', title: 'SKU上传', align: 'center', width: 80},
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