URI.MungeSecretKeyTYPE: string/nullVERSION: 3.1.1DEFAULT: NULL--DESCRIPTION--<p> This directive enables secure checksum generation along with %URI.Munge. It should be set to a secure key that is not shared with anyone else. The checksum can be placed in the URI using %t. Use of this checksum affords an additional level of protection by allowing a redirector to check if a URI has passed through HTML Purifier with this line:</p><pre>$checksum === hash_hmac("sha256", $url, $secret_key)</pre><p> If the output is TRUE, the redirector script should accept the URI.</p><p> Please note that it would still be possible for an attacker to procure secure hashes en-mass by abusing your website's Preview feature or the like, but this service affords an additional level of protection that should be combined with website blacklisting.</p><p> Remember this has no effect if %URI.Munge is not on.</p>--# vim: et sw=4 sts=4