Commit e5fdc63d by 杨树贤


parent 5ac25511
......@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ type LySku struct {
CustomizeRateRMB float64
CustomizeRateUs float64
SpuEccn string `json:"spu_eccn"`
CustomPriceList []CustomPrice `json:"custom_price_list"`
type DiscountRatio struct {
......@@ -154,6 +155,11 @@ type SpuExtra struct {
SpuId string `bson:"spu_id" json:"spu_id"`
type CustomPrice struct {
PriceName string `json:"price_name"`
LadderPrice []LadderPrice `json:"ladder_price"`
// 为什么不直接映射到结构,而要用gjson,因为redis存的数据结构不一定正常,可能类型不一致
func InitSkuData(sku string) (data LySku) {
package service
import (
c "go_sku_server/pkg/common"
type CustomPrice struct {
// 加上自定义价格的转换
func (sc *CustomPrice) getCustomPriceList(sku model.LySku) (customPriceList []model.CustomPrice, err error) {
redisCon := gredis.Conn("default_r")
defer redisCon.Close()
customPriceRule, _ := redis.String(redisCon.Do("HGET", "cube_custom_price", sku.OrgId))
customPriceRuleArr := gjson.Get(customPriceRule, "price_list").Array()
for _, customPriceRule := range customPriceRuleArr {
//每一个自定义价格都有一个系数,比如会员价利润 10%
ratio := customPriceRule.Get("ratio").Int()
priceName := customPriceRule.Get("price_name").String()
var customPrice model.CustomPrice
customPrice.PriceName = priceName
for _, item := range sku.LadderPrice {
ratioFloat := c.DivFloat(float64(100 + ratio) , 100)
customPrice.LadderPrice = append(customPrice.LadderPrice, model.LadderPrice{
Purchases: item.Purchases,
PriceCn: c.MyRound(c.MulFloat(item.PriceCn * ratioFloat),2),
PriceUs: c.MyRound(c.MulFloat(item.PriceUs * ratioFloat),2),
PriceAc: c.MyRound(c.MulFloat(item.PriceAc * ratioFloat),2),
PriceAcUs: c.MyRound(c.MulFloat(item.PriceAcUs * ratioFloat),2),
customPriceList = append(customPriceList, customPrice)
return customPriceList, nil
// 单独处理华云的阶梯价
func (sc *CustomPrice) transformIEdgeLadderPrice(sku model.LySku) (ladderPriceList []model.LadderPrice) {
"purchases": 1,
"price_us": 0,
"price_cn": 293.13,
"price_name": "标准价"
"purchases": 2,
"price_us": 0,
"price_cn": 190.59,
"price_name": "企业价"
if len(sku.CustomPriceList) != 0 {
for _, customPrice := range sku.CustomPriceList {
ladderPrice := customPrice.LadderPrice[0]
ladderPrice.PriceName = customPrice.PriceName
ladderPriceList = append(ladderPriceList, ladderPrice)
return ladderPriceList
......@@ -182,13 +182,20 @@ func (ls *LyService) LyGoodsDetail(ctx *gin.Context, goodsIds []string, ch chan
if sku.OrgId == 3 && len(sku.LadderPrice) == 2 {
priceService := PriceService{}
sku.LadderPrice = priceService.GetIEdgePrice(sku.LadderPrice)
} else {
sku = ls.GetCoefficientAndPrice(sku)
customPriceService := CustomPrice{}
sku.CustomPriceList, _ = customPriceService.getCustomPriceList(sku)
if sku.OrgId == 3 {
sku.LadderPrice = customPriceService.transformIEdgeLadderPrice(sku)
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ func (ps *PriceService) GenerateLadderPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
costPriceCn := sku.LadderPrice[0].PriceCn
costPriceUs := sku.LadderPrice[0].PriceUs
//fmt.Println("人民币和美金的成本价分别为 : ", costPriceCn, costPriceUs)
if sku.Moq <= 50 && sku.OrgId == 1 {
moq := int(sku.Moq)
fixedRatio := make(map[int]float64)
......@@ -311,7 +311,6 @@ func (ps *PriceService) GenerateLadderPrice(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
costMapIndex = 0
priceRatioAndPurchases = priceRatioList[costMapIndex]
//fmt.Println("获取到的阶梯系数为 : ", priceRatioAndPurchases)
priceCnRatio := priceRatioAndPurchases.Ratio
priceUsRatio := priceRatioAndPurchases.RatioUsd
// 阶梯价格系数正序取
......@@ -427,7 +426,12 @@ func (ps *PriceService) GetDiscountRatio(sku model.LySku) model.LySku {
if sku.SupplierId == 17 {
discountRatioRedisKey = "magic_cube_channel_discount_zhuanying"
discountRatioDefaultRedisKey = "magic_cube_channel_discount_default_zhuanying"
//这里还要判断是否是华云,如果是华云的话,key的格式应该是 L0012323_3
if sku.OrgId==1 {
supplierKey = sku.Canal
supplierKey = sku.Canal + "-_" + gconv.String(sku.OrgId)
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