
parent 2dcb3ba5
......@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ function checkFloat($str){
* 判断大于0 多少位小数
function checkFloatInt($number,$w = 2,$type = 1){
function checkFloatInt($number,$w = 2){
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+(.[0-9]{1,'.$w.'})?$/', $number)) {
return true;
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ class ServerFoostoneModel
public function comSkuEdit($data,$type =1){
if (empty(@$data['goods_id'])) return [1001,'商品id必填'];
$tdata['goods_id'] = $data['goods_id'];
$stock = @$data['stock'];
......@@ -127,12 +128,14 @@ class ServerFoostoneModel
foreach ($price_cn as $a=>$b){
if (empty($b)) continue;
if (!checkFloatInt($b,5,2)) return [1007,"国内含税价填写不对:".$b];
foreach ($purchases as $c=>$d){
if (empty($d)) continue;
if (!checkFloatInt($d,5,2)) return [1007,"国内含税价填写不对:".$d];
if ($b == '0') return [1007,"国内含税价填写不对:".$b];
if ($b === "") continue;
if (!checkFloatInt($b,5)) return [1007,"国内含税价填写不对:".$b];
foreach ($price_us as $c=>$d){
if ($d == '0') return [1008,"香港含税价填写不对:".$d];
if ($d === "") continue;
if (!checkFloatInt($d,5)) return [1008,"香港含税价填写不对:".$d];
$tdata['ladder_price'] = $ladder_price;
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