Commit 36c78999 by 杨树贤


parent 53f3996b
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class AuthApiController extends Controller
$code = mt_rand(1000, 9999);
$redisKey = 'sem_email_code_' . $type . '_' . $email;
if (Redis::get($redisKey)) {
return $this->setError('A verification code has been sent. Please enter the code below to continue.' . config('app.debug') ? $code : '');
return $this->setError('A verification code has been sent. Please enter the code below to continue.' . (config('app.debug') ? $code : ''));
Redis::set($redisKey, $code);
Redis::expire($redisKey, 120);
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class AuthApiController extends Controller
return $this->setError('Email code send failed');
return $this->setSuccess('A verification code has been sent. Please enter the code below to continue. ' . config('app.debug') ? $code : '');
return $this->setSuccess('A verification code has been sent. Please enter the code below to continue. ' . (config('app.debug') ? $code : ''));
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