Commit 53652d51 by mushishixian


parent 1859d837
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ namespace App\Http\Services;
use App\Http\Transformers\SupplierShareApplyTransformer;
use App\Model\SupplierChannelModel;
use App\Model\SupplierShareApplyModel;
......@@ -140,6 +141,11 @@ class SupplierShareApplyService
if ($statusName == 'pass') {
$contactService = new SupplierContactService();
$contactService->createContactByChannelUid($apply['supplier_id'], $apply['apply_code_id']);
$supplierModel = new SupplierChannelModel();
$supplier = $supplierModel->where('supplier_id', $apply['supplier_id'])->first()->toArray();
$supplierService = new SupplierService();
return $applyModel->where('id', $id)->update($apply);
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