Commit 863d2f4a by mushishixian


parent 48dacd69
Showing with 5 additions and 5 deletions
......@@ -445,18 +445,18 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
priceCostUs := price.PriceUs * usDiscountRatio
priceCostUs := common.MyRound(price.PriceUs*usDiscountRatio, 4)
priceUs := priceCostUs * priceRatio.RatioUsd
priceCostCn := price.PriceUs * coefficient.Ratio * cnDiscountRatio * tax
priceCostCn := common.MyRound(price.PriceUs*coefficient.Ratio*cnDiscountRatio*tax, 4)
priceCn := priceCostCn * priceRatio.Ratio * tax
priceCn := priceCostCn * priceRatio.Ratio
data[key].PriceUs = common.MyRound(priceUs, 4)
data[key].PriceCostUs = common.MyRound(priceCostUs, 4)
data[key].PriceCostUs = priceCostUs
data[key].PriceCn = common.MyRound(priceCn, 4)
data[key].PriceCostCn = common.MyRound(priceCostCn, 4)
data[key].PriceCostCn = priceCostCn
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