Commit 69d2f2ea by mushishixian


parent 11feddee
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class LogService
$content .= array_get(config('fixed.FileNameMapping'),
$key) . '由 [' . $oldFileName . '] 修改为 [' . $newFileName . ']; ';
$key) . '由 [ ' . $oldFileName . ' ] 修改为 [' . $newFileName . ']; ';
$result[] = $content;
......@@ -67,7 +67,12 @@ class SupplierAuditService
if (!empty($supplier) && ($supplier['status'] != SupplierChannelModel::STATUS_DISABLE)) {
return !$this->checkHasAllRequireField($supplier);
if ($this->checkHasAllRequireField($supplier)) {
return false;
return true;
if (!empty($supplier) && ($supplier['status'] == SupplierChannelModel::STATUS_DISABLE)) {
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class SupplierService
$this->saveSkuAuditRulerToRedis($supplierId, $channel['sku_audit_ruler']);
$this->saveSkuUploadRulerToRedis($supplierId, $channel['sku_upload_ruler']);
// $this->updateIsFollowUp($supplierId);
$supplierSn = $this->generateSupplierSn($supplierId, $channel['supplier_group']);
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
let initCondition = {source_type: 'all'};
let whereCondition = initCondition;
let type = 'all';
let currentPage = 1;
$('.main_filter').click(function () {
......@@ -88,6 +89,11 @@
, cols: [cols]
, id: 'list'
, page: {}
, done: function(res, curr, count){
currentPage = curr;
......@@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
field: 'supplier_consignee', title: '联系人', align: 'center'
field: 'supplier_consignee', title: '联系人', align: 'center',width:150
{field: 'supplier_position', title: '职位', align: 'center'},
{field: 'supplier_email', title: '邮箱', align: 'center'},
{field: 'supplier_mobile', title: '手机号', align: 'center'},
{field: 'supplier_telephone', title: '座机', align: 'center'},
{field: 'supplier_qq', title: 'QQ', align: 'center'},
{field: 'supplier_fax', title: '传真', align: 'center'},
{field: 'channel_name', title: '采购员', align: 'center'},
{field: 'supplier_position', title: '职位', align: 'center',width: 100},
{field: 'supplier_email', title: '邮箱', align: 'center',width: 200},
{field: 'supplier_mobile', title: '手机号', align: 'center',width: 150},
{field: 'supplier_telephone', title: '座机', align: 'center',width: 180},
{field: 'supplier_qq', title: 'QQ', align: 'center',width: 120},
{field: 'supplier_fax', title: '传真', align: 'center',width: 140},
{field: 'channel_name', title: '采购员', align: 'center',width: 170},
id: 'contactList',
page: {},
......@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
<div class="layui-form-item">
<label class="layui-form-label">审核内容 : </label>
<div class="layui-input-block block-42" style="padding-top: 7px">
{{$auditContent['action'] .' : '}}
<b>{{$auditContent['action'] .' : '}}</b>
@foreach($auditContent['content'] as $content)
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