Commit 02e4a26b by 杨树贤


parent 905fcbf0
namespace App\Admin\Controllers;
use App\Admin\Repositories\Country;
use Dcat\Admin\Form;
use Dcat\Admin\Grid;
use Dcat\Admin\Show;
use Dcat\Admin\Http\Controllers\AdminController;
class CountryController extends AdminController
* Make a grid builder.
* @return Grid
protected function grid()
return Grid::make(new Country(), function (Grid $grid) {
$grid->filter(function ($filter) {
* Make a show builder.
* @param mixed $id
* @return Show
protected function detail($id)
return Show::make($id, new Country(), function (Show $show) {
* Make a form builder.
* @return Form
protected function form()
return Form::make(new Country(), function (Form $form) {
......@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ JS
// 返回任意可被渲染的内容
return "<div class='box box-solid box-default no-margin box-show custom-textarea'><div class='box-body' style='min-height: 150px;'>$this->value</div></div>";
return "<div class='box box-solid box-default no-margin box-show custom-textarea'><div class='box-body' style='min-height: 120px;'>$this->value</div></div>";
namespace App\Admin\Repositories;
use App\Models\Country as Model;
use Dcat\Admin\Repositories\EloquentRepository;
class Country extends EloquentRepository
* Model.
* @var string
protected $eloquentClass = Model::class;
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Route::group([
$router->resource('order', 'OrderController');
$router->resource('test', 'TestController');
$router->resource('users', 'UserController');
$router->resource('country', 'CountryController');
Route::get('/api/order_download', '\App\Admin\Controllers\Api\OrderApiController@orderDownload');
namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Country extends Model
protected $table = 'country';
public $timestamps = false;
......@@ -37,42 +37,41 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Grid\Column|Collection avatar
* @property Grid\Column|Collection remember_token
* @property Grid\Column|Collection cart_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_sign
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection brand_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection supplier_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_sn
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sku_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection brand_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection brand_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection supplier_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection supplier_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection warehouse
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_number
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection create_goods_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection initial_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_source
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_data
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_place
* @property Grid\Column|Collection change_place
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sale_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection buy_number
* @property Grid\Column|Collection buy_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection bom_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection extend_type_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection extend_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_remind
* @property Grid\Column|Collection buyer_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection batch
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency
* @property Grid\Column|Collection remarks
* @property Grid\Column|Collection raw_goods_sn
* @property Grid\Column|Collection raw_goods_packing
* @property Grid\Column|Collection raw_brand_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection create_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection update_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection iso3
* @property Grid\Column|Collection numeric_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection iso2
* @property Grid\Column|Collection phonecode
* @property Grid\Column|Collection capital
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_symbol
* @property Grid\Column|Collection tld
* @property Grid\Column|Collection native
* @property Grid\Column|Collection region
* @property Grid\Column|Collection subregion
* @property Grid\Column|Collection timezones
* @property Grid\Column|Collection translations
* @property Grid\Column|Collection latitude
* @property Grid\Column|Collection longitude
* @property Grid\Column|Collection emoji
* @property Grid\Column|Collection emojiU
* @property Grid\Column|Collection flag
* @property Grid\Column|Collection wikiDataId
* @property Grid\Column|Collection connection
* @property Grid\Column|Collection queue
* @property Grid\Column|Collection payload
......@@ -82,6 +81,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sales_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_sn
* @property Grid\Column|Collection source
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_place
* @property Grid\Column|Collection remark
* @property Grid\Column|Collection priority
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_types
......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Grid\Column|Collection processing_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection item_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_number
* @property Grid\Column|Collection batch
* @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection create_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection migration
......@@ -96,10 +97,12 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_sn
* @property Grid\Column|Collection erp_order_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_source
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_pay_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection company_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection advance_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection exchange_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_remark
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pay_suffix
* @property Grid\Column|Collection confirm_time
......@@ -126,19 +129,38 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Grid\Column|Collection city
* @property Grid\Column|Collection detail_address
* @property Grid\Column|Collection rec_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection class_id2
* @property Grid\Column|Collection class_id2_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_number
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection canal
* @property Grid\Column|Collection initial_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection purchase_uid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contract_remark
* @property Grid\Column|Collection tax_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection discount_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection other_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection price_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection price_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection return_items_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection return_num
* @property Grid\Column|Collection return_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection return_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection token
* @property Grid\Column|Collection post_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_default
* @property Grid\Column|Collection last_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection first_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_sn
* @property Grid\Column|Collection email_verified_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection account_properties
* @property Grid\Column|Collection first_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection last_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection created_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection reg_source
* @property Grid\Column|Collection config_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection config_title
* @property Grid\Column|Collection config_schema
......@@ -237,7 +259,6 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Grid\Column|Collection local
* @property Grid\Column|Collection mobile
* @property Grid\Column|Collection num
* @property Grid\Column|Collection price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection end_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection model_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection model_key
......@@ -382,42 +403,41 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Grid\Column|Collection avatar(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection remember_token(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection cart_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_sign(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection supplier_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sku_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection supplier_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection supplier_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection warehouse(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_number(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection create_goods_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection initial_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_source(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_data(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_place(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection change_place(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sale_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection buy_number(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection buy_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection bom_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection extend_type_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection extend_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_remind(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection buyer_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection batch(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection remarks(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection raw_goods_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection raw_goods_packing(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection raw_brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection create_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection update_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection iso3(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection numeric_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection iso2(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection phonecode(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection capital(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_symbol(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection tld(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection native(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection region(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection subregion(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection timezones(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection translations(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection latitude(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection longitude(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection emoji(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection emojiU(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection flag(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection wikiDataId(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection connection(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection queue(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection payload(string $label = null)
......@@ -427,6 +447,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sales_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection source(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_place(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection remark(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection priority(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_types(string $label = null)
......@@ -434,6 +455,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Grid\Column|Collection processing_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection item_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_number(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection batch(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection create_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection migration(string $label = null)
......@@ -441,10 +463,12 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection erp_order_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_source(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_pay_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection company_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection advance_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection exchange_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_remark(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pay_suffix(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection confirm_time(string $label = null)
......@@ -471,19 +495,38 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Grid\Column|Collection city(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection detail_address(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection rec_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection class_id2(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection class_id2_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_number(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection canal(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection initial_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection purchase_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contract_remark(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection tax_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection discount_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection other_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection price_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection price_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection return_items_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection return_num(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection return_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection return_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection token(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection post_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_default(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection last_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection first_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection email_verified_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection account_properties(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection first_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection last_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection created_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection reg_source(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection config_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection config_title(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection config_schema(string $label = null)
......@@ -582,7 +625,6 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Grid\Column|Collection local(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection mobile(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection num(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection end_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection model_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection model_key(string $label = null)
......@@ -732,42 +774,41 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Show\Field|Collection avatar
* @property Show\Field|Collection remember_token
* @property Show\Field|Collection cart_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_sign
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection brand_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection supplier_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_sn
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection sku_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection brand_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection brand_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection supplier_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection supplier_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection warehouse
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_number
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection create_goods_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection initial_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_source
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_data
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_place
* @property Show\Field|Collection change_place
* @property Show\Field|Collection sale_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection buy_number
* @property Show\Field|Collection buy_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection status
* @property Show\Field|Collection bom_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection extend_type_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection extend_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_remind
* @property Show\Field|Collection buyer_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection batch
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency
* @property Show\Field|Collection remarks
* @property Show\Field|Collection raw_goods_sn
* @property Show\Field|Collection raw_goods_packing
* @property Show\Field|Collection raw_brand_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection create_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection update_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection iso3
* @property Show\Field|Collection numeric_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection iso2
* @property Show\Field|Collection phonecode
* @property Show\Field|Collection capital
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency_symbol
* @property Show\Field|Collection tld
* @property Show\Field|Collection native
* @property Show\Field|Collection region
* @property Show\Field|Collection subregion
* @property Show\Field|Collection timezones
* @property Show\Field|Collection translations
* @property Show\Field|Collection latitude
* @property Show\Field|Collection longitude
* @property Show\Field|Collection emoji
* @property Show\Field|Collection emojiU
* @property Show\Field|Collection flag
* @property Show\Field|Collection wikiDataId
* @property Show\Field|Collection connection
* @property Show\Field|Collection queue
* @property Show\Field|Collection payload
......@@ -777,6 +818,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Show\Field|Collection sales_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_sn
* @property Show\Field|Collection source
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_place
* @property Show\Field|Collection remark
* @property Show\Field|Collection priority
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_types
......@@ -784,6 +826,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Show\Field|Collection processing_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection item_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_number
* @property Show\Field|Collection batch
* @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection create_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection migration
......@@ -791,10 +834,12 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_sn
* @property Show\Field|Collection erp_order_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_source
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_pay_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection company_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection advance_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection exchange_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_remark
* @property Show\Field|Collection pay_suffix
* @property Show\Field|Collection confirm_time
......@@ -821,19 +866,38 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Show\Field|Collection city
* @property Show\Field|Collection detail_address
* @property Show\Field|Collection rec_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection class_id2
* @property Show\Field|Collection class_id2_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_number
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection canal
* @property Show\Field|Collection initial_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection purchase_uid
* @property Show\Field|Collection contract_remark
* @property Show\Field|Collection tax_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection discount_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection other_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection price_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection price
* @property Show\Field|Collection price_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection return_items_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection return_num
* @property Show\Field|Collection return_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection return_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection token
* @property Show\Field|Collection post_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_default
* @property Show\Field|Collection last_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection first_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_sn
* @property Show\Field|Collection email_verified_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection account_properties
* @property Show\Field|Collection first_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection last_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection created_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection reg_source
* @property Show\Field|Collection config_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection config_title
* @property Show\Field|Collection config_schema
......@@ -932,7 +996,6 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Show\Field|Collection local
* @property Show\Field|Collection mobile
* @property Show\Field|Collection num
* @property Show\Field|Collection price
* @property Show\Field|Collection end_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection model_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection model_key
......@@ -1077,42 +1140,41 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Show\Field|Collection avatar(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection remember_token(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection cart_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_sign(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection supplier_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection sku_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection supplier_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection supplier_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection warehouse(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_number(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection create_goods_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection initial_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_source(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_data(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_place(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection change_place(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection sale_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection buy_number(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection buy_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection bom_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection extend_type_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection extend_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_remind(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection buyer_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection batch(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection remarks(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection raw_goods_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection raw_goods_packing(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection raw_brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection create_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection update_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection iso3(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection numeric_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection iso2(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection phonecode(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection capital(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency_symbol(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection tld(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection native(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection region(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection subregion(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection timezones(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection translations(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection latitude(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection longitude(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection emoji(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection emojiU(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection flag(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection wikiDataId(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection connection(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection queue(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection payload(string $label = null)
......@@ -1122,6 +1184,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Show\Field|Collection sales_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection source(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_place(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection remark(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection priority(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_types(string $label = null)
......@@ -1129,6 +1192,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Show\Field|Collection processing_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection item_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_number(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection batch(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection create_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection migration(string $label = null)
......@@ -1136,10 +1200,12 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection erp_order_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_source(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_pay_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection company_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection advance_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection exchange_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_remark(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pay_suffix(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection confirm_time(string $label = null)
......@@ -1166,19 +1232,38 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Show\Field|Collection city(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection detail_address(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection rec_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection class_id2(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection class_id2_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_number(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection canal(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection initial_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection purchase_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contract_remark(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection tax_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection discount_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection other_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection price_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection price_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection return_items_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection return_num(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection return_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection return_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection token(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection post_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_default(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection last_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection first_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection email_verified_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection account_properties(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection first_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection last_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection created_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection reg_source(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection config_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection config_title(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection config_schema(string $label = null)
......@@ -1277,7 +1362,6 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Show\Field|Collection local(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection mobile(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection num(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection end_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection model_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection model_key(string $label = null)
return [
'labels' => [
'Country' => 'Country',
'country' => 'Country',
'fields' => [
'options' => [
......@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ return [
'titles' => [
'userAddress' => 'UserAddress',
'inquiry' => 'Inquiry',
'country' => 'Country',
return [
'labels' => [
'Country' => '国家/地区',
'country' => '国家/地区',
'fields' => [
'name' => '名称',
'capital' => '首都',
'currency' => '币种',
'currency_name' => '币种名称',
'currency_symbol' => '币种符号',
'region' => '区域',
'subregion' => '亚区域',
'options' => [
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ return [
'icons' => '图标',
'userAddress' => '用户地址',
'inquiry' => '询价管理',
'task' => '任务管理'
'task' => '任务管理',
'country' => '地区管理',
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