Commit 7434bdb9 by 朱继来


parents f8a79119 5431532c
......@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ class CommonModel extends Model
public function getMyUser($create_uid,$k)
$where = $k ? "and user_name like '%".$k."%'":"";
$dbspu = DB::connection("rfq");
$brandInfo = $dbspu->select("select id value,user_name name from lie_inquiry_users where create_uid = $create_uid and user_name like '".$k."%' limit 10");
$brandInfo = $dbspu->select("select id value,user_name name from lie_inquiry_users where create_uid = $create_uid $where limit 10");
if (count($brandInfo) == 0){
$brandInfo = [["value"=>0,"name"=>$k]];
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class InquiryItemsModel extends Model
return [1001,"插入数据不得为空"];
if (empty($b["inquiry_id"])) return [1003, "询价单ID不得为空"];
if (empty($b["brand_s"])) return [1003, "请选择型号名称"];
if (empty($b["brand_s"])) return [1003, "请选择品牌名称名称"];
if (empty($b["inquiry_number"])) return [1003, "请输入询价数量"];
if (empty($b["batch"])) return [1003, "请输入批次要求"];
if (empty($b["delivery_time"])) return [1003, "请选择交货日期"];
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class InquiryItemsModel extends Model
"target_price"=>@$b["target_price"] ? $b["target_price"] : 0,
"delivery_time"=>@$b["delivery_time"] ? $b["delivery_time"] : "",
"batch"=>@$b["batch"] ? $b["batch"] : "" ,
"assign_type"=>@$b["assign_type"] ? $b["assign_type"] : 0,
"assign_type"=>$b["pur_s"] !== "" ? 1: 2,
"remark"=>@$b["remark"] ? $b["remark"] : "",
"create_time"=>time() ,
"update_time"=>time() ,
......@@ -238,11 +238,10 @@ class InquiryItemsModel extends Model
'relation_id'=>$inquiryItemsId, #明细id
'relation_sn'=>(new InquiryModel())->FindInquirySn($b["inquiry_id"]),
......@@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ class InquiryItemsModel extends Model
"target_price"=>@$b["target_price"] ? $b["target_price"] : 0,
"delivery_time"=>@$b["delivery_time"] ? $b["delivery_time"] : "",
"batch"=>@$b["batch"] ? $b["batch"] : "" ,
"assign_type"=>@$b["assign_type"] ? $b["assign_type"] : 2,
"assign_type"=>@$b["pur_s"] != "" ? 1: 2,
"remark"=>@$b["remark"] ? $b["remark"] : "",
"flag"=>0, #重新自动报价
"create_time"=>time() ,
......@@ -313,6 +312,16 @@ class InquiryItemsModel extends Model
'relation_id'=>$inquiry_items_id, #明细id
'relation_sn'=>(new InquiryModel())->FindInquirySn($b["inquiry_id"]),
'content'=>'修改询价,型号:'.$updateArr["goods_name"]." 品牌名称:".$updateArr["brand_name"]." 分类名称:".$updateArr["class_id2_name"]." 询价数量:".$updateArr["inquiry_number"],
return [0,"修改成功"];
}catch (\Exception $e) {
......@@ -446,13 +455,14 @@ class InquiryItemsModel extends Model
$temp = [];
$c = 0;
foreach ($v as $a=>$b){
if ($a >=7) continue;
if (empty(trim($b))) $c ++;
$temp[$filer[$a]] = trim($b);
if ($c == count($v)) continue;
if (count($goodsInfo) == 1) return [1, '询价信息不全'];
if (count($goodsInfo) == 0) return [1, '询价信息不全'];
$CommonModel = new CommonModel();
......@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ class InquiryItemsReportModel extends Model
$name = 'sale_report_'.time().'.pdf';
// ->setPaper('a4', 'landscape') //横列
->setPaper('a4', 'portrait') //竖列
->setPaper('a4', 'landscape') //横列
//->setPaper('a4', 'portrait') //竖列
......@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ class InquiryItemsReportModel extends Model
$temp["price_rmb"] = @$data["price_rmb"] ? $data["price_rmb"] : 0;
$currency = @$data["currency"] ? $data["currency"] : 1; #报价币种
$inquiryItem = (new InquiryItemsModel())->select("inquiry_id")->where("id",$inquiry_items_id)->first()->toArray();
$InquiryItemsModel = new InquiryItemsModel();
$inquiryItem = $InquiryItemsModel->select("inquiry_id")->where("id",$inquiry_items_id)->first()->toArray();
$inquiry= (new InquiryModel())->select("currency")->where("id",$inquiryItem["inquiry_id"])->first()->toArray();
$mainCurrency = $inquiry["currency"]; #询价币种
$rate = (new CommonModel())->getRate("美元"); #获取美元汇率
......@@ -137,6 +138,9 @@ class InquiryItemsReportModel extends Model
(new QuoteModel())->where("id",$data["quote_id"])->update(["status"=>$data["status"]]); #更新报价选中
$InquiryItemsModel->where("id",$inquiry_items_id)->update(["status"=>$data["status"] == 2 ? 3:5]);
return [0,"成功"];
......@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ class InquiryModel extends Model
switch ($k) {
case "inquiry_sn":
$query->where('a.' . $k, '=', $v);
$query->whereRaw('lie_a.'.$k.' like "%' . $v . '%" ');
case "inquiry_id":
$query->where('', '=', $v);
case "goods_name":
case "brand_name":
$query->whereRaw('lie_b.'.$k.' like "' . $v . '%" ');
$query->whereRaw('lie_b.'.$k.' like "%' . $v . '%" ');
case "customer_name":
$query->whereRaw('lie_a.user_name like "' . $v . '%" ');
case "status":
$query->where('b.status', '=', $v);
$query->whereRaw('lie_b.status in ('.rtrim($v,",").')');
case "create_uid":
$query->where('a.create_uid', '=', $v);
......@@ -109,15 +109,16 @@ class InquiryModel extends Model
if (!$list) return [20001, '没有数据'];
$QuoteModel = new QuoteModel();
$InquiryItemsUrgeModel = new InquiryItemsUrgeModel;
$InquiryItemsAssignModel = new InquiryItemsAssignModel();
$Redis = \RedisDB::connection();
foreach ($list['data'] as $k => &$v) {
$inquiry_items_id = $v["id"]; #明细id
$v['status_val'] = InquiryMap::$status[$v["status"]];
if ($v["status_val"] == "已报价") {
$count = $QuoteModel->where("inquiry_items_id", $v["id"])->whereIn("status", QuoteMap::$status_used)->count();
$count = $QuoteModel->where("inquiry_items_id", $inquiry_items_id)->whereIn("status", QuoteMap::$status_used)->count();
$v['status_val'] = $v['status_val'] . "(" . $count . ")";
......@@ -152,6 +153,15 @@ class InquiryModel extends Model
$v["quote_price"] = $lowerPrice;
$v["assign_name"] = "";
if ($v["assign_type"] == 1){
$assign = $InquiryItemsAssignModel->select(DB::Raw("GROUP_CONCAT(assign_name) assign_name"))->where("inquiry_items_id",$inquiry_items_id)->first();
if ($assign){
$v["assign_name"] = $assign->assign_name;
// 在Redis集合中检查是否有新的报价
if ($export == 0){
$res = $Redis->SISMEMBER('frq_quote_urge', $v['id']);
......@@ -379,6 +389,7 @@ class InquiryModel extends Model
"status" => 1, #启用
"remark" => $input["remark"],
"delivery_place" => $input["delivery_place"],
"currency" => $input["delivery_place"],
"user_types" => $input["user_types"], //询价客户类型: 1 个人 2 公司
"create_time" => time(),
"update_time" => time(),
......@@ -387,6 +398,8 @@ class InquiryModel extends Model
if ($input["user_types"] == 1) { #个人询价
if ($user[0]["value"] == 0) { #客户id是0,新建客户
$userId = (new InquiryUsersModel())->insertGetId(["create_uid" => $input["user_id"], "user_name" => $user[0]["name"], "create_time" => time()]);
$userId = $user[0]["value"];
$data["user_id"] = $userId;
$data["user_name"] = $user[0]["name"];
......@@ -685,9 +685,24 @@ class QuoteModel extends Model
if (!$id) return [-1, '参数缺失'];
try {
$rqpConn = DB::connection('rfq');
$res = $this->where('id', $id)->update(['status' => $status, 'update_time'=>time()]);
$quote_info = $this->find($id);
$inquiry_items_id = $quote_info["inquiry_items_id"];
$sql = "select status from lie_quote where inquiry_items_id=$inquiry_items_id and status in (1,2,3) and id not in ($id)";
$has =$rqpConn->select($sql);
$check = 1;
if ($has){
$check = 0;
(new InquiryItemsModel())->where("id",$quote_info["inquiry_items_id"])->update(["status"=>$status]);
$data = [];
$data['types'] = 1;
$data['relation_id'] = $id;
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ layui.config({
data:$("#sku_init").val() == "" ? []:JSON.parse($("#sku_init").val()) ,
remoteMethod: function(val, cb, show){
//这里如果val为空, 则不触发搜索
if(!val || val.length <3 ){
return cb([]);
......@@ -40,9 +40,7 @@ layui.config({
,on: function (data) {
var arr = data.arr
if (arr.length == 0){
}else {
if (arr.length > 0){
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<div class="pdf-box" >
<div class="header" >
<img src="" style="float:left;">
<p class="company">
<div class="bjdx">报 价 单/ QUOTATION</div>
<div class="table1">
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2">Date:2020-7-14</td>
<td><b>Tel</b>: 0755-29823982</td>
<td><b>Tel</b>: 0755-23485782-8031</td>
<div class="table-tips">
<b>We are pleased to quote our best price and delivery terms for your requirement as following:</b>
<div class="table2" >
<table style="width:100%!important;table-layout:fixed;" >
<td>客户型号 Cust PartNo</td>
<td >原厂型号 Mfr PartNo</td>
<td >品牌 Mfr Name</td>
<td >报价(RMB含税)Quoted Price (RMB with 13%VAT,freight fee to factory and import fee )</td>
<td >报价(美金)QuotedPrice In USD</td>
<td>数量 Quantity</td>
<td>货期 Std LeadTime</td>
<td>产品类型 Prod Type</td>
<td>DATE CODE</td>
<td><div class="xhhez">TLV70712PDQNRasdasdasdasdasdsa</div></td>
<td><div class="xhhez">TLV70712PDQNRasdasdasdasdasdsa</div></td>
<td><div class="xhhez">TLV70712PDQNRasdasdasdasdasdsa</div></td>
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td colspan="2"><b>2,431.00</b></td>
<div class="footer" style="padding-top: 20px;">
<img src="./contract.png" width='150' height='150'>
<b style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;color:#000;"> 条款和说明:<br>
Terms and conditions:</b>
<br>1.> <span class="pr30">付款方式:月结30天</span>
<br><span class="pr60">Payment Terms:</span>
<br>2.> <span class="pr30">参考货期仅供参考,需下单后以原厂回复为准。</span>
<br><b class="pr60">Leadtime is for reference only, order actual delivery date is subjected to Supplier’s final <br/>confirmation. </b>
<br>3.> <span class="pr30">所有库存均以我司确认为准。</span>
<br><b class="pr60">Available to sell stock is open to all customers based on our confirmation. </b>
<br>4.> <b class="pr30">Subject to ICHUNT TECHNOLOGY' terms </b>
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192 => 'Agrave',
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235 => 'edieresis',
205 => 'Iacute',
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166 => 'brokenbar',
174 => 'registered',
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142 => 'Zcaron',
208 => 'Eth',
199 => 'Ccedilla',
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196 => 'Adieresis',
232 => 'egrave',
211 => 'Oacute',
243 => 'oacute',
239 => 'idieresis',
212 => 'Ocircumflex',
217 => 'Ugrave',
254 => 'thorn',
178 => 'twosuperior',
214 => 'Odieresis',
181 => 'mu',
236 => 'igrave',
190 => 'threequarters',
153 => 'trademark',
204 => 'Igrave',
189 => 'onehalf',
244 => 'ocircumflex',
241 => 'ntilde',
201 => 'Eacute',
188 => 'onequarter',
138 => 'Scaron',
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195 => 'Atilde',
197 => 'Aring',
213 => 'Otilde',
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185 => 'onesuperior',
128 => 'Euro',
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36 => 500,
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38 => 833,
146 => 333,
40 => 333,
41 => 333,
42 => 500,
43 => 570,
44 => 250,
45 => 333,
173 => 333,
46 => 250,
47 => 278,
48 => 500,
49 => 500,
50 => 500,
51 => 500,
52 => 500,
53 => 500,
54 => 500,
55 => 500,
56 => 500,
57 => 500,
58 => 333,
59 => 333,
60 => 570,
61 => 570,
62 => 570,
63 => 500,
64 => 930,
65 => 722,
66 => 667,
67 => 722,
68 => 722,
69 => 667,
70 => 611,
71 => 778,
72 => 778,
73 => 389,
74 => 500,
75 => 778,
76 => 667,
77 => 944,
78 => 722,
79 => 778,
80 => 611,
81 => 778,
82 => 722,
83 => 556,
84 => 667,
85 => 722,
86 => 722,
87 => 1000,
88 => 722,
89 => 722,
90 => 667,
91 => 333,
92 => 278,
93 => 333,
94 => 581,
95 => 500,
145 => 333,
97 => 500,
98 => 556,
99 => 444,
100 => 556,
101 => 444,
102 => 333,
103 => 500,
104 => 556,
105 => 278,
106 => 333,
107 => 556,
108 => 278,
109 => 833,
110 => 556,
111 => 500,
112 => 556,
113 => 556,
114 => 444,
115 => 389,
116 => 333,
117 => 556,
118 => 500,
119 => 722,
120 => 500,
121 => 500,
122 => 444,
123 => 394,
124 => 220,
125 => 394,
126 => 520,
161 => 333,
162 => 500,
163 => 500,
'fraction' => 167,
165 => 500,
131 => 500,
167 => 500,
164 => 500,
39 => 278,
147 => 500,
171 => 500,
139 => 333,
155 => 333,
'fi' => 556,
'fl' => 556,
150 => 500,
134 => 500,
135 => 500,
183 => 250,
182 => 540,
149 => 350,
130 => 333,
132 => 500,
148 => 500,
187 => 500,
133 => 1000,
137 => 1000,
191 => 500,
96 => 333,
180 => 333,
136 => 333,
152 => 333,
175 => 333,
'breve' => 333,
'dotaccent' => 333,
168 => 333,
'ring' => 333,
184 => 333,
'hungarumlaut' => 333,
'ogonek' => 333,
'caron' => 333,
151 => 1000,
198 => 1000,
170 => 300,
'Lslash' => 667,
216 => 778,
140 => 1000,
186 => 330,
230 => 722,
'dotlessi' => 278,
'lslash' => 278,
248 => 500,
156 => 722,
223 => 556,
207 => 389,
233 => 444,
'abreve' => 500,
'uhungarumlaut' => 556,
'ecaron' => 444,
159 => 722,
247 => 570,
221 => 722,
194 => 722,
225 => 500,
219 => 722,
253 => 500,
'scommaaccent' => 389,
234 => 444,
'Uring' => 722,
220 => 722,
'aogonek' => 500,
218 => 722,
'uogonek' => 556,
203 => 667,
'Dcroat' => 722,
'commaaccent' => 250,
169 => 747,
'Emacron' => 667,
'ccaron' => 444,
229 => 500,
'Ncommaaccent' => 722,
'lacute' => 278,
224 => 500,
'Tcommaaccent' => 667,
'Cacute' => 722,
227 => 500,
'Edotaccent' => 667,
154 => 389,
'scedilla' => 389,
237 => 278,
'lozenge' => 494,
'Rcaron' => 722,
'Gcommaaccent' => 778,
251 => 556,
226 => 500,
'Amacron' => 722,
'rcaron' => 444,
231 => 444,
'Zdotaccent' => 667,
222 => 611,
'Omacron' => 778,
'Racute' => 722,
'Sacute' => 556,
'dcaron' => 672,
'Umacron' => 722,
'uring' => 556,
179 => 300,
210 => 778,
192 => 722,
'Abreve' => 722,
215 => 570,
250 => 556,
'Tcaron' => 667,
'partialdiff' => 494,
255 => 500,
'Nacute' => 722,
238 => 278,
202 => 667,
228 => 500,
235 => 444,
'cacute' => 444,
'nacute' => 556,
'umacron' => 556,
'Ncaron' => 722,
205 => 389,
177 => 570,
166 => 220,
174 => 747,
'Gbreve' => 778,
'Idotaccent' => 389,
'summation' => 600,
200 => 667,
'racute' => 444,
'omacron' => 500,
'Zacute' => 667,
142 => 667,
'greaterequal' => 549,
208 => 722,
199 => 722,
'lcommaaccent' => 278,
'tcaron' => 416,
'eogonek' => 444,
'Uogonek' => 722,
193 => 722,
196 => 722,
232 => 444,
'zacute' => 444,
'iogonek' => 278,
211 => 778,
243 => 500,
'amacron' => 500,
'sacute' => 389,
239 => 278,
212 => 778,
217 => 722,
'Delta' => 612,
254 => 556,
178 => 300,
214 => 778,
181 => 556,
236 => 278,
'ohungarumlaut' => 500,
'Eogonek' => 667,
'dcroat' => 556,
190 => 750,
'Scedilla' => 556,
'lcaron' => 394,
'Kcommaaccent' => 778,
'Lacute' => 667,
153 => 1000,
'edotaccent' => 444,
204 => 389,
'Imacron' => 389,
'Lcaron' => 667,
189 => 750,
'lessequal' => 549,
244 => 500,
241 => 556,
'Uhungarumlaut' => 722,
201 => 667,
'emacron' => 444,
'gbreve' => 500,
188 => 750,
138 => 556,
'Scommaaccent' => 556,
'Ohungarumlaut' => 778,
176 => 400,
242 => 500,
'Ccaron' => 722,
249 => 556,
'radical' => 549,
'Dcaron' => 722,
'rcommaaccent' => 444,
209 => 722,
245 => 500,
'Rcommaaccent' => 722,
'Lcommaaccent' => 667,
195 => 722,
'Aogonek' => 722,
197 => 722,
213 => 778,
'zdotaccent' => 444,
'Ecaron' => 667,
'Iogonek' => 389,
'kcommaaccent' => 556,
'minus' => 570,
206 => 389,
'ncaron' => 556,
'tcommaaccent' => 333,
172 => 570,
246 => 500,
252 => 556,
'notequal' => 549,
'gcommaaccent' => 500,
240 => 500,
158 => 444,
'ncommaaccent' => 556,
185 => 300,
'imacron' => 278,
128 => 500,
'CIDtoGID_Compressed' => true,
'_version_' => 6,
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