<?php /** * This file is part of phpDocumentor. * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. * * @copyright 2010-2015 Mike van Riel<mike@phpdoc.org> * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT * @link http://phpdoc.org */ namespace phpDocumentor\Reflection; use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\DescriptionFactory; use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\StandardTagFactory; use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\Tag; use phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock\TagFactory; use Webmozart\Assert\Assert; final class DocBlockFactory implements DocBlockFactoryInterface { /** @var DocBlock\DescriptionFactory */ private $descriptionFactory; /** @var DocBlock\TagFactory */ private $tagFactory; /** * Initializes this factory with the required subcontractors. * * @param DescriptionFactory $descriptionFactory * @param TagFactory $tagFactory */ public function __construct(DescriptionFactory $descriptionFactory, TagFactory $tagFactory) { $this->descriptionFactory = $descriptionFactory; $this->tagFactory = $tagFactory; } /** * Factory method for easy instantiation. * * @param string[] $additionalTags * * @return DocBlockFactory */ public static function createInstance(array $additionalTags = []) { $fqsenResolver = new FqsenResolver(); $tagFactory = new StandardTagFactory($fqsenResolver); $descriptionFactory = new DescriptionFactory($tagFactory); $tagFactory->addService($descriptionFactory); $tagFactory->addService(new TypeResolver($fqsenResolver)); $docBlockFactory = new self($descriptionFactory, $tagFactory); foreach ($additionalTags as $tagName => $tagHandler) { $docBlockFactory->registerTagHandler($tagName, $tagHandler); } return $docBlockFactory; } /** * @param object|string $docblock A string containing the DocBlock to parse or an object supporting the * getDocComment method (such as a ReflectionClass object). * @param Types\Context $context * @param Location $location * * @return DocBlock */ public function create($docblock, Types\Context $context = null, Location $location = null) { if (is_object($docblock)) { if (!method_exists($docblock, 'getDocComment')) { $exceptionMessage = 'Invalid object passed; the given object must support the getDocComment method'; throw new \InvalidArgumentException($exceptionMessage); } $docblock = $docblock->getDocComment(); } Assert::stringNotEmpty($docblock); if ($context === null) { $context = new Types\Context(''); } $parts = $this->splitDocBlock($this->stripDocComment($docblock)); list($templateMarker, $summary, $description, $tags) = $parts; return new DocBlock( $summary, $description ? $this->descriptionFactory->create($description, $context) : null, array_filter($this->parseTagBlock($tags, $context), function ($tag) { return $tag instanceof Tag; }), $context, $location, $templateMarker === '#@+', $templateMarker === '#@-' ); } public function registerTagHandler($tagName, $handler) { $this->tagFactory->registerTagHandler($tagName, $handler); } /** * Strips the asterisks from the DocBlock comment. * * @param string $comment String containing the comment text. * * @return string */ private function stripDocComment($comment) { $comment = trim(preg_replace('#[ \t]*(?:\/\*\*|\*\/|\*)?[ \t]{0,1}(.*)?#u', '$1', $comment)); // reg ex above is not able to remove */ from a single line docblock if (substr($comment, -2) === '*/') { $comment = trim(substr($comment, 0, -2)); } return str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $comment); } /** * Splits the DocBlock into a template marker, summary, description and block of tags. * * @param string $comment Comment to split into the sub-parts. * * @author Richard van Velzen (@_richardJ) Special thanks to Richard for the regex responsible for the split. * @author Mike van Riel <me@mikevanriel.com> for extending the regex with template marker support. * * @return string[] containing the template marker (if any), summary, description and a string containing the tags. */ private function splitDocBlock($comment) { // Performance improvement cheat: if the first character is an @ then only tags are in this DocBlock. This // method does not split tags so we return this verbatim as the fourth result (tags). This saves us the // performance impact of running a regular expression if (strpos($comment, '@') === 0) { return ['', '', '', $comment]; } // clears all extra horizontal whitespace from the line endings to prevent parsing issues $comment = preg_replace('/\h*$/Sum', '', $comment); /* * Splits the docblock into a template marker, summary, description and tags section. * * - The template marker is empty, #@+ or #@- if the DocBlock starts with either of those (a newline may * occur after it and will be stripped). * - The short description is started from the first character until a dot is encountered followed by a * newline OR two consecutive newlines (horizontal whitespace is taken into account to consider spacing * errors). This is optional. * - The long description, any character until a new line is encountered followed by an @ and word * characters (a tag). This is optional. * - Tags; the remaining characters * * Big thanks to RichardJ for contributing this Regular Expression */ preg_match( '/ \A # 1. Extract the template marker (?:(\#\@\+|\#\@\-)\n?)? # 2. Extract the summary (?: (?! @\pL ) # The summary may not start with an @ ( [^\n.]+ (?: (?! \. \n | \n{2} ) # End summary upon a dot followed by newline or two newlines [\n.] (?! [ \t]* @\pL ) # End summary when an @ is found as first character on a new line [^\n.]+ # Include anything else )* \.? )? ) # 3. Extract the description (?: \s* # Some form of whitespace _must_ precede a description because a summary must be there (?! @\pL ) # The description may not start with an @ ( [^\n]+ (?: \n+ (?! [ \t]* @\pL ) # End description when an @ is found as first character on a new line [^\n]+ # Include anything else )* ) )? # 4. Extract the tags (anything that follows) (\s+ [\s\S]*)? # everything that follows /ux', $comment, $matches ); array_shift($matches); while (count($matches) < 4) { $matches[] = ''; } return $matches; } /** * Creates the tag objects. * * @param string $tags Tag block to parse. * @param Types\Context $context Context of the parsed Tag * * @return DocBlock\Tag[] */ private function parseTagBlock($tags, Types\Context $context) { $tags = $this->filterTagBlock($tags); if (!$tags) { return []; } $result = $this->splitTagBlockIntoTagLines($tags); foreach ($result as $key => $tagLine) { $result[$key] = $this->tagFactory->create(trim($tagLine), $context); } return $result; } /** * @param string $tags * * @return string[] */ private function splitTagBlockIntoTagLines($tags) { $result = []; foreach (explode("\n", $tags) as $tag_line) { if (isset($tag_line[0]) && ($tag_line[0] === '@')) { $result[] = $tag_line; } else { $result[count($result) - 1] .= "\n" . $tag_line; } } return $result; } /** * @param $tags * @return string */ private function filterTagBlock($tags) { $tags = trim($tags); if (!$tags) { return null; } if ('@' !== $tags[0]) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // Can't simulate this; this only happens if there is an error with the parsing of the DocBlock that // we didn't foresee. throw new \LogicException('A tag block started with text instead of an at-sign(@): ' . $tags); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } return $tags; } }