Commit 54f17a40 by 杨树贤


parent bba56874
......@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ class SupplierApiController extends Controller
if (!$result) {
$this->response(-1, '修改失败');
if ($isAudit && !checkPerm('IgnoreUpdateAudit')) {
if ($isAudit) {
$supplierService = new SupplierService();
$auditData[] = [
'supplier_id' => $supplierId,
......@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ class SupplierService
$shippingAddress = array_get($channel, 'shipping_address');
$attachment = $channel['attachment'];
unset($channel['return_phone'], $channel['return_address'],
unset($channel['shipping_address'], $channel['cn_delivery_time_period'],
......@@ -181,11 +180,8 @@ class SupplierService
$supplierAddressService->saveShippingAddress($supplierId, $shippingAddress);
} else {
$supplierId = $this->newSupplierId = $channel['supplier_id'];
$supplier = SupplierChannelModel::where('supplier_id', $supplierId)->first()->toArray();
$auditService = new SupplierAuditService();
$needAudit = $auditService->checkNeedAudit($supplierId, $channel);
......@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
if (!canApplyInReview) {
layer.msg('选择的供应商里,存在 审核中/待复审 状态的供应商,无法申请审核', {icon: 5})
layer.msg('选择的供应商里,存在 审核中/待复审 状态的供应商,无法分配采购员', {icon: 5})
} else {
let supplierIds = Array.from(data, ({supplier_id}) => supplier_id);
if (supplierIds.length > 20) {
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