Commit d0ab3122 by 杨树贤


parent 9511467a
......@@ -99,13 +99,14 @@ class SupplierExaminationService
if (!in_array($channelUserName,$channelUserNames)) {
throw new \Exception("存在无效的采购员(第${lineNo}行),请修改后再次提交");
if (!is_integer($amount)) {
if (!is_numeric($amount)) {
throw new \Exception("数量只能为纯数字(第${lineNo}行),请修改后再次提交");
if (!is_integer($examineAmount)) {
if (!is_numeric($examineAmount)) {
throw new \Exception("检测数量只能为纯数字(第${lineNo}行),请修改后再次提交");
if (!is_integer($unhealthyAmount)) {
if (!is_numeric($unhealthyAmount)) {
throw new \Exception("不良数量只能为纯数字(第${lineNo}行),请修改后再次提交");
if (!in_array($abnormalLevel,[1,2,3])) {
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