<?php /* * This file is part of the Comparator package. * * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace SebastianBergmann\Comparator; use stdClass; /** * @coversDefaultClass SebastianBergmann\Comparator\ObjectComparator * */ class ObjectComparatorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { private $comparator; protected function setUp() { $this->comparator = new ObjectComparator; $this->comparator->setFactory(new Factory); } public function acceptsSucceedsProvider() { return array( array(new TestClass, new TestClass), array(new stdClass, new stdClass), array(new stdClass, new TestClass) ); } public function acceptsFailsProvider() { return array( array(new stdClass, null), array(null, new stdClass), array(null, null) ); } public function assertEqualsSucceedsProvider() { // cyclic dependencies $book1 = new Book; $book1->author = new Author('Terry Pratchett'); $book1->author->books[] = $book1; $book2 = new Book; $book2->author = new Author('Terry Pratchett'); $book2->author->books[] = $book2; $object1 = new SampleClass(4, 8, 15); $object2 = new SampleClass(4, 8, 15); return array( array($object1, $object1), array($object1, $object2), array($book1, $book1), array($book1, $book2), array(new Struct(2.3), new Struct(2.5), 0.5) ); } public function assertEqualsFailsProvider() { $typeMessage = 'is not instance of expected class'; $equalMessage = 'Failed asserting that two objects are equal.'; // cyclic dependencies $book1 = new Book; $book1->author = new Author('Terry Pratchett'); $book1->author->books[] = $book1; $book2 = new Book; $book2->author = new Author('Terry Pratch'); $book2->author->books[] = $book2; $book3 = new Book; $book3->author = 'Terry Pratchett'; $book4 = new stdClass; $book4->author = 'Terry Pratchett'; $object1 = new SampleClass( 4, 8, 15); $object2 = new SampleClass(16, 23, 42); return array( array(new SampleClass(4, 8, 15), new SampleClass(16, 23, 42), $equalMessage), array($object1, $object2, $equalMessage), array($book1, $book2, $equalMessage), array($book3, $book4, $typeMessage), array(new Struct(2.3), new Struct(4.2), $equalMessage, 0.5) ); } /** * @covers ::accepts * @dataProvider acceptsSucceedsProvider */ public function testAcceptsSucceeds($expected, $actual) { $this->assertTrue( $this->comparator->accepts($expected, $actual) ); } /** * @covers ::accepts * @dataProvider acceptsFailsProvider */ public function testAcceptsFails($expected, $actual) { $this->assertFalse( $this->comparator->accepts($expected, $actual) ); } /** * @covers ::assertEquals * @dataProvider assertEqualsSucceedsProvider */ public function testAssertEqualsSucceeds($expected, $actual, $delta = 0.0) { $exception = null; try { $this->comparator->assertEquals($expected, $actual, $delta); } catch (ComparisonFailure $exception) { } $this->assertNull($exception, 'Unexpected ComparisonFailure'); } /** * @covers ::assertEquals * @dataProvider assertEqualsFailsProvider */ public function testAssertEqualsFails($expected, $actual, $message, $delta = 0.0) { $this->setExpectedException( 'SebastianBergmann\\Comparator\\ComparisonFailure', $message ); $this->comparator->assertEquals($expected, $actual, $delta); } }