Commit e3deaf5a by mushishixian


parent 66ded61e
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class SupplierFilter
if (!empty($map['status'])) {
$query->where('status', $map['status']);
if (!empty($map['is_type'])) {
if (isset($map['is_type']) && $map['is_type'] == "0") {
$query->where('is_type', $map['is_type']);
if (!empty($map['has_sku'])) {
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class SupplierFilter
$inUserIdSql = "(" . $inUserIdSql . ")";
if ($subordinateCodeIds) {
$query->whereRaw(DB::raw("(create_uid in $inUserIdSql or purchase_uid in $inCodeIdSql or channel_uid REGEXP '$likeSqlRaw' or is_type = 1) "));
} else {
$query->whereRaw(DB::raw("(create_uid in $inUserIdSql or is_type = 1)"));
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class SupplierFilter
if ($codeId) {
$query->whereRaw(DB::raw("(create_uid = $userId or purchase_uid = $codeId or channel_uid like '%${codeId}%') "));
} else {
$query->whereRaw(DB::raw("(create_uid = $userId)"));
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