Commit 48b6e14c by hcy001


parent 51527441
......@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ class ApiController extends Controller
private function ApiBrandList($input, $id){
(new CommonModel())->BrandList($input['k']);
(new CommonModel())->BrandList($input['k'],@$input["types"] ? @$input["types"] : 1);
private function ApiSkuList($input, $id){
(new CommonModel())->SkuList($input['k']);
(new CommonModel())->SkuList($input['k'],@$input["types"] ? @$input["types"] : 1);
private function ApiUserList($input, $id){
......@@ -61,9 +61,18 @@ class CommonModel extends Model
$dbspu = DB::connection("spu");
if ($types == 1) { #模糊搜索
$brandInfo = $dbspu->select("select brand_id as value,brand_name as name from lie_brand where brand_name like '%".$k."%' limit 10");
if (count($brandInfo) == 0){
$brandInfo = [["value"=>"0","name"=>$k]];
echo json_encode($brandInfo,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) ;
if ($types == 2) { #模糊搜索
$brandInfo = $dbspu->select("select brand_id as value,brand_name as name from lie_brand where brand_name like '%".$k."%' limit 10");
echo json_encode($brandInfo,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) ;
if ($types == 3){ #精确搜索
$brandInfo = $dbspu->select("select brand_id as brand_id,brand_name as name from lie_brand where brand_name = '".$k."' limit 1");
if (!$brandInfo){
return false;
......@@ -111,13 +120,13 @@ class CommonModel extends Model
public function SkuList($k)
public function SkuList($k,$types = 1)
$url = "".$k;
$res = post_curl($url,[]);
$resArr = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode($res,true);
$temp = [];
if (count($resArr["data"]) == 0){
if (count($resArr["data"]) == 0 && $types == 1){ #返回没查到的数据
foreach ($resArr["data"] as $k=>$v){
......@@ -534,9 +534,9 @@ class InquiryItemsModel extends Model
case "brand_name": #验证品牌
$brand_id = $CommonModel->BrandList($val,2);
$brand_id = $CommonModel->BrandList($val,3);
if ($brand_id === false){
$err[] = $str_msg."系统不存在此品牌";
$brand_id = 0;
$b2["brand_id"] = $brand_id;
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