Commit 6d1f8af8 by mushishixian


parent 930b9c90
......@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
2 ="verical"
3 ="tme"
1 = "ti"
......@@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ import (
func AutoSpu(c *gin.Context) {
service1:= service.GoodsService{}
goodsName, _ := c.GetPostForm("goods_name")
goods := service.AutoSpu(goodsName)
var errCode int
......@@ -8,24 +8,42 @@ import (
func QuoteIndex(c *gin.Context) {
var request requests.QuoteIndexRequest
var (
request requests.QuoteIndexRequest
if err := c.ShouldBind(&request); err != nil {
if request.Keyword == "" || request.SupplierId == "" {
c.JSON(200, common.GetResponse(1, "缺少参数", []string{}))
errCode, errMsg := requests.CheckQuoteRequest(request)
if errCode != 0 {
c.JSON(200, common.Response{
ErrCode: errCode,
ErrMsg: errMsg,
Data: []string{},
supplierName := "temp"
if supplierName == "" {
c.JSON(200, common.GetResponse(1, "供应商id有误", []string{}))
if request.FollowHit != 0 && request.FollowHit != 1 {
} else {
flag := 1
if true {
flag = 0
c.JSON(200, common.Response{
ErrCode: flag,
ErrMsg: "",
Data: nil,
package requests
import (
type QuoteIndexRequest struct {
Keyword string `form:"key_word"`
Keyword string `form:"keyword"`
CheckButton int `form:"check_button"`
SupplierId string `form:"supplier_id"`
Offset int `form:"offset"`
......@@ -18,3 +23,23 @@ type QuoteIndexRequest struct {
P int `form:"p"`
Topic int `form:"topic"`
func CheckQuoteRequest(r QuoteIndexRequest) (errCode int, errMsg string) {
var err error
if r.Keyword != "" {
r.Keyword, err = php2go.URLDecode(r.Keyword)
if err != nil {
return 1, "参数解码失败"
if r.Keyword == "" || r.SupplierId == "" {
return 1, "缺少参数"
if config.Get("supplier_all."+r.SupplierId).String() == "" {
return 1, "供应商id有误"
......@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ func InitRouter() *gin.Engine {
r.POST("/search/bom/recommend", controller.Recommend)
r.POST("search/ZiYing/zyh", controller.Zyh)
//r.GET("/search/quote", controller.QuoteIndex)
r.GET("/search/quote", controller.QuoteIndex)
r.POST("/search/quote", controller.QuoteIndex)
return r
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ func SearchAttr(attrOrigin, encap string) (goodsName string, err error) {
numberR, _ := regexp.Compile(common.PureNumberRegular)
pureNumber := numberR.FindString(encap)
redisConn := gredis.Conn("default_redis_read")
redisConn := gredis.Conn("search_r")
defer redisConn.Close()
attrName, _ := redis.String(redisConn.Do("HGET", "sku_map2", pureNumber))
if attrName != "" {
......@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ func getAttrValueByAttr(attr string) (attrValue string) {
} else {
redisConn := gredis.Conn("default_redis_read")
redisConn := gredis.Conn("search_r")
defer redisConn.Close()
attrName, _ := redis.String(redisConn.Do("HGET", "sku_map2", pureNumber))
if attrName != "" {
......@@ -101,8 +101,7 @@ func Recommend(req *common.RecommendRequest) (rsp *common.BomResponse) {
goodsIdList = append(goodsIdList, goodsId)
goodsIdListStr = strings.Join(goodsIdList, ",")
goodsService := GoodsService{}
goodsList, err := goodsService.GetGoodsInfoByApi(goodsIdListStr)
goodsList, err := GetGoodsInfoByApi(goodsIdListStr)
response.Data = goodsList
response.Flag = req.Flag
return &response
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
......@@ -16,11 +17,8 @@ import (
type GoodsService struct {
func (gs *GoodsService) GetGoodsInfo(goodsIdsStr string, userId int) (goodsListMap map[string]*model.ApiGoods, err error) {
func GetGoodsInfo(goodsIdsStr string, userId int) (goodsListMap map[string]*model.ApiGoods, err error) {
isNewCustomer, isMember := CheckIsNewCustomer(userId)
params := req.Param{
"goods_id": goodsIdsStr,
......@@ -32,7 +30,7 @@ func (gs *GoodsService) GetGoodsInfo(goodsIdsStr string, userId int) (goodsListM
func (gs *GoodsService) GetGoodsInfoByApi(goodsIdsStr string) (goodsList []*model.ApiGoods, err error) {
func GetGoodsInfoByApi(goodsIdsStr string) (goodsList []*model.ApiGoods, err error) {
params := req.Param{
"goods_id": goodsIdsStr,
......@@ -184,6 +182,7 @@ func CurlGoodsInfo(goodsIdsStr string, params req.Param) (goodsList []*model.Api
func CheckIsNewCustomer(userId int) (isNewCustomer, isMember bool) {
if userId != 0 {
......@@ -209,22 +208,44 @@ func CheckIsNewCustomer(userId int) (isNewCustomer, isMember bool) {
func GetGoodsInfoBySupplier(req requests.QuoteIndexRequest) error {
supplierIndex := config.Get("es.search_supplier").String()
func GetGoodsBySupplier(r requests.QuoteIndexRequest) (err error) {
supplierIndex := getSupplierIndex(r.SupplierId)
queryString, err := getSupplierQuery(req)
queryString, err := getSupplierQuery(r)
queryString = ""
res, err := es.CurlES(supplierIndex, queryString)
if err != nil {
return err
goodsIds := GetGoodsIdsByEs(res)
//if err != nil {
// return err
goodsIdsStr := strings.Join(goodsIds, ",")
goodsList, err := GetGoodsInfo(goodsIdsStr, 0)
return nil
func getSupplierIndex(supplierId string) string {
return "temp"
func getSupplierIndex(supplierId string) (supplierIndex string) {
supplierIndexMap := config.Cfg.Section("supplier_all").KeysHash()
if index, exist := supplierIndexMap[supplierId]; exist {
return index
if strings.Contains(supplierId, ",") {
supplierIdSlice := strings.Split(supplierId, ",")
for _, supplierId := range supplierIdSlice {
if index, exist := supplierIndexMap[supplierId]; exist {
if supplierIndex == "" {
supplierIndex = index
} else {
supplierIndex = supplierIndex + "," + index
func getSupplierQuery(req requests.QuoteIndexRequest) (string, error) {
req.SupplierId = strings.TrimSpace(req.SupplierId)
source := elastic.NewSearchSource()
......@@ -242,6 +263,7 @@ func getSupplierQuery(req requests.QuoteIndexRequest) (string, error) {
keyword := strings.ToUpper(req.Keyword)
if req.Keyword != "" {
r1, _ := regexp.Compile(`/[\x{4e00}-\x{9fff}]+/u`)
......@@ -250,7 +272,6 @@ func getSupplierQuery(req requests.QuoteIndexRequest) (string, error) {
r2, _ := regexp.Compile(`/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/`)
req.Keyword = r2.ReplaceAllString(removeCnKeyword, "")
if req.IsExact == 1 {
query.Must(elastic.NewTermQuery("auto_goods_name.raw", keyword))
} else {
......@@ -265,8 +286,10 @@ func getSupplierQuery(req requests.QuoteIndexRequest) (string, error) {
if true {
supplierIndexName := getSupplierIndex(req.SupplierId)
alikeSuppliers := config.Cfg.Section("alike_supplier").KeyStrings()
if php2go.InArray(supplierIndexName, alikeSuppliers) && keyword != "" {
query.Should(elastic.NewTermQuery("goods_name_alike", keyword))
......@@ -275,7 +298,7 @@ func getSupplierQuery(req requests.QuoteIndexRequest) (string, error) {
if req.Stock > 0 {
......@@ -382,8 +405,18 @@ func getSupplierQuery(req requests.QuoteIndexRequest) (string, error) {
for _, brandId := range excludeBrandId {
query.MustNot(elastic.NewTermQuery("brand_id", brandId))
searchRequest := elastic.NewSearchRequest().Source(source)
return searchRequest.Body()
func GetGoodsIdsByEs(res string) (goodsIds []string) {
gjArray := gjson.Get(res, "hits.hits.#._id").Array()
for _, item := range gjArray {
goodsIds = append(goodsIds, item.String())
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