<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHPUnit. * * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\TextUI\XmlConfiguration; use const PATH_SEPARATOR; use function constant; use function define; use function defined; use function getenv; use function implode; use function ini_get; use function ini_set; use function putenv; /** * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ final class PhpHandler { public function handle(Php $configuration): void { $this->handleIncludePaths($configuration->includePaths()); $this->handleIniSettings($configuration->iniSettings()); $this->handleConstants($configuration->constants()); $this->handleGlobalVariables($configuration->globalVariables()); $this->handleServerVariables($configuration->serverVariables()); $this->handleEnvVariables($configuration->envVariables()); $this->handleVariables('_POST', $configuration->postVariables()); $this->handleVariables('_GET', $configuration->getVariables()); $this->handleVariables('_COOKIE', $configuration->cookieVariables()); $this->handleVariables('_FILES', $configuration->filesVariables()); $this->handleVariables('_REQUEST', $configuration->requestVariables()); } private function handleIncludePaths(DirectoryCollection $includePaths): void { if (!$includePaths->isEmpty()) { $includePathsAsStrings = []; foreach ($includePaths as $includePath) { $includePathsAsStrings[] = $includePath->path(); } ini_set( 'include_path', implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $includePathsAsStrings) . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path') ); } } private function handleIniSettings(IniSettingCollection $iniSettings): void { foreach ($iniSettings as $iniSetting) { $value = $iniSetting->value(); if (defined($value)) { $value = (string) constant($value); } ini_set($iniSetting->name(), $value); } } private function handleConstants(ConstantCollection $constants): void { foreach ($constants as $constant) { if (!defined($constant->name())) { define($constant->name(), $constant->value()); } } } private function handleGlobalVariables(VariableCollection $variables): void { foreach ($variables as $variable) { $GLOBALS[$variable->name()] = $variable->value(); } } private function handleServerVariables(VariableCollection $variables): void { foreach ($variables as $variable) { $_SERVER[$variable->name()] = $variable->value(); } } private function handleVariables(string $target, VariableCollection $variables): void { foreach ($variables as $variable) { $GLOBALS[$target][$variable->name()] = $variable->value(); } } private function handleEnvVariables(VariableCollection $variables): void { foreach ($variables as $variable) { $name = $variable->name(); $value = $variable->value(); $force = $variable->force(); if ($force || getenv($name) === false) { putenv("{$name}={$value}"); } $value = getenv($name); if ($force || !isset($_ENV[$name])) { $_ENV[$name] = $value; } } } }