Commit 35d18d25 by 孙龙


parent 002e09d6
Showing with 297 additions and 28 deletions
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Route::group([
$router->get('/', 'HomeController@index');
$router->resource('userAddress', 'UserAddressController');
$router->resource('inquiry', 'InquiryController');
$router->resource('order', 'OrderController');
$router->resource('test', 'TestController');
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection type
......@@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Grid\Column|Collection http_method
* @property Grid\Column|Collection http_path
* @property Grid\Column|Collection role_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection value
* @property Grid\Column|Collection username
* @property Grid\Column|Collection password
......@@ -41,17 +41,85 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Grid\Column|Collection payload
* @property Grid\Column|Collection exception
* @property Grid\Column|Collection failed_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sales_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_sn
* @property Grid\Column|Collection source
* @property Grid\Column|Collection status
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_place
* @property Grid\Column|Collection currency
* @property Grid\Column|Collection remark
* @property Grid\Column|Collection priority
* @property Grid\Column|Collection user_types
* @property Grid\Column|Collection processing_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection create_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection update_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection item_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection brand_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection brand_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_number
* @property Grid\Column|Collection batch
* @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection create_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection migration
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_sn
* @property Grid\Column|Collection erp_order_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_source
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_pay_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection company_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection advance_amount
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_remark
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pay_suffix
* @property Grid\Column|Collection confirm_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection advance_pay_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pay_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection shipping_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection cancel_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection sale_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection adjust_count
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_goods_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection pur_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection creator_uid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection updator_uid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection order_address_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection address_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection address_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection consignee
* @property Grid\Column|Collection email
* @property Grid\Column|Collection token
* @property Grid\Column|Collection zipcode
* @property Grid\Column|Collection phone
* @property Grid\Column|Collection country
* @property Grid\Column|Collection first_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection last_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection address_line1
* @property Grid\Column|Collection address_line2
* @property Grid\Column|Collection province
* @property Grid\Column|Collection city
* @property Grid\Column|Collection postal_code
* @property Grid\Column|Collection detail_address
* @property Grid\Column|Collection rec_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection supplier_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_id
* @property Grid\Column|Collection supplier_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_type
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_number
* @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_time
* @property Grid\Column|Collection canal
* @property Grid\Column|Collection initial_price
* @property Grid\Column|Collection purchase_uid
* @property Grid\Column|Collection contract_remark
* @property Grid\Column|Collection tax_rate
* @property Grid\Column|Collection token
* @property Grid\Column|Collection is_default
* @property Grid\Column|Collection email_verified_at
* @property Grid\Column|Collection account_properties
* @property Grid\Column|Collection first_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection last_name
* @property Grid\Column|Collection created_time
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection type(string $label = null)
......@@ -71,7 +139,6 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Grid\Column|Collection http_method(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection http_path(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection role_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection value(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection username(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection password(string $label = null)
......@@ -82,22 +149,90 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Grid\Column|Collection payload(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection exception(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection failed_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sales_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection source(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection status(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_place(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection currency(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection remark(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection priority(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection user_types(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection processing_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection create_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection update_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection item_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_number(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection batch(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection create_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection migration(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection erp_order_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_source(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_pay_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection company_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection advance_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_remark(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pay_suffix(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection confirm_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection advance_pay_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pay_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection shipping_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection cancel_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection sale_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection adjust_count(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_goods_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection pur_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection creator_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection updator_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection order_address_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection address_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection address_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection consignee(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection email(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection token(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection zipcode(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection phone(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection country(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection first_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection last_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection address_line1(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection address_line2(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection province(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection city(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection postal_code(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection detail_address(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection rec_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection supplier_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection supplier_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_type(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_number(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_time(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection canal(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection initial_price(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection purchase_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection contract_remark(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection tax_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection token(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection is_default(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection email_verified_at(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection account_properties(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection first_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection last_name(string $label = null)
* @method Grid\Column|Collection created_time(string $label = null)
class Grid {}
class MiniGrid extends Grid {}
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection id
* @property Show\Field|Collection name
* @property Show\Field|Collection type
......@@ -117,7 +252,6 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Show\Field|Collection http_method
* @property Show\Field|Collection http_path
* @property Show\Field|Collection role_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection value
* @property Show\Field|Collection username
* @property Show\Field|Collection password
......@@ -128,17 +262,85 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @property Show\Field|Collection payload
* @property Show\Field|Collection exception
* @property Show\Field|Collection failed_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection sales_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_sn
* @property Show\Field|Collection source
* @property Show\Field|Collection status
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_place
* @property Show\Field|Collection currency
* @property Show\Field|Collection remark
* @property Show\Field|Collection priority
* @property Show\Field|Collection user_types
* @property Show\Field|Collection processing_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection create_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection update_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection item_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection brand_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection brand_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_number
* @property Show\Field|Collection batch
* @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection create_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection migration
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_sn
* @property Show\Field|Collection erp_order_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_source
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_pay_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection company_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection advance_amount
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_remark
* @property Show\Field|Collection pay_suffix
* @property Show\Field|Collection confirm_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection advance_pay_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection pay_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection shipping_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection cancel_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection sale_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection adjust_count
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_goods_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection pur_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection creator_uid
* @property Show\Field|Collection updator_uid
* @property Show\Field|Collection order_address_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection address_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection address_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection consignee
* @property Show\Field|Collection email
* @property Show\Field|Collection token
* @property Show\Field|Collection zipcode
* @property Show\Field|Collection phone
* @property Show\Field|Collection country
* @property Show\Field|Collection first_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection last_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection address_line1
* @property Show\Field|Collection address_line2
* @property Show\Field|Collection province
* @property Show\Field|Collection city
* @property Show\Field|Collection postal_code
* @property Show\Field|Collection detail_address
* @property Show\Field|Collection rec_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection supplier_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_id
* @property Show\Field|Collection supplier_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_type
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_number
* @property Show\Field|Collection goods_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_time
* @property Show\Field|Collection canal
* @property Show\Field|Collection initial_price
* @property Show\Field|Collection purchase_uid
* @property Show\Field|Collection contract_remark
* @property Show\Field|Collection tax_rate
* @property Show\Field|Collection token
* @property Show\Field|Collection is_default
* @property Show\Field|Collection email_verified_at
* @property Show\Field|Collection account_properties
* @property Show\Field|Collection first_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection last_name
* @property Show\Field|Collection created_time
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection type(string $label = null)
......@@ -158,7 +360,6 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Show\Field|Collection http_method(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection http_path(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection role_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection value(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection username(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection password(string $label = null)
......@@ -169,16 +370,83 @@ namespace Dcat\Admin {
* @method Show\Field|Collection payload(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection exception(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection failed_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection sales_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection source(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection status(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_place(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection currency(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection remark(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection priority(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection user_types(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection processing_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection create_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection update_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection item_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_number(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection batch(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection create_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection migration(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_sn(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection erp_order_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_source(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_pay_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection company_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection advance_amount(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_remark(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pay_suffix(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection confirm_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection advance_pay_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pay_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection shipping_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection cancel_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection sale_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection adjust_count(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_goods_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection pur_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection creator_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection updator_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection order_address_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection address_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection address_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection consignee(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection email(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection token(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection zipcode(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection phone(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection country(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection first_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection last_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection address_line1(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection address_line2(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection province(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection city(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection postal_code(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection detail_address(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection rec_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection supplier_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_id(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection supplier_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_type(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_number(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection goods_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_time(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection canal(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection initial_price(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection purchase_uid(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection contract_remark(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection tax_rate(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection token(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection is_default(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection email_verified_at(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection account_properties(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection first_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection last_name(string $label = null)
* @method Show\Field|Collection created_time(string $label = null)
class Show {}
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