Commit 5508e22d by 杨树贤


parent ba8331a1
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ class SkuService
$sku['is_expire'] = $data['data']['status'][$goodsId] && $data['data']['status'][$goodsId] > 0 ? 0 : 1;
$spu = json_decode($spuRedis->hget('spu', $sku['spu_id']), true);
$sku['original_goods_name'] = $sku['goods_name'];
if (empty($sku['goods_name']) && !empty($spu)) {
$sku['goods_name'] = $spu['spu_name'];
......@@ -320,5 +320,10 @@ return [
2 => '采购已通过',
3 => '采购未通过',
4 => '采购未反馈',
'OrgList' => [
1 => '猎芯科技',
3 => '深圳华云',
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
{field: 'encoded_user_name', title: '线上采购员', align: 'center', width: 100},
{field: 'original_goods_name', title: '商品名称', align: 'center', width: 150},
field: 'goods_name', title: '型号', align: 'center', width: 200, templet: function (data) {
return "<a href='{{config('website.FootstoneUrl')}}/web/sku/saveSku?goods_id=" + data.goods_id + "' style='color:blue' target='_blank'>"
......@@ -146,6 +146,10 @@
{!! $statusPresenter->render('has_price','有无价格',request()->get('has_price'),['1'=> '有','-1'=> '无']) !!}
<div class="layui-inline">
{!! $statusPresenter->render('组织','有无价格',request()->get('org_id'),config('field.OrgList')) !!}
<div class="layui-inline" style="width: 600px">
{!! $transformableTimeIntervalPresenter->render(['update_time'=>'更新时间','create_time'=>'上传时间']) !!}
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