Commit a23205fa by 杨树贤


parent 08c68818
package model
// 联营统一返回格式
type LyResponse struct {
ErrorCode int `json:"error_code"`
ErrorMsg string `json:"error_msg"`
Data interface{} `json:"data"`
// 原始sku梯度
type LadderPrice struct {
Purchases int64 `json:"purchases"` //购买数量
PriceUs float64 `json:"price_us,omitempty"` //数量对应的英文价格
......@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ type OriginPrice struct {
CostPrice float64 `json:"cost_price"`
// 立创价格梯度
type LadderPriceLc struct {
Purchases int64 `json:"purchases"` //购买数量
Price float64 `json:"price"` //立创价格,人民币
// 自营属性列表
type Attrs struct {
AttrName string `json:"attr_name"` //属性名称
AttrValue string `json:"attr_value"` //属性值
......@@ -69,17 +69,18 @@ type LySku struct {
AcType int `json:"ac_type"`
HasGiftActivity int `json:"has_gift_activity"`
GiftActivity GiftActivity `json:"gift_activity"`
ActivityInfo PriceActivity `json:"activity_info"`
StandardBrand StandardBrand `json:"standard_brand"`
GoodsTag GoodsTag `json:"goods_tag"`
StockInfo interface{} `json:"stock_info"`
Eccn string `json:"eccn"`
DiscountRatio DiscountRatio `json:"discount_ratio"`
PriceRatioSort int `json:"price_ratio_sort"`
PriceRatio []PriceRatio `json:"price_ratio"`
Source int `json:"source"`
HasGiftActivity int `json:"has_gift_activity"`
GiftActivity GiftActivity `json:"gift_activity"`
ActivityInfo PriceActivity `json:"activity_info"`
StandardBrand StandardBrand `json:"standard_brand"`
GoodsTag GoodsTag `json:"goods_tag"`
StockInfo interface{} `json:"stock_info"`
Eccn string `json:"eccn"`
DiscountRatio DiscountRatio `json:"discount_ratio"`
PriceRatioSort int `json:"price_ratio_sort"`
PriceRatio []PriceRatio `json:"price_ratio"`
Source int `json:"source"`
OriginCurrencySymbol string `json:"origin_currency_symbol,omitempty"`
type DiscountRatio struct {
......@@ -655,12 +655,14 @@ func (ps *PriceService) TransformSpecialSupplierPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LyS
sku.DatabasePrice = sku.OriginalPrice
hasTax := false
symbol := ""
if currencyConfig != "" {
currency = int(gjson.Get(currencyConfig, "currency").Int())
if currency == 0 {
return sku
hasTax = gjson.Get(currencyConfig, "has_tax").Bool()
symbol = gjson.Get(currencyConfig, "symbol").String()
rmbRatio, _ := redis.Float64(redisCon.Do("HGET", "erp_rate", currency))
......@@ -669,7 +671,7 @@ func (ps *PriceService) TransformSpecialSupplierPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LyS
usRatio = c.MyRound(c.DivFloat(rmbRatio, usRatio), 10)
sku.OriginCurrencySymbol = symbol
for index, price := range sku.LadderPrice {
priceUs := price.PriceUs
priceUs = c.MyRound(c.MulFloat(priceUs, usRatio), 4)
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