Commit 17b8616e by 杨树贤


parent de81acba
......@@ -20,9 +20,8 @@ class AuthController extends Controller
$ucId = UserService::register($data);
return $this->setSuccessData(['uc_id' => $ucId]);
$user = UserService::register($data);
return $this->setSuccessData(['uc_id' => $user['uc_id'], 'user' => $user]);
public function login(UserLogin $request)
......@@ -33,14 +32,12 @@ class AuthController extends Controller
$ucId = UserService::login($data);
$user = UserService::login($data);
if (empty($ucId)) {
if (empty($user)) {
return $this->setSuccessData(['uc_id' => $ucId]);
return $this->setSuccessData(['uc_id' => $user['uc_id'], 'user' => $user]);
......@@ -18,14 +18,22 @@ class UserService
$ucId = UserModel::where('email', $data['email'])->value('uc_id');
if ($ucId) {
return $ucId;
} else {
if (!$ucId) {
$data['create_time'] = time();
$ucId = UserModel::insertGetId($data);
return $ucId;
$user = UserModel::select([
])->where('uc_id', $ucId)->first();
UserModel::where('uc_id', $user['uc_id'])->update(['last_login_time'], time());
return $user;
......@@ -39,13 +47,18 @@ class UserService
$salt = UserModel::where('email', $data['email'])->value('salt');
$loginQuery->where('email', $data['email']);
if (empty($salt)) {
throw new InvalidRequestException('该账号不存在');
$passwordHash = PasswordService::passwordHash($data['password'], $salt);
$user = $loginQuery->where('password', $passwordHash)->first();
$user = $loginQuery->select([
])->where('password', $passwordHash)->first();
UserModel::where('uc_id', $user['uc_id'])->update(['last_login_time'], time());
return $user ?: [];
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