# Handling imported results

### Getting all sheets and rows

After you have loaded a file, you can `->get()` the results like so:

    Excel::load('file.xls', function($reader) {



    Excel::load('file.xls', function($reader) {

        // Getting all results
        $results = $reader->get();

        // ->all() is a wrapper for ->get() and will work the same
        $results = $reader->all();


> The `->get()` and `->all()` methods will return a sheet or row collection, depending on the amount of sheets the file has. You can disable this feature inside the `import.php` config by setting `'force_sheets_collection'` to `true`. When set to true it will always return a sheet collection.

### Table heading as attributes

By default the first row of the excel file will be used as attributes.

    // Get the firstname

> **Note**: by default these attributes will be converted to a slug. You can change the default inside the config `excel::import.heading`. Available options are: `true|false|slugged|ascii|numeric|hashed|trans|original`

> True and slugged will be converted to ASCII as well when `excel::import.to_ascii` is set to true. You can change the default separator as well inside the config.

### Collections

Sheets, rows and cells are collections, this means after doing a `->get()` you can use all default collection methods.

    // E.g. group the results

### Getting the first sheet or row

To get the first sheet or row, you can utilise `->first()`.


> **Note:** depending on the config `'force_sheets_collection'` it will return the first row or sheet.

### Workbook and sheet title

It's possible to retrieve the workbook and sheet title with `->getTitle()`.

    // Get workbook title
    $workbookTitle = $reader->getTitle();

    foreach($reader as $sheet)
        // get sheet title
        $sheetTitle = $sheet->getTitle();

### Limiting the results

##### Taking rows

When you only want to return the first x rows of a sheet, you can use `->take()` or `->limit()`.

    // You can either use ->take()

    // Or ->limit()

##### Skipping rows

When you want to skip a certain amount of rows you can use `->skip()` or `->limit(false, 10)`

    // Skip 10 results

    // Skip 10 results with limit, but return all other rows
    $reader->limit(false, 10);

    // Skip and take

    // Limit with skip and take
    $reader->($skip, $take);

### Result mutators

When you want to get an array instead of an object, you can use `->toArray()`.


When you want an object, you can alternativly (instead of get() or all()) use `->toObject()`.


### Displaying results

You can dump the results to a readable output by using `->dump()` or `->dd()`.

    // Dump the results

    // Dump results and die

### Iterating the results

You can iterate the results by using `->each()`.

    // Loop through all sheets
    $reader->each(function($sheet) {

        // Loop through all rows
        $sheet->each(function($row) {



> Alternatively you can also `foreach` the results.