<?php /** * A helper file for Dcat Admin, to provide autocomplete information to your IDE * * This file should not be included in your code, only analyzed by your IDE! * * @author jqh <841324345@qq.com> */ namespace Dcat\Admin { use Illuminate\Support\Collection; /** * @property Grid\Column|Collection user_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection id * @property Grid\Column|Collection name * @property Grid\Column|Collection type * @property Grid\Column|Collection version * @property Grid\Column|Collection detail * @property Grid\Column|Collection created_at * @property Grid\Column|Collection updated_at * @property Grid\Column|Collection is_enabled * @property Grid\Column|Collection parent_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection order * @property Grid\Column|Collection icon * @property Grid\Column|Collection uri * @property Grid\Column|Collection extension * @property Grid\Column|Collection permission_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection menu_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection slug * @property Grid\Column|Collection http_method * @property Grid\Column|Collection http_path * @property Grid\Column|Collection role_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection value * @property Grid\Column|Collection username * @property Grid\Column|Collection password * @property Grid\Column|Collection avatar * @property Grid\Column|Collection remember_token * @property Grid\Column|Collection cart_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection brand_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection brand_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection supplier_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection supplier_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection buy_number * @property Grid\Column|Collection buy_price * @property Grid\Column|Collection status * @property Grid\Column|Collection currency * @property Grid\Column|Collection remarks * @property Grid\Column|Collection raw_goods_sn * @property Grid\Column|Collection raw_goods_packing * @property Grid\Column|Collection raw_brand_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection create_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection update_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection iso3 * @property Grid\Column|Collection numeric_code * @property Grid\Column|Collection iso2 * @property Grid\Column|Collection phonecode * @property Grid\Column|Collection capital * @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection currency_symbol * @property Grid\Column|Collection tld * @property Grid\Column|Collection native * @property Grid\Column|Collection region * @property Grid\Column|Collection subregion * @property Grid\Column|Collection timezones * @property Grid\Column|Collection translations * @property Grid\Column|Collection latitude * @property Grid\Column|Collection longitude * @property Grid\Column|Collection emoji * @property Grid\Column|Collection emojiU * @property Grid\Column|Collection flag * @property Grid\Column|Collection wikiDataId * @property Grid\Column|Collection connection * @property Grid\Column|Collection queue * @property Grid\Column|Collection payload * @property Grid\Column|Collection exception * @property Grid\Column|Collection failed_at * @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection sales_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_sn * @property Grid\Column|Collection source * @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_place * @property Grid\Column|Collection remark * @property Grid\Column|Collection priority * @property Grid\Column|Collection user_types * @property Grid\Column|Collection processing_result * @property Grid\Column|Collection processing_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection item_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_number * @property Grid\Column|Collection batch * @property Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection create_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection migration * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_sn * @property Grid\Column|Collection erp_order_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_source * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_pay_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection company_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_amount * @property Grid\Column|Collection advance_amount * @property Grid\Column|Collection exchange_rate * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_remark * @property Grid\Column|Collection pay_suffix * @property Grid\Column|Collection confirm_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection advance_pay_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection pay_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection shipping_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection cancel_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection sale_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection sale_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection adjust_count * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_goods_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection pur_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection creator_uid * @property Grid\Column|Collection updator_uid * @property Grid\Column|Collection order_address_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection address_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection address_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection consignee * @property Grid\Column|Collection email * @property Grid\Column|Collection zipcode * @property Grid\Column|Collection phone * @property Grid\Column|Collection country * @property Grid\Column|Collection province * @property Grid\Column|Collection city * @property Grid\Column|Collection detail_address * @property Grid\Column|Collection rec_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection class_id2 * @property Grid\Column|Collection class_id2_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_number * @property Grid\Column|Collection goods_price * @property Grid\Column|Collection delivery_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection canal * @property Grid\Column|Collection initial_price * @property Grid\Column|Collection purchase_uid * @property Grid\Column|Collection contract_remark * @property Grid\Column|Collection tax_rate * @property Grid\Column|Collection discount_amount * @property Grid\Column|Collection other_amount * @property Grid\Column|Collection price_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection price * @property Grid\Column|Collection price_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection return_items_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection return_num * @property Grid\Column|Collection return_price * @property Grid\Column|Collection return_amount * @property Grid\Column|Collection token * @property Grid\Column|Collection post_code * @property Grid\Column|Collection is_default * @property Grid\Column|Collection last_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection first_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection user_sn * @property Grid\Column|Collection email_verified_at * @property Grid\Column|Collection account_properties * @property Grid\Column|Collection created_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection reg_source * @property Grid\Column|Collection config_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection config_title * @property Grid\Column|Collection config_schema * @property Grid\Column|Collection config_data * @property Grid\Column|Collection creater * @property Grid\Column|Collection writers * @property Grid\Column|Collection readers * @property Grid\Column|Collection ctime * @property Grid\Column|Collection mtime * @property Grid\Column|Collection last_author * @property Grid\Column|Collection configId * @property Grid\Column|Collection config * @property Grid\Column|Collection departmentId * @property Grid\Column|Collection parent * @property Grid\Column|Collection isVirtual * @property Grid\Column|Collection first * @property Grid\Column|Collection second * @property Grid\Column|Collection admins * @property Grid\Column|Collection favorite_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection data_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection data_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection data_args * @property Grid\Column|Collection channel_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection channel_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection sort_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection content * @property Grid\Column|Collection sort_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection ip_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection ip * @property Grid\Column|Collection module * @property Grid\Column|Collection action * @property Grid\Column|Collection base_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection tem_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection model_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection bcat_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection sort * @property Grid\Column|Collection class * @property Grid\Column|Collection url * @property Grid\Column|Collection images * @property Grid\Column|Collection active_words * @property Grid\Column|Collection open_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection close_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection window_open * @property Grid\Column|Collection mark_color * @property Grid\Column|Collection mark_bold * @property Grid\Column|Collection author * @property Grid\Column|Collection is_new * @property Grid\Column|Collection company_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection is_nofollow * @property Grid\Column|Collection bcat_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection tip * @property Grid\Column|Collection tags * @property Grid\Column|Collection cat_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection com_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection sample_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection logo_pc * @property Grid\Column|Collection logo_h5 * @property Grid\Column|Collection slogan * @property Grid\Column|Collection img_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection com_info_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection com_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection com_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection reg_capital * @property Grid\Column|Collection build_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection dev_center * @property Grid\Column|Collection manu_base * @property Grid\Column|Collection com_addr * @property Grid\Column|Collection com_desc * @property Grid\Column|Collection source_item * @property Grid\Column|Collection main_sql * @property Grid\Column|Collection template * @property Grid\Column|Collection create_user * @property Grid\Column|Collection update_user * @property Grid\Column|Collection flink_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection flink_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection fcat_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection fcat_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection fcat_key * @property Grid\Column|Collection type_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection is_hot * @property Grid\Column|Collection special_words * @property Grid\Column|Collection hc_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection hccat_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection top_index * @property Grid\Column|Collection hccat_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection img * @property Grid\Column|Collection contact_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection linkman * @property Grid\Column|Collection qq * @property Grid\Column|Collection tel * @property Grid\Column|Collection wechat * @property Grid\Column|Collection wechat_qr * @property Grid\Column|Collection code_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection admin_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection ldb_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection local * @property Grid\Column|Collection mobile * @property Grid\Column|Collection num * @property Grid\Column|Collection end_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection model_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection model_key * @property Grid\Column|Collection nav_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection nav_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection icon_mark * @property Grid\Column|Collection com_sn * @property Grid\Column|Collection sample_sn * @property Grid\Column|Collection com_currency * @property Grid\Column|Collection create_uid * @property Grid\Column|Collection update_uid * @property Grid\Column|Collection update_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection page_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection pagecat_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection page_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection page_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection keyword * @property Grid\Column|Collection seo_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection pagecat_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection domain * @property Grid\Column|Collection page_key * @property Grid\Column|Collection section * @property Grid\Column|Collection set_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection set_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection set_key * @property Grid\Column|Collection set_val * @property Grid\Column|Collection shop_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection business_mode * @property Grid\Column|Collection product_superiority * @property Grid\Column|Collection label * @property Grid\Column|Collection label_switch * @property Grid\Column|Collection recommend * @property Grid\Column|Collection prom_url * @property Grid\Column|Collection main_brand * @property Grid\Column|Collection tem_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection ad_words * @property Grid\Column|Collection link_words * @property Grid\Column|Collection tag * @property Grid\Column|Collection is_hide * @property Grid\Column|Collection userId * @property Grid\Column|Collection isPartTime * @property Grid\Column|Collection bid * @property Grid\Column|Collection admin * @property Grid\Column|Collection auditerType * @property Grid\Column|Collection lastEditor * @property Grid\Column|Collection configs * @property Grid\Column|Collection auditId * @property Grid\Column|Collection begDate * @property Grid\Column|Collection endDate * @property Grid\Column|Collection roles * @property Grid\Column|Collection perms * @property Grid\Column|Collection roleId * @property Grid\Column|Collection last_login_time * @property Grid\Column|Collection last_login_ip * @property Grid\Column|Collection key * @property Grid\Column|Collection table_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection table_key * @property Grid\Column|Collection optype * @property Grid\Column|Collection new_content * @property Grid\Column|Collection old_content * @property Grid\Column|Collection dbname * @property Grid\Column|Collection tablename * @property Grid\Column|Collection passwd * @property Grid\Column|Collection host_type * @property Grid\Column|Collection port * @property Grid\Column|Collection host * @property Grid\Column|Collection keyfield * @property Grid\Column|Collection sortfield * @property Grid\Column|Collection groupfield * @property Grid\Column|Collection adv_config * @property Grid\Column|Collection sn * @property Grid\Column|Collection rname * @property Grid\Column|Collection slat * @property Grid\Column|Collection department_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection department_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection engName * @property Grid\Column|Collection code_sn * @property Grid\Column|Collection workNumber * @property Grid\Column|Collection gender * @property Grid\Column|Collection idCard * @property Grid\Column|Collection workAddr * @property Grid\Column|Collection fax * @property Grid\Column|Collection degree * @property Grid\Column|Collection schoole * @property Grid\Column|Collection dingtalk * @property Grid\Column|Collection address * @property Grid\Column|Collection abo * @property Grid\Column|Collection jobLevel * @property Grid\Column|Collection position_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection position_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection birthday * @property Grid\Column|Collection superior * @property Grid\Column|Collection unemployDate * @property Grid\Column|Collection entryDate * @property Grid\Column|Collection personSite * @property Grid\Column|Collection resume * @property Grid\Column|Collection introduction * @property Grid\Column|Collection emergencyPeople * @property Grid\Column|Collection emergencyPhone * @property Grid\Column|Collection wechat_unionid * @property Grid\Column|Collection skey * @property Grid\Column|Collection loginType * @property Grid\Column|Collection loginTime * @property Grid\Column|Collection expireTime * @property Grid\Column|Collection accessToken * @property Grid\Column|Collection loginIp * @property Grid\Column|Collection platform * @property Grid\Column|Collection device * @property Grid\Column|Collection guid * @property Grid\Column|Collection openId * @property Grid\Column|Collection accType * @property Grid\Column|Collection position_perm_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection business_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection role_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection user_role_id * @property Grid\Column|Collection user_role_name * @property Grid\Column|Collection role_perm_id * * @method Grid\Column|Collection user_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection version(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection detail(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection created_at(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection updated_at(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection is_enabled(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection parent_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection icon(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection uri(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection extension(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection permission_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection menu_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection slug(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection http_method(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection http_path(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection role_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection value(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection username(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection password(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection avatar(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection remember_token(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection cart_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection brand_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection brand_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection supplier_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection supplier_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection buy_number(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection buy_price(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection status(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection currency(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection remarks(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection raw_goods_sn(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection raw_goods_packing(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection raw_brand_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection create_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection update_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection iso3(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection numeric_code(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection iso2(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection phonecode(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection capital(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection currency_symbol(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tld(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection native(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection region(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection subregion(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection timezones(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection translations(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection latitude(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection longitude(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection emoji(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection emojiU(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection flag(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection wikiDataId(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection connection(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection queue(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection payload(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection exception(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection failed_at(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sales_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_sn(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection source(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_place(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection remark(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection priority(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection user_types(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection processing_result(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection processing_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection item_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_number(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection batch(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection inquiry_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection create_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection migration(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_sn(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection erp_order_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_source(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_pay_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection company_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_amount(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection advance_amount(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection exchange_rate(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_remark(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection pay_suffix(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection confirm_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection advance_pay_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection pay_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection shipping_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection cancel_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sale_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sale_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection adjust_count(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_goods_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection pur_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection creator_uid(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection updator_uid(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection order_address_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection address_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection address_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection consignee(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection email(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection zipcode(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection phone(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection country(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection province(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection city(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection detail_address(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection rec_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection class_id2(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection class_id2_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection standard_brand_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_number(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection goods_price(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection delivery_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection canal(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection initial_price(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection purchase_uid(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection contract_remark(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tax_rate(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection discount_amount(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection other_amount(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection price_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection price(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection price_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection return_items_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection return_num(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection return_price(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection return_amount(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection token(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection post_code(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection is_default(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection last_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection first_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection user_sn(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection email_verified_at(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection account_properties(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection created_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection reg_source(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection config_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection config_title(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection config_schema(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection config_data(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection creater(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection writers(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection readers(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection ctime(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection mtime(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection last_author(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection configId(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection config(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection departmentId(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection parent(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection isVirtual(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection first(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection second(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection admins(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection favorite_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection data_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection data_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection data_args(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection channel_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection channel_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sort_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection content(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sort_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection ip_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection ip(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection module(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection action(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection base_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tem_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection model_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection bcat_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sort(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection class(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection url(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection images(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection active_words(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection open_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection close_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection window_open(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection mark_color(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection mark_bold(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection author(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection is_new(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection company_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection is_nofollow(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection bcat_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tip(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tags(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection cat_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection com_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sample_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection logo_pc(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection logo_h5(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection slogan(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection img_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection com_info_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection com_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection com_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection reg_capital(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection build_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection dev_center(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection manu_base(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection com_addr(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection com_desc(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection source_item(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection main_sql(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection template(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection create_user(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection update_user(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection flink_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection flink_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection fcat_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection fcat_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection fcat_key(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection type_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection is_hot(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection special_words(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection hc_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection hccat_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection top_index(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection hccat_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection img(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection contact_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection linkman(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection qq(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tel(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection wechat(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection wechat_qr(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection code_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection admin_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection ldb_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection local(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection mobile(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection num(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection end_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection model_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection model_key(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection nav_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection nav_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection icon_mark(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection com_sn(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sample_sn(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection com_currency(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection create_uid(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection update_uid(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection update_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection page_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection pagecat_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection page_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection page_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection keyword(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection seo_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection pagecat_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection domain(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection page_key(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection section(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection set_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection set_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection set_key(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection set_val(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection shop_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection business_mode(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection product_superiority(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection label(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection label_switch(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection recommend(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection prom_url(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection main_brand(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tem_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection ad_words(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection link_words(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tag(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection is_hide(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection userId(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection isPartTime(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection bid(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection admin(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection auditerType(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection lastEditor(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection configs(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection auditId(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection begDate(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection endDate(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection roles(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection perms(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection roleId(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection last_login_time(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection last_login_ip(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection key(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection table_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection table_key(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection optype(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection new_content(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection old_content(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection dbname(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection tablename(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection passwd(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection host_type(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection port(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection host(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection keyfield(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sortfield(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection groupfield(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection adv_config(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection sn(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection rname(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection slat(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection department_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection department_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection engName(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection code_sn(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection workNumber(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection gender(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection idCard(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection workAddr(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection fax(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection degree(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection schoole(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection dingtalk(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection address(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection abo(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection jobLevel(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection position_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection position_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection birthday(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection superior(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection unemployDate(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection entryDate(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection personSite(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection resume(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection introduction(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection emergencyPeople(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection emergencyPhone(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection wechat_unionid(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection skey(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection loginType(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection loginTime(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection expireTime(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection accessToken(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection loginIp(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection platform(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection device(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection guid(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection openId(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection accType(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection position_perm_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection business_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection role_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection user_role_id(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection user_role_name(string $label = null) * @method Grid\Column|Collection role_perm_id(string $label = null) */ class Grid {} class MiniGrid extends Grid {} /** * @property Show\Field|Collection user_id * @property Show\Field|Collection id * @property Show\Field|Collection name * @property Show\Field|Collection type * @property Show\Field|Collection version * @property Show\Field|Collection detail * @property Show\Field|Collection created_at * @property Show\Field|Collection updated_at * @property Show\Field|Collection is_enabled * @property Show\Field|Collection parent_id * @property Show\Field|Collection order * @property Show\Field|Collection icon * @property Show\Field|Collection uri * @property Show\Field|Collection extension * @property Show\Field|Collection permission_id * @property Show\Field|Collection menu_id * @property Show\Field|Collection slug * @property Show\Field|Collection http_method * @property Show\Field|Collection http_path * @property Show\Field|Collection role_id * @property Show\Field|Collection value * @property Show\Field|Collection username * @property Show\Field|Collection password * @property Show\Field|Collection avatar * @property Show\Field|Collection remember_token * @property Show\Field|Collection cart_id * @property Show\Field|Collection goods_id * @property Show\Field|Collection goods_name * @property Show\Field|Collection brand_id * @property Show\Field|Collection brand_name * @property Show\Field|Collection supplier_id * @property Show\Field|Collection supplier_name * @property Show\Field|Collection buy_number * @property Show\Field|Collection buy_price * @property Show\Field|Collection status * @property Show\Field|Collection currency * @property Show\Field|Collection remarks * @property Show\Field|Collection raw_goods_sn * @property Show\Field|Collection raw_goods_packing * @property Show\Field|Collection raw_brand_name * @property Show\Field|Collection create_time * @property Show\Field|Collection update_time * @property Show\Field|Collection iso3 * @property Show\Field|Collection numeric_code * @property Show\Field|Collection iso2 * @property Show\Field|Collection phonecode * @property Show\Field|Collection capital * @property Show\Field|Collection currency_name * @property Show\Field|Collection currency_symbol * @property Show\Field|Collection tld * @property Show\Field|Collection native * @property Show\Field|Collection region * @property Show\Field|Collection subregion * @property Show\Field|Collection timezones * @property Show\Field|Collection translations * @property Show\Field|Collection latitude * @property Show\Field|Collection longitude * @property Show\Field|Collection emoji * @property Show\Field|Collection emojiU * @property Show\Field|Collection flag * @property Show\Field|Collection wikiDataId * @property Show\Field|Collection connection * @property Show\Field|Collection queue * @property Show\Field|Collection payload * @property Show\Field|Collection exception * @property Show\Field|Collection failed_at * @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_id * @property Show\Field|Collection sales_id * @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_sn * @property Show\Field|Collection source * @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_place * @property Show\Field|Collection remark * @property Show\Field|Collection priority * @property Show\Field|Collection user_types * @property Show\Field|Collection processing_result * @property Show\Field|Collection processing_time * @property Show\Field|Collection item_id * @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_number * @property Show\Field|Collection batch * @property Show\Field|Collection inquiry_type * @property Show\Field|Collection create_name * @property Show\Field|Collection migration * @property Show\Field|Collection order_id * @property Show\Field|Collection order_sn * @property Show\Field|Collection erp_order_id * @property Show\Field|Collection order_type * @property Show\Field|Collection order_source * @property Show\Field|Collection order_pay_type * @property Show\Field|Collection company_name * @property Show\Field|Collection order_amount * @property Show\Field|Collection advance_amount * @property Show\Field|Collection exchange_rate * @property Show\Field|Collection order_remark * @property Show\Field|Collection pay_suffix * @property Show\Field|Collection confirm_time * @property Show\Field|Collection advance_pay_time * @property Show\Field|Collection pay_time * @property Show\Field|Collection shipping_time * @property Show\Field|Collection cancel_time * @property Show\Field|Collection sale_id * @property Show\Field|Collection sale_name * @property Show\Field|Collection adjust_count * @property Show\Field|Collection order_goods_type * @property Show\Field|Collection pur_time * @property Show\Field|Collection creator_uid * @property Show\Field|Collection updator_uid * @property Show\Field|Collection order_address_id * @property Show\Field|Collection address_id * @property Show\Field|Collection address_type * @property Show\Field|Collection consignee * @property Show\Field|Collection email * @property Show\Field|Collection zipcode * @property Show\Field|Collection phone * @property Show\Field|Collection country * @property Show\Field|Collection province * @property Show\Field|Collection city * @property Show\Field|Collection detail_address * @property Show\Field|Collection rec_id * @property Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_id * @property Show\Field|Collection class_id2 * @property Show\Field|Collection class_id2_name * @property Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_name * @property Show\Field|Collection goods_type * @property Show\Field|Collection goods_number * @property Show\Field|Collection goods_price * @property Show\Field|Collection delivery_time * @property Show\Field|Collection canal * @property Show\Field|Collection initial_price * @property Show\Field|Collection purchase_uid * @property Show\Field|Collection contract_remark * @property Show\Field|Collection tax_rate * @property Show\Field|Collection discount_amount * @property Show\Field|Collection other_amount * @property Show\Field|Collection price_id * @property Show\Field|Collection price * @property Show\Field|Collection price_type * @property Show\Field|Collection return_items_id * @property Show\Field|Collection return_num * @property Show\Field|Collection return_price * @property Show\Field|Collection return_amount * @property Show\Field|Collection token * @property Show\Field|Collection post_code * @property Show\Field|Collection is_default * @property Show\Field|Collection last_name * @property Show\Field|Collection first_name * @property Show\Field|Collection user_sn * @property Show\Field|Collection email_verified_at * @property Show\Field|Collection account_properties * @property Show\Field|Collection created_time * @property Show\Field|Collection reg_source * @property Show\Field|Collection config_id * @property Show\Field|Collection config_title * @property Show\Field|Collection config_schema * @property Show\Field|Collection config_data * @property Show\Field|Collection creater * @property Show\Field|Collection writers * @property Show\Field|Collection readers * @property Show\Field|Collection ctime * @property Show\Field|Collection mtime * @property Show\Field|Collection last_author * @property Show\Field|Collection configId * @property Show\Field|Collection config * @property Show\Field|Collection departmentId * @property Show\Field|Collection parent * @property Show\Field|Collection isVirtual * @property Show\Field|Collection first * @property Show\Field|Collection second * @property Show\Field|Collection admins * @property Show\Field|Collection favorite_id * @property Show\Field|Collection data_type * @property Show\Field|Collection data_id * @property Show\Field|Collection data_args * @property Show\Field|Collection channel_id * @property Show\Field|Collection channel_name * @property Show\Field|Collection sort_id * @property Show\Field|Collection content * @property Show\Field|Collection sort_name * @property Show\Field|Collection ip_id * @property Show\Field|Collection ip * @property Show\Field|Collection module * @property Show\Field|Collection action * @property Show\Field|Collection base_id * @property Show\Field|Collection tem_id * @property Show\Field|Collection model_id * @property Show\Field|Collection bcat_id * @property Show\Field|Collection sort * @property Show\Field|Collection class * @property Show\Field|Collection url * @property Show\Field|Collection images * @property Show\Field|Collection active_words * @property Show\Field|Collection open_time * @property Show\Field|Collection close_time * @property Show\Field|Collection window_open * @property Show\Field|Collection mark_color * @property Show\Field|Collection mark_bold * @property Show\Field|Collection author * @property Show\Field|Collection is_new * @property Show\Field|Collection company_id * @property Show\Field|Collection is_nofollow * @property Show\Field|Collection bcat_name * @property Show\Field|Collection tip * @property Show\Field|Collection tags * @property Show\Field|Collection cat_type * @property Show\Field|Collection com_id * @property Show\Field|Collection sample_name * @property Show\Field|Collection logo_pc * @property Show\Field|Collection logo_h5 * @property Show\Field|Collection slogan * @property Show\Field|Collection img_id * @property Show\Field|Collection com_info_id * @property Show\Field|Collection com_name * @property Show\Field|Collection com_type * @property Show\Field|Collection reg_capital * @property Show\Field|Collection build_time * @property Show\Field|Collection dev_center * @property Show\Field|Collection manu_base * @property Show\Field|Collection com_addr * @property Show\Field|Collection com_desc * @property Show\Field|Collection source_item * @property Show\Field|Collection main_sql * @property Show\Field|Collection template * @property Show\Field|Collection create_user * @property Show\Field|Collection update_user * @property Show\Field|Collection flink_id * @property Show\Field|Collection flink_name * @property Show\Field|Collection fcat_id * @property Show\Field|Collection fcat_name * @property Show\Field|Collection fcat_key * @property Show\Field|Collection type_id * @property Show\Field|Collection is_hot * @property Show\Field|Collection special_words * @property Show\Field|Collection hc_id * @property Show\Field|Collection hccat_id * @property Show\Field|Collection top_index * @property Show\Field|Collection hccat_name * @property Show\Field|Collection img * @property Show\Field|Collection contact_id * @property Show\Field|Collection linkman * @property Show\Field|Collection qq * @property Show\Field|Collection tel * @property Show\Field|Collection wechat * @property Show\Field|Collection wechat_qr * @property Show\Field|Collection code_id * @property Show\Field|Collection admin_id * @property Show\Field|Collection ldb_id * @property Show\Field|Collection local * @property Show\Field|Collection mobile * @property Show\Field|Collection num * @property Show\Field|Collection end_time * @property Show\Field|Collection model_name * @property Show\Field|Collection model_key * @property Show\Field|Collection nav_id * @property Show\Field|Collection nav_name * @property Show\Field|Collection icon_mark * @property Show\Field|Collection com_sn * @property Show\Field|Collection sample_sn * @property Show\Field|Collection com_currency * @property Show\Field|Collection create_uid * @property Show\Field|Collection update_uid * @property Show\Field|Collection update_name * @property Show\Field|Collection page_id * @property Show\Field|Collection pagecat_id * @property Show\Field|Collection page_name * @property Show\Field|Collection page_type * @property Show\Field|Collection keyword * @property Show\Field|Collection seo_id * @property Show\Field|Collection pagecat_name * @property Show\Field|Collection domain * @property Show\Field|Collection page_key * @property Show\Field|Collection section * @property Show\Field|Collection set_id * @property Show\Field|Collection set_name * @property Show\Field|Collection set_key * @property Show\Field|Collection set_val * @property Show\Field|Collection shop_id * @property Show\Field|Collection business_mode * @property Show\Field|Collection product_superiority * @property Show\Field|Collection label * @property Show\Field|Collection label_switch * @property Show\Field|Collection recommend * @property Show\Field|Collection prom_url * @property Show\Field|Collection main_brand * @property Show\Field|Collection tem_name * @property Show\Field|Collection ad_words * @property Show\Field|Collection link_words * @property Show\Field|Collection tag * @property Show\Field|Collection is_hide * @property Show\Field|Collection userId * @property Show\Field|Collection isPartTime * @property Show\Field|Collection bid * @property Show\Field|Collection admin * @property Show\Field|Collection auditerType * @property Show\Field|Collection lastEditor * @property Show\Field|Collection configs * @property Show\Field|Collection auditId * @property Show\Field|Collection begDate * @property Show\Field|Collection endDate * @property Show\Field|Collection roles * @property Show\Field|Collection perms * @property Show\Field|Collection roleId * @property Show\Field|Collection last_login_time * @property Show\Field|Collection last_login_ip * @property Show\Field|Collection key * @property Show\Field|Collection table_id * @property Show\Field|Collection table_key * @property Show\Field|Collection optype * @property Show\Field|Collection new_content * @property Show\Field|Collection old_content * @property Show\Field|Collection dbname * @property Show\Field|Collection tablename * @property Show\Field|Collection passwd * @property Show\Field|Collection host_type * @property Show\Field|Collection port * @property Show\Field|Collection host * @property Show\Field|Collection keyfield * @property Show\Field|Collection sortfield * @property Show\Field|Collection groupfield * @property Show\Field|Collection adv_config * @property Show\Field|Collection sn * @property Show\Field|Collection rname * @property Show\Field|Collection slat * @property Show\Field|Collection department_id * @property Show\Field|Collection department_name * @property Show\Field|Collection engName * @property Show\Field|Collection code_sn * @property Show\Field|Collection workNumber * @property Show\Field|Collection gender * @property Show\Field|Collection idCard * @property Show\Field|Collection workAddr * @property Show\Field|Collection fax * @property Show\Field|Collection degree * @property Show\Field|Collection schoole * @property Show\Field|Collection dingtalk * @property Show\Field|Collection address * @property Show\Field|Collection abo * @property Show\Field|Collection jobLevel * @property Show\Field|Collection position_id * @property Show\Field|Collection position_name * @property Show\Field|Collection birthday * @property Show\Field|Collection superior * @property Show\Field|Collection unemployDate * @property Show\Field|Collection entryDate * @property Show\Field|Collection personSite * @property Show\Field|Collection resume * @property Show\Field|Collection introduction * @property Show\Field|Collection emergencyPeople * @property Show\Field|Collection emergencyPhone * @property Show\Field|Collection wechat_unionid * @property Show\Field|Collection skey * @property Show\Field|Collection loginType * @property Show\Field|Collection loginTime * @property Show\Field|Collection expireTime * @property Show\Field|Collection accessToken * @property Show\Field|Collection loginIp * @property Show\Field|Collection platform * @property Show\Field|Collection device * @property Show\Field|Collection guid * @property Show\Field|Collection openId * @property Show\Field|Collection accType * @property Show\Field|Collection position_perm_id * @property Show\Field|Collection business_name * @property Show\Field|Collection role_name * @property Show\Field|Collection user_role_id * @property Show\Field|Collection user_role_name * @property Show\Field|Collection role_perm_id * * @method Show\Field|Collection user_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection version(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection detail(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection created_at(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection updated_at(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection is_enabled(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection parent_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection icon(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection uri(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection extension(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection permission_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection menu_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection slug(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection http_method(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection http_path(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection role_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection value(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection username(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection password(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection avatar(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection remember_token(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection cart_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection goods_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection goods_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection brand_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection brand_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection supplier_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection supplier_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection buy_number(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection buy_price(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection status(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection currency(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection remarks(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection raw_goods_sn(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection raw_goods_packing(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection raw_brand_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection create_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection update_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection iso3(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection numeric_code(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection iso2(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection phonecode(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection capital(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection currency_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection currency_symbol(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tld(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection native(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection region(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection subregion(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection timezones(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection translations(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection latitude(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection longitude(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection emoji(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection emojiU(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection flag(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection wikiDataId(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection connection(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection queue(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection payload(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection exception(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection failed_at(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sales_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_sn(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection source(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_place(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection remark(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection priority(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection user_types(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection processing_result(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection processing_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection item_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_number(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection batch(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection inquiry_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection create_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection migration(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_sn(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection erp_order_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_source(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_pay_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection company_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_amount(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection advance_amount(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection exchange_rate(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_remark(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection pay_suffix(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection confirm_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection advance_pay_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection pay_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection shipping_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection cancel_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sale_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sale_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection adjust_count(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_goods_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection pur_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection creator_uid(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection updator_uid(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection order_address_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection address_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection address_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection consignee(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection email(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection zipcode(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection phone(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection country(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection province(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection city(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection detail_address(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection rec_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection class_id2(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection class_id2_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection standard_brand_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection goods_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection goods_number(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection goods_price(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection delivery_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection canal(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection initial_price(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection purchase_uid(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection contract_remark(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tax_rate(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection discount_amount(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection other_amount(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection price_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection price(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection price_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection return_items_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection return_num(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection return_price(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection return_amount(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection token(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection post_code(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection is_default(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection last_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection first_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection user_sn(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection email_verified_at(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection account_properties(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection created_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection reg_source(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection config_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection config_title(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection config_schema(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection config_data(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection creater(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection writers(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection readers(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection ctime(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection mtime(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection last_author(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection configId(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection config(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection departmentId(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection parent(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection isVirtual(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection first(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection second(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection admins(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection favorite_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection data_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection data_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection data_args(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection channel_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection channel_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sort_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection content(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sort_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection ip_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection ip(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection module(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection action(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection base_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tem_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection model_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection bcat_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sort(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection class(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection url(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection images(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection active_words(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection open_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection close_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection window_open(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection mark_color(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection mark_bold(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection author(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection is_new(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection company_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection is_nofollow(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection bcat_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tip(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tags(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection cat_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection com_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sample_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection logo_pc(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection logo_h5(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection slogan(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection img_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection com_info_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection com_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection com_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection reg_capital(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection build_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection dev_center(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection manu_base(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection com_addr(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection com_desc(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection source_item(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection main_sql(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection template(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection create_user(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection update_user(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection flink_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection flink_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection fcat_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection fcat_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection fcat_key(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection type_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection is_hot(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection special_words(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection hc_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection hccat_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection top_index(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection hccat_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection img(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection contact_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection linkman(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection qq(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tel(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection wechat(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection wechat_qr(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection code_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection admin_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection ldb_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection local(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection mobile(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection num(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection end_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection model_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection model_key(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection nav_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection nav_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection icon_mark(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection com_sn(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sample_sn(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection com_currency(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection create_uid(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection update_uid(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection update_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection page_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection pagecat_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection page_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection page_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection keyword(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection seo_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection pagecat_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection domain(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection page_key(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection section(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection set_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection set_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection set_key(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection set_val(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection shop_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection business_mode(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection product_superiority(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection label(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection label_switch(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection recommend(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection prom_url(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection main_brand(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tem_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection ad_words(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection link_words(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tag(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection is_hide(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection userId(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection isPartTime(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection bid(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection admin(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection auditerType(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection lastEditor(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection configs(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection auditId(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection begDate(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection endDate(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection roles(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection perms(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection roleId(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection last_login_time(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection last_login_ip(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection key(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection table_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection table_key(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection optype(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection new_content(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection old_content(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection dbname(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection tablename(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection passwd(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection host_type(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection port(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection host(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection keyfield(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sortfield(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection groupfield(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection adv_config(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection sn(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection rname(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection slat(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection department_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection department_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection engName(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection code_sn(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection workNumber(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection gender(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection idCard(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection workAddr(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection fax(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection degree(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection schoole(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection dingtalk(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection address(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection abo(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection jobLevel(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection position_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection position_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection birthday(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection superior(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection unemployDate(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection entryDate(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection personSite(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection resume(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection introduction(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection emergencyPeople(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection emergencyPhone(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection wechat_unionid(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection skey(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection loginType(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection loginTime(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection expireTime(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection accessToken(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection loginIp(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection platform(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection device(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection guid(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection openId(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection accType(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection position_perm_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection business_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection role_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection user_role_id(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection user_role_name(string $label = null) * @method Show\Field|Collection role_perm_id(string $label = null) */ class Show {} /** */ class Form {} } namespace Dcat\Admin\Grid { /** */ class Column {} /** */ class Filter {} } namespace Dcat\Admin\Show { /** * @method $this textarea(...$params) */ class Field {} }