Commit 4a12e44f by 杨树贤

Merge branch 'ysx-价格体系修改-20230815' into dev

parents 7f382d13 6ed822cf
......@@ -393,6 +393,7 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
// 为何是固定的1.13,关税基本不会变,有变的话跟产品沟通手动修改即可
tax := 1.13
var showPriceRatioList []model.PriceRatio
for key, price := range sku.LadderPrice {
......@@ -432,13 +433,15 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
priceCostUs := c.MulFloat(price.PriceUs, sku.DiscountRatio.RatioUsd)
priceCostUs = c.MyRound(priceCostUs, 4)
fmt.Println("计算美金价的系数", priceRatio.RatioUsd)
priceUs := c.MulFloat(priceCostUs, priceRatio.RatioUsd)
var priceCostCn float64
if sku.SupplierId == 1688 {
priceCostCn = c.MulFloat(price.PriceCn, 1)
} else {
priceCostCn = c.MulFloat(price.PriceUs, coefficient.Ratio, tax)
usdRatio, _ := redis.Float64(redisCon.Do("HGET", "erp_rate", 2))
priceCostCn = c.MulFloat(price.PriceUs, usdRatio, tax)
priceCostCn = c.MulFloat(c.MyRound(priceCostCn, 4), sku.DiscountRatio.Ratio)
priceCostCn = c.MyRound(priceCostCn, 4)
......@@ -449,6 +452,11 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
data[key].PriceCn = c.MyRound(priceCn, 4)
data[key].PriceCostCn = priceCostCn
showPriceRatioList = append(showPriceRatioList, model.PriceRatio{
Ratio: priceRatio.Ratio,
RatioUsd: priceRatio.RatioUsd,
sku.PriceRatio = showPriceRatioList
if (sku.GoodsType == 1 || sku.GoodsType == 2 || sku.GoodsType == 6) && sku.AcType > 1 && sku.Ratio > 0 {
priceAc := c.MyRound(c.MulFloat(data[key].PriceCn, (sku.Ratio/100)), 4)
......@@ -654,6 +654,7 @@ func (ps *PriceService) TransformSpecialSupplierPrice(sku model.LySku, priceUs f
} else {
currency, _ = redis.Int(redisCon.Do("HGET", "magic_cube_supplier_currency", sku.Canal))
fmt.Println("进来的美金价格:", priceUs)
if currency > 0 {
......@@ -662,7 +663,7 @@ func (ps *PriceService) TransformSpecialSupplierPrice(sku model.LySku, priceUs f
fmt.Println(rmbRatio, usRatio)
usRatio = c.MyRound(c.DivFloat(rmbRatio, usRatio), 4)
usRatio = c.MyRound(c.DivFloat(rmbRatio, usRatio), 6)
priceUs = c.MyRound(c.MulFloat(priceUs, usRatio), 4)
return priceUs
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