Commit 767de537 by mushishixian

Merge branch 'ysx-美金活动价-20230420'

parents 8e720d08 cbf75e8d
Showing with 10 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ package service
import (
type LadderPriceService struct {
......@@ -44,7 +45,14 @@ func (LP *LadderPriceService) GetPriceInfoByNum(ladderPriceRequest model.LadderP
if (goodsType == 1 || goodsType == 2) && acType != 1 && ladderPriceRequest.Currency != 1 { //美元
res["price_us"] = ladderPriceOne.Get("price_us").Float()
res["price_us_total"] = common.MyRound(gconv.Float64(res["price_us"])*gconv.Float64(num), 4)
priceAcUs := ladderPriceOne.Get("price_ac_us").Float()
if priceAcUs == 0 {
goodsInfo["ac_type"] = 0
if priceAcUs != 0 {
res["price_ac_us"] = priceAcUs
res["price_ac_us_total"] = common.MyRound(priceAcUs*gconv.Float64(num), 4)
} else { //人民币
res["price_cn"] = ladderPriceOne.Get("price_cn").Float()
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