Commit 952e2e69 by mushishixian


parent 87846042
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func (t *RecvPro) Consumer(dataByte []byte) (err error) {
goto ERR
if message.SyncName == "in_store" {
if message.SyncName == "in_store" || message.SyncName == "out_store"{
storeErpData = map[string]interface{}{
"FSourceBillID": message.Data.ErpStoreId,
......@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ func (t *RecvPro) Consumer(dataByte []byte) (err error) {
storeErpData["FEntrys"] = inStoreErpGoods
jsonByte, _ = json.Marshal(storeErpData)
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
func main() () {
message := `{"SyncName":"in_store","Data":{"erp_store_id":"FGipxV9OSXGWVCgqefjkesBZJbY=","detail":[{"number":"10.0000","erp_entry_sn":"mJ4W+QdYQoWe0WCnzEOJou0oFFw=","country":""},{"number":"900.0000","erp_entry_sn":"z0ULke\/wRhC5cQFzZZT4WO0oFFw=","country":""}],"pallet_number":1,"pallet_weight":"0.0000","box_number":1,"box_weight":"0.0000"}}`
message = `{"SyncName":"out_store","Data":{"erp_store_id":"Ncx3gMUSSEml7z2jL1\/p\/u+cpps=","box_number":1,"pallet_number":0,"detail":[{"erp_entry_sn":"123131","number":"25.0000","box_id":"39","pallet_id":0}]}}`
queueExchange := rabbitmq.QueueExchange{
......@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ func TransformParams(message OutStoreMessage) (params map[string]interface{}) {
outStoreDetail = append(outStoreDetail, map[string]interface{}{
"erp_goods_id": entry.FMaterialID,
"erp_entry_sn": entry.FSourceBillEntryID,
"goods_name": entry.FModel,
"brand_name": entry.FBrand,
"number": entry.FQty,
......@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ func SyncErpDataStatus(syncName, uniqueId string) (err error) {
params = gosoap.ArrayParams{
{"json", fmt.Sprintf(`{"FType":"%s", "FID":"%s"}`, syncName, uniqueId)},
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf(`{"FType":"%s", "FID":"%s"}`, syncName, uniqueId))
res, err = soap.Call(apiMethod, params)
if err != nil {
......@@ -163,7 +164,6 @@ func CheckBillDataRequest(syncName, uniqueId string, res *gosoap.Response) (err
for key, value := range responseData {
if key == "0000" {
switch syncName {
case "inStore":
......@@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ func CheckBillDataRequest(syncName, uniqueId string, res *gosoap.Response) (err
if key == "4444" {
return errors.New("金蝶返回失败,失败信息为:" + value)
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