Commit b2f9b3ac by 杨树贤


parent 689b4dd5
......@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ class DataService
} else {
$ruler['upload_allow_brands'] = $mainBrands;
$redis->hset('supplier_sku_upload_ruler_v2', $supplier['supplier_id'], json_encode($ruler));
......@@ -363,10 +363,11 @@ class SkuService
if ($setType == 1) {
$supplierIds = SupplierChannelModel::where('supplier_group', $supplierGroup)->where('is_type', 0)
$supplierIds = collect($supplierIds)->chunk(300)->toArray();
$supplierIds = collect($supplierIds)->chunk(50)->toArray();
foreach ($supplierIds as $supplierIdList) {
$supplierIdList = array_values($supplierIdList);
SupplierChannelModel::whereIn('supplier_id', $supplierIdList)->update([
$result = SupplierChannelModel::whereIn('supplier_id', $supplierIdList)->update([
'cp_time_day' => $cpTimeDay
foreach ($supplierIdList as $supplierId) {
......@@ -382,8 +383,8 @@ class SkuService
$redis->hset('supplier_sku_upload_ruler_v2', $supplierId, $ruler);
$cpTimeDay = $cpTimeDay == -1 ? '无限制' : $cpTimeDay;
(new LogService())->BatchAddIgnoreAuditLogs($supplierIdList, LogModel::UPDATE_OPERATE, '批量配置供应商sku上架有效期', '上架有效期修改为' . $cpTimeDay . '天');
$cpTimeDayStr = $cpTimeDay == -1 ? '无限制' : $cpTimeDay;
(new LogService())->BatchAddIgnoreAuditLogs($supplierIdList, LogModel::UPDATE_OPERATE, '批量配置供应商sku上架有效期', '上架有效期修改为' . $cpTimeDayStr . '天');
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