# Cell manipulation

    $sheet->cell('A1', function($cell) {

        // manipulate the cell


    $sheet->cells('A1:A5', function($cells) {

        // manipulate the range of cells


### Set background

To change the background of a range of cells we can use `->setBackground($color, $type, $colorType)`

    // Set black background

### Change fonts

    // Set with font color

    // Set font family

    // Set font size

    // Set font weight to bold

    // Set font
        'family'     => 'Calibri',
        'size'       => '16',
        'bold'       =>  true

### Set borders

    // Set all borders (top, right, bottom, left)
    $cells->setBorder('solid', 'none', 'none', 'solid');

    // Set borders with array
        'borders' => array(
            'top'   => array(
                'style' => 'solid'

### Set horizontal alignment

    // Set alignment to center

### Set vertical alignment

    // Set vertical alignment to middle