Commit 903a5a80 by 孙龙


parent 86bc51e6
......@@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ func Zyh(ctx *gin.Context){
if err != nil{
zyhResponse.ErrorCode = 1
zyhResponse.ErrorMsg = fmt.Sprintf("%s",err)
common.Output(int(zyhResponse.ErrorCode), zyhResponse.ErrorMsg, zyhResponse.Data)
common.Output(int(zyhResponse.ErrorCode), zyhResponse.ErrorMsg, zyhResponse.Data)
func Aggs(ctx *gin.Context){
......@@ -55,12 +54,9 @@ func Aggs(ctx *gin.Context){
zyhResponse.ErrorCode = 1
zyhResponse.ErrorMsg = fmt.Sprintf("%s",err)
common.Output(int(zyhResponse.ErrorCode), zyhResponse.ErrorMsg, zyhResponse.Data)
common.Output(int(zyhResponse.ErrorCode), zyhResponse.ErrorMsg, zyhResponse.Data)
func Index(ctx *gin.Context){
......@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ func (this *ZyServiceImpl) Zyh(ctx *gin.Context, req map[string]string) (rsp *mo
func (this *ZyServiceImpl)Aggs(ctx *gin.Context, req map[string]string) (rsp *model.ZyhResponse,err error){
//rsp,ok := ziyingCache(req,2)
//if ok {
// return rsp,nil
rsp,ok := ziyingCache(req,2)
if ok {
return rsp,nil
rsp = zy(req ,2,1)
return rsp,nil
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