Commit f797a096 by 梁建民


parent e5547081
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......@@ -90,8 +90,6 @@
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<dl >
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<i class="line"></i>
<a href="/web/GoodsAuditList">价格审核列表</a>
......@@ -104,13 +102,11 @@
<span class="t1 lineBlock va-m">订单管理</span>
<b class="iconfont icon-xiala-"></b>
<dl style='display: block;'>
<dd class=" <?php if( in_array($id,['OrderList','OrderDetail']) !== false ) echo "curr" ?>">
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<dl style='display: block;'>
<dd class=" <?php if( in_array($id,['AbnormalList','AbnormalDetail']) !== false ) echo "curr" ?>">
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