Commit feab88b2 by hcy001


parent 31357a21
......@@ -145,31 +145,11 @@ class InquiryModel extends Model
->where("inquiry_items_id", $v["id"])
->whereIn("status", QuoteMap::$status_used)
if ($quote){
$quoteArr = $quote->toArray();
$checkPrice = 0; //rmb 为准
$lowerPrice = "";
foreach ($quoteArr as $a=>$b){
if ($b["status"] == 3){ #已确认
$lowerPrice = $b["currency"] == 1 ? "¥".$b["price_rmb"]:"$".$b["price_origin"];
if ($b["status"] == 2){ #已选中
$b = $quote->toArray();
$lowerPrice = $b["currency"] == 1 ? "¥".$b["price_rmb"]:"$".$b["price_origin"];
$price = $b["currency"] == 1 ? $b["price_rmb"] : $b["price_origin"]*6.5;
if ($checkPrice == 0){
$checkPrice = $price;
$lowerPrice = $b["currency"] == 1 ? "¥".$b["price_rmb"]:"$".$b["price_origin"];
}elseif ($price < $lowerPrice){
$checkPrice = $price;
$lowerPrice = $b["currency"] == 1 ? "¥".$b["price_rmb"]:"$".$b["price_origin"];
$v["quote_price"] = $lowerPrice;
......@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ class QuoteModel extends Model
$list = $this
->paginate(@$input['limit'] ? $input["limit"] : 10, ['*'], 'p', @$input['p'] ? $input["p"] : 1)->toArray();
->paginate(@$input['limit'] ? $input["limit"] : 10, ['*'], 'p', @$input['p'] ? $input["p"] : 1)
if (!$list) return [20001, '没有数据'];
foreach ($list['data'] as $k=>&$v){
$v["price_origin"] = $v["currency"] == 2 ? "$".$v["price_origin"] : "--";
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