Commit 1c68ef1c by 杨树贤

Merge branch 'ysx-价格体系修改-20230815' into dev

parents e24ada75 f1d51788
Showing with 4 additions and 1 deletions
......@@ -374,15 +374,18 @@ func (ps *PriceService) GetDiscountRatio(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
discountRatioRedisKey := "magic_cube_channel_discount_daigou"
discountRatioDefaultRedisKey := "magic_cube_channel_discount_default_daigou"
var supplierKey interface{}
supplierKey = sku.SupplierId
if sku.SupplierId == 17 {
discountRatioRedisKey = "magic_cube_channel_discount_zhuanying"
discountRatioDefaultRedisKey = "magic_cube_channel_discount_default_zhuanying"
supplierKey = sku.Canal
isDefaultDiscountRatio := false
discountRatio, _ := redis.String(redisCon.Do("HGET", discountRatioRedisKey, sku.SupplierId))
discountRatio, _ := redis.String(redisCon.Do("HGET", discountRatioRedisKey, supplierKey))
checkNullRation := gjson.Get(discountRatio, "ration").String()
if discountRatio == "" || checkNullRation == "{}" {
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