package service import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "" "go_sku_server/model" "go_sku_server/pkg/common" "go_sku_server/pkg/gredis" "go_sku_server/pkg/logger" "go_sku_server/pkg/mysql" "" "sort" ) // 自营定时任务服务 type ZyCronService struct { } /* 计算自营折扣信息 @param checkGoodsId 单独一个sku运行 fmt.Println(php2go.Stripos("10005,10006","10006",0)) */ func (a *ZyCronService) ZyDiscount(checkGoodsId string) { var ( i int dbSpu = mysql.Conn("liexin_data") //spu实例化链接 redisConn = gredis.Conn("search_w") ) defer redisConn.Close() if checkGoodsId == "" { redisConn.Do("del","zy_ratio_sku") //删除所有系数缓存 } twoYearsAgotime := php2go.Time()-60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2 //两年前时间戳 page_size := 1000 //查数据库每页大小 OuterLoop: for i=0;i<1000;i++ { start := 0; if i == 0 { start = 0; }else{ start = (i-1)*page_size } sql := "select goods_id,class_id2,brand_id,cost,ladder_price from lie_goods where self_supplier_type = 1 and stock >0 and status=1 limit "+gconv.String(start)+","+gconv.String(page_size); if checkGoodsId != "" { sql = "select goods_id,class_id2,brand_id,cost,ladder_price from lie_goods where goods_id="+checkGoodsId; } //fmt.Println(sql) goodsInfos, err := dbSpu.QueryString(sql) if err != nil || len(goodsInfos) == 0{ //fmt.Print("查询没有数据",err) break; } for _,a := range goodsInfos{ now_goods_id := a["goods_id"] now_class_id := a["class_id2"] now_brand_id := a["brand_id"] /********开始计算系数******/ //fmt.Println("开始计算系数"+now_goods_id) goodsBatch,_ := gredis.String(redisConn.Do("HGET","Self_goods_batch",now_goods_id)) //获取商品批次信息 apiGoodsList := gjson.Parse(goodsBatch).Array() var EarlyBatchTime int64 = 0; //最早的批次 for _, goods := range apiGoodsList { dc_time := goods.Get("dc_time").Int() if EarlyBatchTime == 0 { EarlyBatchTime = dc_time continue; } if dc_time < EarlyBatchTime { EarlyBatchTime = dc_time } } if EarlyBatchTime == 0 { //fmt.Println("没有批次信息,goods_id :"+now_goods_id) continue; } //查询所有的系数列表 ratioAll, _ := redis.Values(redisConn.Do("hgetall", "Self_goods_ratio")) var retioArr []string err := redis.ScanSlice(ratioAll, &retioArr) if err != nil || len(retioArr) == 0 { fmt.Println("查询系数失败"); return } //系数排序,sort最高的优先排序 var slic model.SorterRatio for _,v:=range retioArr{ if len(v) > 10 { slic = append(slic,map[string]string{ "goods_id":gjson.Get(v,"goods_id").String(), "sort":gjson.Get(v,"sort").String(), //系数名称 "name":gjson.Get(v,"name").String(), //系数名称 "ratio":gjson.Get(v,"ratio").String(), //折扣价 "min_ratio":gjson.Get(v,"min_ratio").String(), //保本折扣价 "class_id":gjson.Get(v,"class_id").String(), "brand_id":gjson.Get(v,"brand_id").String(), "expire_time":gjson.Get(v,"expire_time").String(), "allow_coupon":gjson.Get(v,"allow_coupon").String(), "allow_presale":gjson.Get(v,"allow_presale").String(), }) } } sort.Sort(model.SorterRatio(slic)) //fmt.Println(slic) //return //计算系数价格 OuterLoop2: for _,info :=range slic{ //fmt.Println(info) //不参与系数的商品 if info["goods_id"] != "" { if php2go.Stripos(info["goods_id"],","+now_goods_id+",",0) > -1 { //fmt.Println("1001 本商品不参与系数"+now_goods_id) continue; } } //不参与分类的商品 if info["class_id"] != "" { if php2go.Stripos(info["class_id"],","+now_class_id+",",0) == -1 { //fmt.Println("1002 不参与分类的商品"+now_goods_id) continue; } } //不参与分类的商品 if info["brand_id"] != "" { if php2go.Stripos(info["brand_id"],","+now_brand_id+",",0) == -1 { //fmt.Println("1003 不参与分类的商品"+now_goods_id) continue; } } //处理过期 isExpire := false expireTimeArr := php2go.Explode(",",info["expire_time"]) for _,v1 := range expireTimeArr { //已过期 if v1 == "-1" && EarlyBatchTime <= twoYearsAgotime { isExpire = true; break } //三个月后过期 if v1 == "-2" && EarlyBatchTime >= (twoYearsAgotime+3600* 24 * 30 * 3) { isExpire = true; break } //三个内过期 if twoYearsAgotime <= EarlyBatchTime && EarlyBatchTime <= (twoYearsAgotime+common.MyInt64(v1)*3600*24*30) { isExpire = true; break } } //fmt.Println(EarlyBatchTime) //fmt.Println(twoYearsAgotime) if isExpire == false { //fmt.Println("1001 本商品不存在过期"+now_goods_id) continue; } //处理清库存系数,几个系数符合,往下面算 var ratioPrice float64; ratioPrice = php2go.Round(gconv.Float64(a["cost"]) * gconv.Float64(info["ratio"])*10000)/10000 //查询立创数据 szlcPriceStr,_ := gredis.String(redisConn.Do("HGET","Self_szlc_price",now_goods_id)) //获取立创价格 if szlcPriceStr != "" { //有立创的价格 nowLadder := gjson.Parse(a["ladder_price"]).Array() endnowLadder := nowLadder[len(nowLadder)-1].Get("purchases").Int() //最后一个梯度 //fmt.Println(endnowLadder) //获取立创对应的梯度价格 szlcPriceArr := gjson.Parse(szlcPriceStr).Array() var szlcPrice float64 =0 //找到立创对应的梯度价格 for _,b := range szlcPriceArr{ if b.Get("purchases").Int() <= endnowLadder { szlcPrice = b.Get("price").Float() //自营立创 } } szlcPrice = szlcPrice*0.95 //立创95折 if ratioPrice > szlcPrice { //比立创的95折大 minPrice := php2go.Round(gconv.Float64(a["cost"]) * gconv.Float64(info["min_ratio"])*10000)/10000 if szlcPrice < minPrice { ratioPrice = minPrice }else{ ratioPrice = szlcPrice } } } //立创价格 allow_coupon := info["allow_coupon"] if allow_coupon == "" { allow_coupon = "2" } allow_presale := info["allow_presale"] if allow_presale == "" { allow_presale = "2" } ratioRes,_ := json.Marshal(map[string]string{ "goods_id":now_goods_id, "allow_coupon":allow_coupon, "allow_presale":allow_presale, "szlc_price":szlcPriceStr, "price_ac":gconv.String(ratioPrice), }) _,err := redisConn.Do("HSET","zy_ratio_sku",now_goods_id,string(ratioRes)) //写入缓存 if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } //最后写日志 logger.Log("计算阶梯价成功 goods_id: "+now_goods_id+" 原始梯度价:"+a["ladder_price"]+" 立创梯度价: "+ szlcPriceStr +" 结果:"+string(ratioRes),"ratio_sku_",2) break OuterLoop2; } if checkGoodsId != "" { break OuterLoop; //只跑一个跳出所有循环 } } if checkGoodsId != "" { break; } } fmt.Print("计算完毕") }