Commit a107e2c9 by 杨树贤


parent a2034803
......@@ -20,40 +20,40 @@ class SupplierStatisticsService
return $result;
$total = $this->getStatisticsCount('all');
$needReview = $this->getStatisticsCount('need_review');
$pending = $this->getStatisticsCount('pending');
$inReview = $this->getStatisticsCount('in_review');
$passed = $this->getStatisticsCount('passed');
$rejected = $this->getStatisticsCount('rejected');
$disable = $this->getStatisticsCount('disable');
$noPurchaseUid = $this->getStatisticsCount('no_purchase_uid');
$noChannelUid = $this->getStatisticsCount('no_channel_uid');
$invalidChannelUid = $this->getStatisticsCount('invalid_channel_uid');
$invalidPurchaseUid = $this->getStatisticsCount('invalid_purchase_uid');
$toFollowUp = $this->getStatisticsCount('to_follow_up');
$noSku = $this->getStatisticsCount('no_sku');
// //待复审
// $needReview = $this->getStatisticsCount('need_review');
// //待提审
// $pending = $this->getStatisticsCount('pending');
// //审核中
// $inReview = $this->getStatisticsCount('in_review');
// //通过
// $passed = $this->getStatisticsCount('passed');
// //未通过
// $rejected = $this->getStatisticsCount('rejected');
// //禁用
// $disable = $this->getStatisticsCount('disable');
// //没有渠道开发员
// $noPurchaseUid = $this->getStatisticsCount('no_purchase_uid');
// //没有采购
// $noChannelUid = $this->getStatisticsCount('no_channel_uid');
// //存在无效(离职)采购员
// $invalidChannelUid = $this->getStatisticsCount('invalid_channel_uid');
// //存在无效(离职)开发员
// $invalidPurchaseUid = $this->getStatisticsCount('invalid_purchase_uid');
// //需要跟进的
// $toFollowUp = $this->getStatisticsCount('to_follow_up');
// //没有sku的
// $noSku = $this->getStatisticsCount('no_sku');
$block = $this->getStatisticsCount('block');
$noQualityAssuranceAgreement = $this->getStatisticsCount('no_quality_assurance_agreement');
$hasTagSupplier = $this->getStatisticsCount('has_supplier_tag');
$concatNoComplete = $this->getStatisticsCount('contact_no_complete');
$historyAbnormal = $this->getStatisticsCount('history_abnormal');
// //没有品牌协议附件的
// $noQualityAssuranceAgreement = $this->getStatisticsCount('no_quality_assurance_agreement');
// //有标签的(客户指定供应商)
// $hasTagSupplier = $this->getStatisticsCount('has_supplier_tag');
// //联系人未完善
// $concatNoComplete = $this->getStatisticsCount('contact_no_complete');
// //历史检测异常
// $historyAbnormal = $this->getStatisticsCount('history_abnormal');
$payTypeTerm = $this->getStatisticsCount('pay_type_term');
......@@ -62,23 +62,23 @@ class SupplierStatisticsService
$result = [
'total' => $total,
'need_review' => $needReview,
'pending' => $pending,
'in_review' => $inReview,
'passed' => $passed,
'rejected' => $rejected,
'disable' => $disable,
// 'need_review' => $needReview,
// 'pending' => $pending,
// 'in_review' => $inReview,
// 'passed' => $passed,
// 'rejected' => $rejected,
// 'disable' => $disable,
'block' => $block,
'no_purchase_uid' => $noPurchaseUid,
'no_channel_uid' => $noChannelUid,
'invalid_channel_uid' => $invalidChannelUid,
'invalid_purchase_uid' => $invalidPurchaseUid,
'to_follow_up' => $toFollowUp,
'no_sku' => $noSku,
'no_quality_assurance_agreement' => $noQualityAssuranceAgreement,
'has_supplier_tag' => $hasTagSupplier,
'contact_no_complete' => $concatNoComplete,
'history_abnormal' => $historyAbnormal,
// 'no_purchase_uid' => $noPurchaseUid,
// 'no_channel_uid' => $noChannelUid,
// 'invalid_channel_uid' => $invalidChannelUid,
// 'invalid_purchase_uid' => $invalidPurchaseUid,
// 'to_follow_up' => $toFollowUp,
// 'no_sku' => $noSku,
// 'no_quality_assurance_agreement' => $noQualityAssuranceAgreement,
// 'has_supplier_tag' => $hasTagSupplier,
// 'contact_no_complete' => $concatNoComplete,
// 'history_abnormal' => $historyAbnormal,
'pay_type_term' => $payTypeTerm,
'level_a' => $levelA,
......@@ -219,24 +219,24 @@ return [
'CompassMenuMap' => [
'total' => '全部',
'pending' => '待提审',
'need_review' => '待复审',
'in_review' => '审核中',
'draft' => '草稿',
'passed' => '已通过',
'rejected' => '未通过',
// 'pending' => '待提审',
// 'need_review' => '待复审',
// 'in_review' => '审核中',
// 'draft' => '草稿',
// 'passed' => '已通过',
// 'rejected' => '未通过',
// 'disable' => '禁止交易',
// 'no_purchase_uid' => '渠道未分配',
// 'no_channel_uid' => '采购未分配',
// 'invalid_channel_uid' => '无效采购员',
// 'invalid_purchase_uid' => '无效渠道员',
// 'contact_no_complete' => '联系人不完善',
// 'to_follow_up' => '待跟进',
// 'no_sku' => '无sku',
// 'no_quality_assurance_agreement' => '无品质协议',
// 'has_supplier_tag' => '客户指定供应商',
// 'history_abnormal' => '历史检测异常',
'block' => '黑名单',
'disable' => '禁止交易',
'no_purchase_uid' => '渠道未分配',
'no_channel_uid' => '采购未分配',
'invalid_channel_uid' => '无效采购员',
'invalid_purchase_uid' => '无效渠道员',
'contact_no_complete' => '联系人不完善',
'to_follow_up' => '待跟进',
'no_sku' => '无sku',
'no_quality_assurance_agreement' => '无品质协议',
'has_supplier_tag' => '客户指定供应商',
'history_abnormal' => '历史检测异常',
'level_a' => '战略供应商',
'pay_type_term' => '账期供应商',
'all_channel_user_resigned' => '采购员全离职',
......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
let $ = layui.jquery;
let Split = layui.Split;
// 水平分割,需要分割的元素(id)、默认大小(百分比)、最小值(单位px)
Split(['#s1', '#s2', '#s3', '#s4', '#s5', '#s6', '#s7','#s8'], {sizes: [9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,19], minSize: 70});
Split(['#s1', '#s6', '#s7','#s8'], {sizes: [9, 12, 12,12], minSize: 70});
// Split(['#s1', '#s2', '#s3', '#s4', '#s5', '#s6', '#s7','#s8'], {sizes: [9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,19], minSize: 70});
let table = layui.table;
let form = layui.form;
let index = layui.index;
......@@ -12,118 +12,113 @@
<a class="main_filter layui-badge layui-bg-green" id="total"></a>
<div class="split-item" id="s2" style="text-align: center">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="need_review" data-value="-1">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="pending" data-value="0">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="in_review" data-value="1">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="rejected" data-value="3">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="passed" data-value="2">
<div class="split-item" id="s3" style="text-align: center">
<div class="layui-row">
<a title="非禁用状态的渠道开发员为空的供应商" class="main_filter" id="no_purchase_uid">
<div class="layui-row">
<a title="采购员为空的供应商" class="main_filter" id="no_channel_uid">
<div class="layui-row">
<a title="非禁止交易状态联系人绑定的采购员姓名不在组织架构中(采购员离职)的供应商"
<div class="layui-row">
<a title="非禁止交易状态联系人绑定的渠道开发员姓名不在组织架构中(渠道开发员离职)的供应商"
<div class="layui-row">
<a title="联系人中存在非必填字段未填写" class="main_filter"
<div class="split-item" id="s4" style="text-align: center">
<div class="layui-row">
<a title="非禁止交易状态的供应商重新分配渠道员,且必填信息不完整;或者禁用状态的供应商重新分配渠道员"
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="no_sku">
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a title="公司性质为现货商性质的供应商没有上传品质协议" class="main_filter"--}}
{{-- id="no_quality_assurance_agreement">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
<div class="layui-row">
<a title="采购员全离职" class="main_filter" id="all_channel_user_resigned">
<div class="split-item" id="s5" style="text-align: center">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="block" data-value="-3">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="disable" data-value="-2">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" title="历史检测异常" id="history_abnormal">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" title="系统标签中贴有客户指定的供应商" id="has_supplier_tag">
{{-- <div class="split-item" id="s2" style="text-align: center">--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" id="need_review" data-value="-1">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierPendingList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" id="pending" data-value="0">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierInReviewList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" id="in_review" data-value="1">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierRejectList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" id="rejected" data-value="3">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierPassedList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" id="passed" data-value="2">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- <div class="split-item" id="s3" style="text-align: center">--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierNoPurchaseUidList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a title="非禁用状态的渠道开发员为空的供应商" class="main_filter" id="no_purchase_uid">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierNoChannelUidList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a title="采购员为空的供应商" class="main_filter" id="no_channel_uid">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierInvalidChannelUidList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a title="非禁止交易状态联系人绑定的采购员姓名不在组织架构中(采购员离职)的供应商"--}}
{{-- class="main_filter"--}}
{{-- id="invalid_channel_uid">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierInvalidPurchaseUidList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a title="非禁止交易状态联系人绑定的渠道开发员姓名不在组织架构中(渠道开发员离职)的供应商"--}}
{{-- class="main_filter"--}}
{{-- id="invalid_purchase_uid">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a title="联系人中存在非必填字段未填写" class="main_filter"--}}
{{-- id="contact_no_complete">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- <div class="split-item" id="s4" style="text-align: center">--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierToFollowUpList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a title="非禁止交易状态的供应商重新分配渠道员,且必填信息不完整;或者禁用状态的供应商重新分配渠道员"--}}
{{-- class="main_filter"--}}
{{-- id="to_follow_up">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierNoSkuList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" id="no_sku">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a title="采购员全离职" class="main_filter" id="all_channel_user_resigned">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- <div class="split-item" id="s5" style="text-align: center">--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierBlockList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" id="block" data-value="-3">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- @if(checkPerm('SupplierDisableList'))--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" id="disable" data-value="-2">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- @endif--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" title="历史检测异常" id="history_abnormal">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- <div class="layui-row">--}}
{{-- <a class="main_filter" title="系统标签中贴有客户指定的供应商" id="has_supplier_tag">--}}
{{-- </a>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
{{-- </div>--}}
<div class="split-item" id="s6" style="text-align: center">
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" title="战略供应商" id="level_a">
......@@ -143,6 +138,12 @@
<div class="layui-row">
<a class="main_filter" id="block" data-value="-3">
<div class="split-item" id="s7" style="text-align: center">
<div class="layui-row">
<?php //3e2415e87294d82b077effb84f44bd4e
<?php //5a2d73c9941273424673b97886f1137b
/** @noinspection all */
namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
......@@ -7,79 +7,79 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::basePath
* @method static string basePath()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::when
* @method static \Illuminate\Container\ContextualBindingBuilder when($concrete)
* @method static \Illuminate\Container\ContextualBindingBuilder|\Illuminate\Contracts\Container\ContextualBindingBuilder when(string $concrete)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::path
* @method static string path()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::bind
* @method static void bind($abstract, $concrete = null, $shared = false)
* @method static void bind(array|string $abstract, \Closure|null|string $concrete = null, bool $shared = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::tagged
* @method static array tagged($tag)
* @method static array tagged(string $tag)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::setDeferredServices
* @method static void setDeferredServices(array $services)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::hasMonologConfigurator
* @method static bool hasMonologConfigurator()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getDeferredServices
* @method static array|mixed getDeferredServices()
* @method static array getDeferredServices()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::registerDeferredProvider
* @method static void registerDeferredProvider($provider, $service = null)
* @method static void registerDeferredProvider(string $provider, string $service = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::handle
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response handle(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request, $type = self::MASTER_REQUEST, $catch = true)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::bindIf
* @method static void bindIf($abstract, $concrete = null, $shared = false)
* @method static void bindIf(string $abstract, \Closure|null|string $concrete = null, bool $shared = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::version
* @method static string version()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::rebinding
* @method static mixed|null|void rebinding($abstract, \Closure $callback)
* @method static mixed rebinding(string $abstract, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::extend
* @method static void extend($abstract, \Closure $closure)
* @method static void extend(string $abstract, \Closure $closure)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::useStoragePath
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application useStoragePath($path)
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application useStoragePath(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::hasBeenBootstrapped
* @method static bool|mixed hasBeenBootstrapped()
* @method static bool hasBeenBootstrapped()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::offsetUnset
* @method static void offsetUnset($key)
* @method static void offsetUnset(string $key)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::loadEnvironmentFrom
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application loadEnvironmentFrom($file)
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application loadEnvironmentFrom(string $file)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::setInstance
* @method static void setInstance(\Illuminate\Contracts\Container\Container $container)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::terminate
* @method static void terminate()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::environmentFile
* @method static mixed|string environmentFile()
* @method static string environmentFile()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getCachedCompilePath
* @method static string getCachedCompilePath()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::runningUnitTests
* @method static bool runningUnitTests()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::setLocale
* @method static void setLocale($locale)
* @method static void setLocale(string $locale)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::bootstrapPath
* @method static string bootstrapPath()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::detectEnvironment
* @method static mixed|string detectEnvironment(\Closure $callback)
* @method static string detectEnvironment(\Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::isLocal
* @method static bool isLocal()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getCachedServicesPath
* @method static string getCachedServicesPath()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::isAlias
* @method static bool isAlias($name)
* @method static bool isAlias(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::registerConfiguredProviders
* @method static void registerConfiguredProviders()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::isLocale
* @method static bool isLocale($locale)
* @method static bool isLocale(string $locale)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::share
* @method static \Closure share(\Closure $closure)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getNamespace
* @method static int|mixed|null|string getNamespace()
* @method static null|string getNamespace()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::resolved
* @method static bool resolved($abstract)
* @method static bool resolved(string $abstract)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getProvider
* @method static false|mixed getProvider($provider)
* @method static \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider|null getProvider(\Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider|string $provider)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::refresh
* @method static mixed|null|void refresh($abstract, $target, $method)
* @method static mixed refresh(string $abstract, $target, string $method)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::registerCoreContainerAliases
* @method static void registerCoreContainerAliases()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::useDatabasePath
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application useDatabasePath($path)
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application useDatabasePath(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::environmentFilePath
* @method static string environmentFilePath()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::booting
......@@ -87,23 +87,23 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::shouldSkipMiddleware
* @method static bool shouldSkipMiddleware()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::call
* @method static mixed call($callback, array $parameters = [], $defaultMethod = null)
* @method static mixed call(callable|string $callback, array $parameters = [], null|string $defaultMethod = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getLocale
* @method static void getLocale()
* @method static string getLocale()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::terminating
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application terminating(\Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::beforeBootstrapping
* @method static void beforeBootstrapping($bootstrapper, \Closure $callback)
* @method static void beforeBootstrapping(string $bootstrapper, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::wrap
* @method static \Closure wrap(\Closure $callback, array $parameters = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::register
* @method static \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider|mixed|string register($provider, $options = [], $force = false)
* @method static \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider|string register(\Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider|string $provider, array $options = [], bool $force = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::environmentPath
* @method static string environmentPath()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::addDeferredServices
* @method static void addDeferredServices(array $services)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::instance
* @method static void instance($abstract, $instance)
* @method static void instance(string $abstract, $instance)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::configureMonologUsing
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application configureMonologUsing(callable $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::databasePath
......@@ -113,87 +113,87 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::storagePath
* @method static string storagePath()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::resolveProviderClass
* @method static mixed resolveProviderClass($provider)
* @method static \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider resolveProviderClass(string $provider)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::loadDeferredProvider
* @method static void loadDeferredProvider($service)
* @method static void loadDeferredProvider(string $service)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::booted
* @method static void booted($callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::routesAreCached
* @method static void routesAreCached()
* @method static bool routesAreCached()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::tag
* @method static void tag($abstracts, $tags)
* @method static void tag(array|string $abstracts, array|array[] $tags)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::publicPath
* @method static string publicPath()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::addContextualBinding
* @method static void addContextualBinding($concrete, $abstract, $implementation)
* @method static void addContextualBinding(string $concrete, string $abstract, \Closure|string $implementation)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::isDownForMaintenance
* @method static bool isDownForMaintenance()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::loadDeferredProviders
* @method static void loadDeferredProviders()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::abort
* @method static void abort($code, $message = '', array $headers = [])
* @method static void abort(int $code, string $message = '', array $headers = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::afterResolving
* @method static void afterResolving($abstract, \Closure $callback = null)
* @method static void afterResolving(string $abstract, \Closure $callback = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::afterBootstrapping
* @method static void afterBootstrapping($bootstrapper, \Closure $callback)
* @method static void afterBootstrapping(string $bootstrapper, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::configurationIsCached
* @method static bool configurationIsCached()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::runningInConsole
* @method static bool runningInConsole()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::offsetGet
* @method static mixed|null offsetGet($key)
* @method static mixed offsetGet(string $key)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::langPath
* @method static string langPath()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::offsetSet
* @method static void offsetSet($key, $value)
* @method static void offsetSet(string $key, $value)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::flush
* @method static void flush()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::alias
* @method static void alias($abstract, $alias)
* @method static void alias(string $abstract, string $alias)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::offsetExists
* @method static bool offsetExists($key)
* @method static bool offsetExists(string $key)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::afterLoadingEnvironment
* @method static null|void afterLoadingEnvironment(\Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::boot
* @method static void boot()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::make
* @method static mixed|null|object make($abstract, array $parameters = [])
* @method static mixed make(string $abstract, array $parameters = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getMonologConfigurator
* @method static callable|null getMonologConfigurator()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::bootstrapWith
* @method static void bootstrapWith(array $bootstrappers)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::singleton
* @method static void singleton($abstract, $concrete = null)
* @method static void singleton(array|string $abstract, \Closure|null|string $concrete = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::forgetInstance
* @method static void forgetInstance($abstract)
* @method static void forgetInstance(string $abstract)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::isShared
* @method static bool isShared($abstract)
* @method static bool isShared(string $abstract)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::resolving
* @method static void resolving($abstract, \Closure $callback = null)
* @method static void resolving(string $abstract, \Closure $callback = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::bound
* @method static bool bound($abstract)
* @method static bool bound(string $abstract)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::isBooted
* @method static bool|mixed isBooted()
* @method static bool isBooted()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getCachedRoutesPath
* @method static string getCachedRoutesPath()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::getBindings
* @method static array|mixed getBindings()
* @method static array getBindings()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::useEnvironmentPath
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application useEnvironmentPath($path)
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application useEnvironmentPath(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::setBasePath
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application setBasePath($basePath)
* @method static \Illuminate\Foundation\Application setBasePath(string $basePath)
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::environment
* @method static bool|string environment()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::isDeferredService
* @method static bool isDeferredService($service)
* @method static bool isDeferredService(string $service)
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::build
* @method static mixed|null|object build($concrete, array $parameters = [])
* @method static mixed build(string $concrete, array $parameters = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getCachedConfigPath
* @method static string getCachedConfigPath()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::configPath
* @method static string configPath()
* @see \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::getLoadedProviders
* @method static array|mixed getLoadedProviders()
* @method static array getLoadedProviders()
* @see \Illuminate\Container\Container::getInstance
* @method static \Illuminate\Container\Container getInstance()
......@@ -215,29 +215,29 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::setDefaultDriver
* @method static void setDefaultDriver($name)
* @method static void setDefaultDriver(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::shouldUse
* @method static void shouldUse($name)
* @method static void shouldUse(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::guard
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard|\Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\StatefulGuard|mixed guard($name = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard|\Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\StatefulGuard guard(string $name = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\CreatesUserProviders::createUserProvider
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\UserProvider createUserProvider(string $provider)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::createTokenDriver
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\TokenGuard createTokenDriver($name, $config)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\TokenGuard createTokenDriver(string $name, array $config)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::viaRequest
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager viaRequest($driver, callable $callback)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager viaRequest(string $driver, callable $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::extend
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager extend($driver, \Closure $callback)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager extend(string $driver, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::provider
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager provider($name, \Closure $callback)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager provider(string $name, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::userResolver
* @method static \Closure userResolver()
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::resolveUsersUsing
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager resolveUsersUsing(\Closure $userResolver)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::createSessionDriver
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard createSessionDriver($name, $config)
* @method static \Illuminate\Auth\SessionGuard createSessionDriver(string $name, array $config)
* @see \Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::getDefaultDriver
* @method static void getDefaultDriver()
* @method static string getDefaultDriver()
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard::setUser
* @method static void setUser(\Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable $user)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard::guest
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::compile
* @method static void compile($path = null)
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\Compiler::isExpired
* @method static bool isExpired(string $path)
* @method static bool isExpired($path)
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::extend
* @method static void extend(callable $compiler)
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::getContentTags
......@@ -283,11 +283,11 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::setEscapedContentTags
* @method static void setEscapedContentTags($openTag, $closeTag)
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\Compiler::getCompiledPath
* @method static string getCompiledPath(string $path)
* @method static string getCompiledPath($path)
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::setRawTags
* @method static void setRawTags($openTag, $closeTag)
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::getRawTags
* @method static array|mixed|string[] getRawTags()
* @method static mixed|string[] getRawTags()
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::compileEchoDefaults
* @method static array|null|string|string[] compileEchoDefaults($value)
* @see \Illuminate\View\Compilers\BladeCompiler::setPath
......@@ -309,11 +309,11 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher::dispatch
* @method static mixed dispatch($command)
* @method static void dispatch($command)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher::dispatchNow
* @method static mixed dispatchNow($command)
* @method static void dispatchNow($command)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher::pipeThrough
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher pipeThrough(array $pipes)
* @method static void pipeThrough(array $pipes)
class Bus {}
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository::remember
* @method static array|mixed remember(string $key, \DateTime|int $minutes, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::hasMacro
* @method static bool hasMacro($name)
* @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository::get
* @method static array|mixed get(string $key, $default = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository::putMany
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository::getStore
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Store getStore()
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::macro
* @method static void macro($name, callable $macro)
* @method static void macro(string $name, callable $macro)
* @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository::getDefaultCacheTime
* @method static int getDefaultCacheTime()
* @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository::many
......@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository::sear
* @method static array|mixed sear(string $key, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::macroCall
* @method static mixed macroCall($method, $parameters)
* @method static mixed macroCall(string $method, array $parameters)
* @see \Illuminate\Cache\Repository::forever
* @method static void forever(string $key, $value)
......@@ -383,25 +383,25 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::all
* @method static array all()
* @method static array|mixed all()
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::offsetGet
* @method static mixed offsetGet(string $key)
* @method static mixed offsetGet($key)
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::set
* @method static void set(array|string $key, $value = null)
* @method static void set($key, $value = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::offsetUnset
* @method static void offsetUnset(string $key)
* @method static void offsetUnset($key)
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::get
* @method static mixed get(string $key, $default = null)
* @method static mixed get($key, $default = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::prepend
* @method static void prepend(string $key, $value)
* @method static void prepend($key, $value)
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::offsetExists
* @method static bool offsetExists(string $key)
* @method static bool offsetExists($key)
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::has
* @method static bool has(string $key)
* @method static bool has($key)
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::offsetSet
* @method static void offsetSet(string $key, $value)
* @method static void offsetSet($key, $value)
* @see \Illuminate\Config\Repository::push
* @method static void push(string $key, $value)
* @method static void push($key, $value)
class Config {}
......@@ -617,103 +617,103 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::extension
* @method static array|string extension($path)
* @method static string extension(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::isWritable
* @method static bool isWritable($path)
* @method static bool isWritable(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::prepend
* @method static false|int prepend($path, $data)
* @method static int prepend(string $path, string $data)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::glob
* @method static array|false glob($pattern, $flags = 0)
* @method static array glob(string $pattern, int $flags = 0)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::type
* @method static false|string type($path)
* @method static string type(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::dirname
* @method static array|string dirname($path)
* @method static string dirname(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::delete
* @method static bool delete($paths)
* @method static bool delete(array|string $paths)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::put
* @method static false|int put($path, $contents, $lock = false)
* @method static int put(string $path, string $contents, bool $lock = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::requireOnce
* @method static void requireOnce($file)
* @method static mixed requireOnce(string $file)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::copyDirectory
* @method static bool copyDirectory($directory, $destination, $options = null)
* @method static bool copyDirectory(string $directory, string $destination, int $options = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::hasMacro
* @method static bool hasMacro($name)
* @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::get
* @method static false|string get($path, $lock = false)
* @method static string get(string $path, bool $lock = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::isFile
* @method static bool isFile($file)
* @method static bool isFile(string $file)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::directories
* @method static array directories($directory)
* @method static array directories(string $directory)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::copy
* @method static bool copy($path, $target)
* @method static bool copy(string $path, string $target)
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::macro
* @method static void macro($name, callable $macro)
* @method static void macro(string $name, callable $macro)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::move
* @method static bool move($path, $target)
* @method static bool move(string $path, string $target)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::isDirectory
* @method static bool isDirectory($directory)
* @method static bool isDirectory(string $directory)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::moveDirectory
* @method static bool moveDirectory($from, $to, $overwrite = false)
* @method static bool moveDirectory(string $from, string $to, bool $overwrite = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::sharedGet
* @method static false|string sharedGet($path)
* @method static string sharedGet(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::getRequire
* @method static mixed getRequire($path)
* @method static mixed getRequire(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::deleteDirectory
* @method static bool deleteDirectory($directory, $preserve = false)
* @method static bool deleteDirectory(string $directory, bool $preserve = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::basename
* @method static array|string basename($path)
* @method static string basename(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::size
* @method static false|int size($path)
* @method static int size(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::lastModified
* @method static false|int lastModified($path)
* @method static int lastModified(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::makeDirectory
* @method static bool makeDirectory($path, $mode = 0755, $recursive = false, $force = false)
* @method static bool makeDirectory(string $path, int $mode = 0755, bool $recursive = false, bool $force = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::name
* @method static array|string name($path)
* @method static string name(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::files
* @method static array|false files($directory)
* @method static array files(string $directory)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::exists
* @method static bool exists($path)
* @method static bool exists(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::mimeType
* @method static false|string mimeType($path)
* @method static false|string mimeType(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::allFiles
* @method static array allFiles($directory, $hidden = false)
* @method static array allFiles(string $directory, bool $hidden = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::cleanDirectory
* @method static bool cleanDirectory($directory)
* @method static bool cleanDirectory(string $directory)
* @see \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem::append
* @method static false|int append($path, $data)
* @method static int append(string $path, string $data)
class File {}
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::allows
* @method static bool allows(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
* @method static void allows($ability, $arguments = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::before
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate before(callable $callback)
* @method static void before(callable $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::forUser
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate forUser(\Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|mixed $user)
* @method static void forUser($user)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::define
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate define(string $ability, callable|string $callback)
* @method static void define($ability, $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::has
* @method static bool has(string $ability)
* @method static void has($ability)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::check
* @method static bool check(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
* @method static void check($ability, $arguments = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::denies
* @method static bool denies(string $ability, array|mixed $arguments = [])
* @method static void denies($ability, $arguments = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::policy
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate policy(string $class, string $policy)
* @method static void policy($class, $policy)
class Gate {}
* @see \Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher::setRounds
* @method static \Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher setRounds(int $rounds)
* @method static \Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher setRounds($rounds)
* @see \Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher::needsRehash
* @method static bool needsRehash(string $hashedValue, array $options = [])
* @method static bool needsRehash($hashedValue, array $options = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher::check
* @method static bool check(string $value, string $hashedValue, array $options = [])
* @method static bool check($value, $hashedValue, array $options = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher::make
* @method static string make(string $value, array $options = [])
* @method static null|string make($value, array $options = [])
class Hash {}
......@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Http\Request::file
* @method static array|\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile|null file(string $key = null, $default = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::hasMacro
* @method static bool hasMacro($name)
* @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
* @see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getContentType
* @method static null|string getContentType()
* @see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::get
......@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getScriptName
* @method static string getScriptName()
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::macro
* @method static void macro($name, callable $macro)
* @method static void macro(string $name, callable $macro)
* @see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::isSecure
* @method static bool isSecure()
* @see \Illuminate\Http\Request::fullUrlWithQuery
......@@ -1025,41 +1025,41 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::useSyslog
* @method static \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface useSyslog(string $name = 'laravel', string $level = 'debug')
* @method static \Monolog\Logger useSyslog($name = 'laravel', $level = 'debug')
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::debug
* @method static null|void debug(string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null debug($message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::critical
* @method static null|void critical(string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null critical($message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::log
* @method static null|void log(string $level, string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null log($level, $message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::useDailyFiles
* @method static void useDailyFiles(string $path, int $days = 0, string $level = 'debug')
* @method static void useDailyFiles($path, $days = 0, $level = 'debug')
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::emergency
* @method static null|void emergency(string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null emergency($message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::getMonolog
* @method static \Monolog\Logger getMonolog()
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::error
* @method static null|void error(string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null error($message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::setEventDispatcher
* @method static void setEventDispatcher(\Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher $dispatcher)
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::useFiles
* @method static void useFiles(string $path, string $level = 'debug')
* @method static void useFiles($path, $level = 'debug')
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::listen
* @method static void listen(\Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::alert
* @method static null|void alert(string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null alert($message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::getEventDispatcher
* @method static \Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher getEventDispatcher()
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::warning
* @method static null|void warning(string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null warning($message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::useErrorLog
* @method static void useErrorLog(string $level = 'debug', int $messageType = ErrorLogHandler::OPERATING_SYSTEM)
* @method static void useErrorLog($level = 'debug', $messageType = ErrorLogHandler::OPERATING_SYSTEM)
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::write
* @method static null|void write(string $level, string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null write($level, $message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::info
* @method static null|void info(string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null info($message, array $context = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Log\Writer::notice
* @method static null|void notice(string $message, array $context = [])
* @method static null notice($message, array $context = [])
class Log {}
......@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Http\Request::file
* @method static array|\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile|null file(string $key = null, $default = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::hasMacro
* @method static bool hasMacro($name)
* @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
* @see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getContentType
* @method static null|string getContentType()
* @see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::get
......@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::getScriptName
* @method static string getScriptName()
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::macro
* @method static void macro($name, callable $macro)
* @method static void macro(string $name, callable $macro)
* @see \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::isSecure
* @method static bool isSecure()
* @see \Illuminate\Http\Request::fullUrlWithQuery
......@@ -1475,137 +1475,137 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::download
* @method static void download($file, $name = null, array $headers = [], $disposition = 'attachment')
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse download(\SplFileInfo|string $file, string $name = null, array $headers = [], null|string $disposition = 'attachment')
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::view
* @method static void view($view, $data = [], $status = 200, array $headers = [])
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Response view(string $view, array $data = [], int $status = 200, array $headers = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::jsonp
* @method static void jsonp($callback, $data = [], $status = 200, array $headers = [], $options = 0)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse jsonp(string $callback, array|string $data = [], int $status = 200, array $headers = [], int $options = 0)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::stream
* @method static void stream($callback, $status = 200, array $headers = [])
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse stream(\Closure $callback, int $status = 200, array $headers = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::redirectTo
* @method static void redirectTo($path, $status = 302, $headers = [], $secure = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse redirectTo(string $path, int $status = 302, array $headers = [], bool|null $secure = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::json
* @method static void json($data = [], $status = 200, array $headers = [], $options = 0)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse json(array|string $data = [], int $status = 200, array $headers = [], int $options = 0)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::redirectToRoute
* @method static void redirectToRoute($route, $parameters = [], $status = 302, $headers = [])
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse redirectToRoute(string $route, array $parameters = [], int $status = 302, array $headers = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::make
* @method static void make($content = '', $status = 200, array $headers = [])
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Response make(string $content = '', int $status = 200, array $headers = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::redirectGuest
* @method static void redirectGuest($path, $status = 302, $headers = [], $secure = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse redirectGuest(string $path, int $status = 302, array $headers = [], bool|null $secure = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::redirectToAction
* @method static void redirectToAction($action, $parameters = [], $status = 302, $headers = [])
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse redirectToAction(string $action, array $parameters = [], int $status = 302, array $headers = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\ResponseFactory::redirectToIntended
* @method static void redirectToIntended($default = '/', $status = 302, $headers = [], $secure = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse redirectToIntended(string $default = '/', int $status = 302, array $headers = [], bool|null $secure = null)
class Response {}
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::currentRouteName
* @method static array|callable|\Closure|mixed|null|string currentRouteName()
* @method static null|string currentRouteName()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::dispatch
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Response|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response dispatch(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Response dispatch(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::auth
* @method static void auth()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::getLastGroupPrefix
* @method static mixed|string getLastGroupPrefix()
* @method static string getLastGroupPrefix()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::put
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|void put($uri, $action = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route put(string $uri, array|\Closure|null|string $action = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::patch
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|void patch($uri, $action = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route patch(string $uri, array|\Closure|null|string $action = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::bind
* @method static void bind($key, $binder)
* @method static void bind(string $key, callable|string $binder)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::post
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|void post($uri, $action = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route post(string $uri, array|\Closure|null|string $action = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::options
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|void options($uri, $action = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route options(string $uri, array|\Closure|null|string $action = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::controllers
* @method static void controllers(array $controllers)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::model
* @method static void model($key, $class, \Closure $callback = null)
* @method static void model(string $key, string $class, \Closure $callback = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::has
* @method static bool has($name)
* @method static bool has(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::group
* @method static void group(array $attributes, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::mergeGroup
* @method static array mergeGroup($new, $old)
* @method static array mergeGroup(array $new, array $old)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::currentRouteAction
* @method static array|callable|\Closure|mixed|null|void currentRouteAction()
* @method static null|string currentRouteAction()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::resource
* @method static void resource($name, $controller, array $options = [])
* @method static void resource(string $name, string $controller, array $options = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::pushMiddlewareToGroup
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router pushMiddlewareToGroup($group, $middleware)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router pushMiddlewareToGroup(string $group, string $middleware)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::patterns
* @method static void patterns($patterns)
* @method static void patterns(array $patterns)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::prependMiddlewareToGroup
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router prependMiddlewareToGroup($group, $middleware)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router prependMiddlewareToGroup(string $group, string $middleware)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::is
* @method static bool is()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::dispatchToRoute
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Response|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response dispatchToRoute(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Response|mixed dispatchToRoute(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::getRoutes
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection getRoutes()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::input
* @method static mixed|object|string input($key, $default = null)
* @method static mixed input(string $key, string $default = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::matched
* @method static void matched($callback)
* @method static void matched(callable|string $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::currentRouteUses
* @method static bool currentRouteUses($action)
* @method static bool currentRouteUses(string $action)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::getGroupStack
* @method static array|mixed getGroupStack()
* @method static array getGroupStack()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::singularResourceParameters
* @method static void singularResourceParameters()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::pattern
* @method static void pattern($key, $pattern)
* @method static void pattern(string $key, string $pattern)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::delete
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|void delete($uri, $action = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route delete(string $uri, array|\Closure|null|string $action = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::current
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route current()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::hasGroupStack
* @method static bool hasGroupStack()
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::hasMacro
* @method static bool hasMacro($name)
* @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::getMiddleware
* @method static array|mixed getMiddleware()
* @method static array getMiddleware()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::get
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|void get($uri, $action = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route get(string $uri, array|\Closure|null|string $action = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::resourceParameters
* @method static void resourceParameters(array $parameters = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::resolveMiddlewareClassName
* @method static array|\Closure|string resolveMiddlewareClassName($name)
* @method static array|\Closure|string resolveMiddlewareClassName(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::middleware
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router middleware($name, $class)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router middleware(string $name, string $class)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::mergeWithLastGroup
* @method static array mergeWithLastGroup($new)
* @method static array mergeWithLastGroup(array $new)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::gatherRouteMiddlewares
* @method static array|mixed gatherRouteMiddlewares(\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route)
* @method static array gatherRouteMiddlewares(\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route)
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::macro
* @method static void macro($name, callable $macro)
* @method static void macro(string $name, callable $macro)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::controller
* @method static void controller($uri, $controller, $names = [])
* @method static void controller(string $uri, string $controller, array $names = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::middlewareGroup
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router middlewareGroup($name, array $middleware)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Router middlewareGroup(string $name, array $middleware)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::currentRouteNamed
* @method static bool currentRouteNamed($name)
* @method static bool currentRouteNamed(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::match
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route|void match($methods, $uri, $action = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route match(array|string $methods, string $uri, array|\Closure|null|string $action = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::resources
* @method static void resources(array $resources)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::createClassBinding
* @method static \Closure createClassBinding($binding)
* @method static \Closure createClassBinding(string $binding)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::any
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route any($uri, $action = null)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route any(string $uri, array|\Closure|null|string $action = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::getCurrentRequest
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request getCurrentRequest()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::setRoutes
* @method static void setRoutes(\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection $routes)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::prepareResponse
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response prepareResponse($request, $response)
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Response prepareResponse(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request, $response)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::getCurrentRoute
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\Route getCurrentRoute()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::uses
* @method static bool uses()
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router::getPatterns
* @method static array|mixed getPatterns()
* @method static array getPatterns()
class Route {}
......@@ -1645,17 +1645,17 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Session\SessionManager::setDefaultDriver
* @method static void setDefaultDriver(string $name)
* @method static void setDefaultDriver($name)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\SessionManager::getSessionConfig
* @method static array getSessionConfig()
* @method static void getSessionConfig()
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Manager::extend
* @method static \Illuminate\Support\Manager extend(string $driver, \Closure $callback)
* @method static \Illuminate\Support\Manager extend($driver, \Closure $callback)
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Manager::driver
* @method static mixed driver(string $driver = null)
* @method static mixed driver($driver = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\SessionManager::getDefaultDriver
* @method static string getDefaultDriver()
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Manager::getDrivers
* @method static array getDrivers()
* @method static array|mixed getDrivers()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::regenerateToken
* @method static void regenerateToken()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::handlerNeedsRequest
......@@ -1667,63 +1667,63 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::flashInput
* @method static void flashInput(array $value)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::getBagData
* @method static array getBagData(string $name)
* @method static mixed getBagData($name)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::setRequestOnHandler
* @method static void setRequestOnHandler(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::put
* @method static void put(array|string $key, $value = null)
* @method static void put($key, $value = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::getToken
* @method static string getToken()
* @method static mixed getToken()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::previousUrl
* @method static null|string previousUrl()
* @method static mixed previousUrl()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::has
* @method static bool has($name)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::all
* @method static array all()
* @method static array|mixed all()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::setPreviousUrl
* @method static null|void setPreviousUrl(string $url)
* @method static null setPreviousUrl($url)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::getId
* @method static string getId()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::isValidId
* @method static bool isValidId(string $id)
* @method static bool isValidId($id)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::push
* @method static void push(string $key, $value)
* @method static void push($key, $value)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::setName
* @method static void setName($name)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::reflash
* @method static void reflash()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::forget
* @method static void forget(array|string $keys)
* @method static void forget($keys)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::setExists
* @method static void setExists(bool $value)
* @method static void setExists($value)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::regenerate
* @method static bool regenerate(bool $destroy = false)
* @method static true regenerate($destroy = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::isStarted
* @method static bool isStarted()
* @method static bool|mixed isStarted()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::keep
* @method static void keep(array|mixed $keys = null)
* @method static void keep($keys = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::getOldInput
* @method static mixed getOldInput(string $key = null, $default = null)
* @method static mixed getOldInput($key = null, $default = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::migrate
* @method static bool migrate($destroy = false, $lifetime = null)
* @method static true migrate($destroy = false, $lifetime = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::flash
* @method static void flash(string $key, $value)
* @method static void flash($key, $value)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::hasOldInput
* @method static bool hasOldInput(string $key = null)
* @method static bool hasOldInput($key = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::getMetadataBag
* @method static \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\MetadataBag getMetadataBag()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::save
* @method static void save()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::increment
* @method static int|mixed increment(string $key, int $amount = 1)
* @method static int|mixed increment($key, $amount = 1)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::remove
* @method static array|\ArrayAccess|mixed remove($name)
* @method static mixed remove($name)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::flush
* @method static void flush()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::get
* @method static array|\ArrayAccess|mixed get($name, $default = null)
* @method static mixed get($name, $default = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::now
* @method static void now(string $key, $value)
* @method static void now($key, $value)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::registerBag
* @method static void registerBag(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionBagInterface $bag)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::set
......@@ -1735,19 +1735,19 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::getHandler
* @method static \SessionHandlerInterface getHandler()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::invalidate
* @method static bool invalidate($lifetime = null)
* @method static true invalidate($lifetime = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::token
* @method static string token()
* @method static mixed token()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::getName
* @method static string getName()
* @method static mixed|string getName()
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::pull
* @method static mixed pull(string $key, string $default = null)
* @method static mixed pull($key, $default = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::decrement
* @method static int decrement(string $key, int $amount = 1)
* @method static int|mixed decrement($key, $amount = 1)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::setId
* @method static void setId($id)
* @see \Illuminate\Session\Store::getBag
* @method static array|\ArrayAccess|mixed getBag($name)
* @method static mixed|\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionBagInterface getBag($name)
class Session {}
......@@ -1777,43 +1777,43 @@ namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades {
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::secure
* @method static string secure($path, $parameters = [])
* @method static string secure(string $path, array $parameters = [])
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::current
* @method static string current()
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::hasMacro
* @method static bool hasMacro($name)
* @method static bool hasMacro(string $name)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::action
* @method static string action($action, $parameters = [], $absolute = true)
* @method static string action(string $action, $parameters = [], bool $absolute = true)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::secureAsset
* @method static string secureAsset($path)
* @method static string secureAsset(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::getRequest
* @method static \Illuminate\Http\Request getRequest()
* @see \Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable::macro
* @method static void macro($name, callable $macro)
* @method static void macro(string $name, callable $macro)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::previous
* @method static array|\ArrayAccess|mixed|string previous($fallback = false)
* @method static string previous($fallback = false)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::setSessionResolver
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator setSessionResolver(callable $sessionResolver)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::setRoutes
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator setRoutes(\Illuminate\Routing\RouteCollection $routes)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::route
* @method static string route($name, $parameters = [], $absolute = true)
* @method static string route(string $name, $parameters = [], bool $absolute = true)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::forceRootUrl
* @method static void forceRootUrl($root)
* @method static void forceRootUrl(string $root)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::assetFrom
* @method static string assetFrom($root, $path, $secure = null)
* @method static string assetFrom(string $root, string $path, bool|null $secure = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::forceSchema
* @method static void forceSchema($schema)
* @method static void forceSchema(string $schema)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::setRequest
* @method static void setRequest(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::setRootControllerNamespace
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator setRootControllerNamespace($rootNamespace)
* @method static \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator setRootControllerNamespace(string $rootNamespace)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::to
* @method static string to($path, $extra = [], $secure = null)
* @method static string to(string $path, $extra = [], bool|null $secure = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::isValidUrl
* @method static bool isValidUrl($path)
* @method static bool isValidUrl(string $path)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::asset
* @method static string asset($path, $secure = null)
* @method static string asset(string $path, bool|null $secure = null)
* @see \Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator::full
* @method static string full()
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