Commit 3824e5fa by mushishixian


parent a9131910
......@@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ class SkuListFilter
$map['p'] = $map['page'];
$map['offset'] = $map['limit'];
if (!empty($map['p']) && $map['p'] > 1000) {
$map['p'] = rand(5, 1000);
......@@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ class SkuService
$sku['is_expire'] = $data['data']['status'][$goodsId] && $data['data']['status'][$goodsId] > 0 ? 0 : 1;
$spu = json_decode($redis->hget('spu', $sku['spu_id']), true);
if (empty($sku['goods_name'])) {
if (empty($sku['goods_name'])&&!empty($spu)) {
$sku['goods_name'] = $spu['spu_name'];
$sku['encap'] = $spu['encap'];
$sku['encap'] = array_get($spu, 'encap', '');
if (array_get($auditData, $sku['goods_id'])) {
$sku['audit_time'] = $auditData[$sku['goods_id']]["audit_time"];
$sku['audit_user'] = $auditData[$sku['goods_id']]["audit_user"];
if (empty($sku['brand_name'])) {
if (empty($sku['brand_name'])&&!empty($spu)) {
$brand = $redis->hget('brand_id', $spu['brand_id']);
if ($brand) {
$sku['brand_name'] = $brand;
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
$('.main_filter').attr('class', 'main_filter');
$(this).attr('class', 'main_filter layui-badge layui-bg-green');
type = $(this).attr('id');
whereCondition.source_type = type
initCondition.source_type = type
table.reload('skuList', {
page: {
curr: 1
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