Commit 8dbe8a14 by mushishixian

Merge branch 'ysx-魔方改版-20230313' into dev

parents 0bb5eab8 30795bf2
Showing with 16 additions and 2 deletions
......@@ -514,15 +514,29 @@ func (ls *LyService) GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
data[key].Purchases = price.Purchases
//这里去取对应的售价利润阶梯的时候,是往下匹配的,比如 阶梯价是 1,2,3 售价组利润是 1,2,3,4,5,那么123对应的是售价组利润的345
var priceRatio model.PriceRatio
if len(priceRatioList) > key {
priceRatio = priceRatioList[key]
ladderCount := len(sku.LadderPrice)
ratioCount := len(priceRatioList)
if ladderCount > key && key < ratioCount {
margin := ratioCount - ladderCount
if margin < 0 {
margin = 0
fmt.Println(key + margin)
priceRatio = priceRatioList[key+margin]
} else if key >= ratioCount {
priceRatio = priceRatioList[ratioCount-1]
fmt.Println("超过了售价利润组的9个,取到的售价组是 : ", priceRatio)
} else {
priceRatio = model.PriceRatio{
Ratio: 1,
RatioUsd: 1,
fmt.Println("当前循环售价组 : ", priceRatio)
priceCostUs := c.MulFloat(price.PriceUs, usDiscountRatio)
priceCostUs = c.MyRound(priceCostUs, 4)
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